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Uilleam last won the day on October 8

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  1. Because it doesn't need to.
  2. This drab sounds as amusing as frozen vomit on a Sunday morning sidewalk. Susie McBokeFace, then, sez I.
  3. A win on Sunday, and a few good performances, bringing good results, especially in the upcoming Europa ties, with a few goals on the way, and the Young Team may have to change its banner to - 'MAKING RANGERS GREAT AGAIN'
  4. Iggy Iggy Iggy Oi Oi Oi
  5. Clearly that is an Offensive Communication under the terms of the Act. Expect a chap on the the door, at a totally unreasonable hour.
  6. Mince; not prime quality Aberdeen Angus steak mince; not even middle of the road economising mince; but the sweepings from the butcher's floor mince.
  7. Big Ig.
  8. Okay, but when did you flounce out of the room?
  9. They rarely learn from experience.
  10. I've heard worse (I think, but I really can't remember when), and I suppose if you are a fan of Lavrentiy Shankland...
  11. Yeah, he could have a stroke, die, and leave the Club in the hands of a psychopathic Georgian.
  12. Another triumph, or disaster, and I incline to the latter, for
  13. Oh well. Hope nobody ventured a chunky bet on the proposition
  14. Don't shoot the messenger.... From our man on the rails Clement has left by mutual consent. Alex Rae will take interim charge for Nice and St Johnstone at the weekend. Mcinnes, Gerrard and Potter are rumoured to be the top 3 candidates for the job. Official statement on Clements departure expected around 6pm this evening
  15. We really need someone who can defeat the Romulans.
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