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  1. Wanyama was clearly playing basketball!!...how any one can say it was harsh is beyond me???...As for the offside goal?.. it was tight in actual play,but he was offside when you look at the replay...which the Ref hasn't got.....But as is normal with Celtc,never defeated allways cheated!!
  2. If SC takeover the club...I do hope they put Guys who have Rangers interests at heart on the board/chairman??
  3. I am terrified this is going to be a stitch up by Craig Whyte
  4. Davy

    Boyd booking

    The Falkirk fans were taunting him with chants of '' you fat bastard'' and when he scored he lifted his shirt up to bare his midrift...Technically it was a booking, but a pathetic booking
  5. Davy

    Boyd booking

    Absolute shocking!!....This ruling they have is a joke FFS!!He only lifted his shirt up to his midrift
  6. Me too... I was hoping for a Spanish club
  7. In the early 70's I went to Pittodrie for the first time...After the match I got separated from my mates...Back then our supporters bus stayed till Sunday afternoon...We had digs in George St...I didn't know how to get back to the digs and I walked into a crowd of sheep fans and got a helluva kicking....I was ok just bruises and and a shiner of an eye......I have hated them with a passion since then
  8. Apparently �£9 million a year
  9. Not just crazy!!!....Its obscene and sick in todays economic climate.
  10. Man Utd have accepted an �£80 mllion bid from Real Madrid http://www.manutd.com/default.sps?pagegid=%7BF9E570E6%2D407E%2D44BC%2D800F%2D4A3110258114%7D&newsid=6634291
  11. :rfc::rfc: WATP!!!!:
  12. I attended the ECWCF in 1972 in Barcelona...I dunno why!!, but last year was more exciting for me..I will never forget the roller coaster journey to Manchester ....Maybe i'm more mature now to appreciate it.
  13. I will say to my dying breath...If it was Joe Bloggs or A.N Other from Brigadoon Utd .....This would have blown over a long time ago and they would have been still playing for their country.
  14. Iv'e been saying for ages now....If he was called Boydio and and came from Spain/Italy/ect...we would be creaming ourselves
  15. Atrocious!!!!!....Why do they persist in silence when the tims sing the Liverpool anthem???.....They constantly pan the scum support..The first time they showed our fans was at half time when they showed Nacho & Pistol Pete...Then for about 10 secs in the second half they showed us....Also when the tims got into the penalty box Crokers voice went up an octave or two....Thank feck I don't subscribe!!
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