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Everything posted by Uilleam

  1. It looks as though the show is finally on the road, with little to stop it, bar something unforeseen, and exceedingly nasty, emerging from due diligence. There do not appear to be any other impediments, given the shareholdings of those apparently, now, in the 'sale' camp. Of course, it would be unsurprising to find Certifiable Public Accountants from the East End endeavouring to divert, delay, or even derail the process, on absolutely no grounds whatsoever, beyond malice, and madness. One of the few -the very few- things of which I am confident is that the new owners, and their consultants, and advisers, will treat any and all such attempts at intervention with the seriousness each deserves. However, if the deal falls, even at this late stage, and for whatever reason, we should be concerned about what would happen next. I don't mean merely that we should worry about the present custodians being forced to continue on the current road of travel, although it is at least arguable that that eventuality is significantly less than desirable. I mean that if some serious, heavy hitting, investors, sports investors, and sports business runners, can't make a proposal stick to the wall, what signal would this send out to 'the market' (if such exists)? Just how toxic, in economic/investment terms, would the Club become? That is a worry, and, thus, given the willingness to sell, investor fatigue, the unacceptable and unsustainable annual losses, the poor decisions on hiring and firing of players and staff, and the serial disasters on the field of play, I would suggest we are left with little option other than to back the takeover, and the new owners - and this irrespective of the many other concerns we may have. We have no control, and damned little influence, anyway. What's Joe Montana up to, these days?
  2. A penalty kick and a straight red card, if it was Dujon Sterling (or whomever).
  3. I'm surprised they find them in the dressing room.
  4. Yes, I think so. Never going to get a decision like that, though.
  5. 21? Give him the keys to Ibrox
  6. Dessers! Goal machine! Who ever doubted his genius?
  7. So, @Scott7 is actually Andy Roxburgh? Well outed, Compo, well outed
  8. Largs, home of the SFA Coaching School? That Largs? Explains it. You were privy to great wisdom, which, to be fair, you have cherished.
  9. You know, you could be onto something
  10. Anybody checking betting patterns?
  11. We couldn't give it to Barry Ferguson? He was kicking every ball.
  12. He shouldn't worry - insufficient evidence for a conviction
  13. Get him doing porridge. (He's not the only one.)
  14. Plus ca change, plus ca meme fuckin' chose.... Ferguson Out!!!
  15. You assume that he picked the team, and not some stoner in the Bay Area
  16. He does not want to make a drama out of a crisis, clearly.
  17. I've met a few of them; I'll bet that you have, too.....
  18. Talked a good fight, I think. Casino habitue, where he met and got pally with the Fat Bastards' Fat Bastard, Ashley.
  19. We could argue the toss, the pros and cons, the benefits and disbenefits, the possibilities and probabilities, the certainties and risks, the positives and the negatives, our likings and aversions, and have these debates up every hill in San Francisco, and down again -on foot, on cable car, or in Bullitt's bloody Mustang- and the only things surer than guns are iron are 1. we would never reach a consensus 2. we would have no influence, whatsoever, over the disposal and acquisition of shares. The sales seem to be proceeding, with some expedition, and unless a. the saviours or the carpetbaggers -your call- cannot get agreements from current owners to purchase 51% of shares, or b. due diligence uncovers something so significant as to require that 'all bets are off', are likely to conclude in early Summer. Of course, I have discounted illegal activity from La Curva Fedele, or whomever - crimes such as blackmail, kidnap, or assassination. Buckle up, brothers. Lets hope we enjoy the ride.
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