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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. This is fantastic. For the first time in years my son and his pals are talking about a Rangers signing they know of. They had heard of Kranjcar, but apparently he's not that good on Fifa 17 so they didn't rate him.
  2. Limeburner will be pleased about that ;-)
  3. Gaffer

    Carlos Pena

    I wasn't sure I would recognise trolling if it happened. I was wrong. You've been trolling with this for a few days now. Come on, there's no need for that. You can state your opinions without getting into this. You're better than that lb.
  4. Gaffer

    Carlos Pena

    No, and neither do Ozil or Costa or many of the other successful foreigners in England. But if limeburner wants only those who can speak the language, I think there are a few of the Scottish players who can't either. I don't get the attitude either but it just shows that there are some people who think we are better off by restricting the pool of players we have access to by insisting they speak English before they arrive. We've had many successful players in the past who knew very little English before they arrived, but learned while they were here. I'm just glad our manager has more vision than many of our supporters.
  5. How do you even get yourself motivated to get out of bed in the morning. Is everything doom and gloom? It'll be difficult, but why suggest we are out at the first hurdle now? It doesn't even make any sense on any level. Are you trolling or do you just want to bring a negative spin to everything?
  6. Gaffer

    Carlos Pena

    Ok, I misunderstood. I thought it was because he is Mexican. But what you're saying is, it's because he is foreign and doesn't speak the language. As long as he speaks PC's language we may be in with a chance though. The settling in point is a good one though and I hope he can bring a few friends over to help him do just that.
  7. Gaffer

    Carlos Pena

    It's not that you have an opinion limeburner. In fact, it's boring if we all thought the same. I'm just trying to understand why you have that opinion. You've given no justification or rationale. That's all I was asking.
  8. He definitely did talk about retiring but sometimes you just don't want to stop, so perhaps he's decided to give it a year or two more.
  9. Gaffer

    Carlos Pena

    Limeburner, it's like you're preparing us for a "told you so". It's too easy to take that position, and to refer to nothing substantial, other than the fact he is Mexican. I've read the posts you referenced and they only point to your problem with signing players form this particular country. Either acknowledge that it was poor language, or explain why. I'd really appreciate hearing an alternative view about these players, because at the moment I'm quite excited about it. Shouldn't I be? I've watched a lot of Mexican football and know a bit about these players so I'm surprised at your negativity. If Pena plays anywhere near his standard he will be player of the year in Scotland. The others we are being linked with are also exciting players, and my only problem is that I can't believe we stand a chance of signing them.
  10. What a player to share your birthday with. Have a great day, and many happy returns Ian.
  11. It appears my attempt at humour failed. I meant that anyone who wears the shirt this year is able to because they predicted Rangers would lose so many games. I'm not a comedian, clearly, so I'll avoid this type of remark in future. ;-) And for the avoidance of any doubt, I'd love to win it and wear it with pride. But as I said, until Rangers win 3-0 more often, I have no chance.
  12. Sorry BH, I thought it was. I love you guys and I'm just sad you don't feel the same way. ;-)
  13. So, let me get this straight. There's a polo shirt up for grabs for the winner, right?!? Does that mean that the winner of this polo shirt gets to walk around wearing something that advertises the fact that you've predicted Rangers to lose? Doesn't seem right to me. It might as well be green with white hoops. ;-)
  14. I'd never even give a goal to the opposition in my forecasts ..... but that's why I'm bottom of the league. I'm hoping next season will see more clean sheets and goals for us, meaning I actually have a chance.
  15. Gaffer

    Carlos Pena

    I've tried to catch up fully with this thread, but I appear to have missed a crucial step when limeburner says we shouldn't be signing a Mexican. Is there a reason for that? Apparently it's got nothing to do with anything other than the fact he's Mexican?!? We are Rangers. We are surely better than judging people based on their nationality. Did I miss a huge chunk of this debate, or is limeburner just having a bad game tonight? As for this player, there's no doubt about his class. I've seen him a few times and he's a classy, gifted midfielder. It's a pity to hear about his problems off the field. Sometimes these habits are created because of the influences around us, so if he escapes without his pals, there's a chance he can break this cycle. Although Gazza was awesome for us, he never managed to ditch 'Jimmy 5 B', and therefore continued his drinking habits in Glasgow. This could be a master stroke if we land this guy, and he's well worth the risk. He could be the fans' favourite if he plays anywhere near his potential.
  16. I'm new around here. I don't get this? Have I missed a useful loophole I can use to improve my score? What did you mean?
  17. As if anyone on here would do that. And surely it's negative points for compo each time he goes for a 2-0 win for the opposition? (Especially if that then happens)
  18. We are definitely NOT ignoring them. We talk about their writings too often on various forums. Our fans continue to buy their newspapers. That's the problem, they are getting exactly what they want from these stories. This is their oxygen. Deny them it by completely ignoring them. We really haven't done that yet. If we had, they'd be out of jobs by now.
  19. I do understand that Club 1872 doesn't ban anyone, but my point is that it's the only thing to do, other than cut off the oxygen to these parasites. We cut off the oxygen by ignoring them. The problem for us is that we have too many of our own supporters who continue to buy, read, and disseminate the nonsense they come up with. That's what Club 1872 could and should be pointing out. Let's stop buying the subscriptions and these people will die off. As for your point about the statement echoing what many fans think, I completely agree with you, and I think the same. However, releasing a statement like this only helps these parasites (I'll repeat that because it's what they are), and hurts us.
  20. I think a statement confirming that the support is right behind Pedro is fair enough. I think a statement highlighting the unreasonable criticism of PC is also understandable, although not necessary I think a statement which personalises this, and attacks these named individuals is ill advised. This feels as though we have dropped to the same low standards that we accuse them of. As I say, I can understand the frustration, but responding in this manner is not the answer. The answer is just to ban these people and then not to buy, or read, or retweet, or like, anything they write. This has done nothing other than provide further fuel to their fire. I suspect the Rangers board has been given similar advice and hence their reason for keeping quiet.
  21. As I said on the other thread, I think we sometimes look for a story when it's not there. It is tough being on the board of a company which is always under scrutiny by the media, customers, regulators/industry bodies, or all of the above. Maybe he just wanted his life back. You can't blame him. He deserves thanks for all his hard work though.
  22. It's tough being on the board. I imagine he just wanted his life back. I don't think it'll be anything more than that.
  23. Gaffer

    Report card

    That comment about the "magic hat was just a bread wrapper folded differently" was brilliant. It really made me laugh out loud. Nice one TB. :-)
  24. Receiving a doing from any team in Q3 would be a nice problem to have. I'd love to see us face most of those teams (i.e. The higher profile ones). As many of us have said, it'll be fantastic to get those Euro nights back. It's what many of us have missed the most over the past few years.
  25. Gaffer

    Report card

    That was a good read Davie P. The one thing I'd pick up on is your suggestion that most fans expected us to win the league. I certainly went into the season full of optimism, but even I didn't think we would win the league, and I'm surprised if many did. Even if we recruit very well in the summer, I still don't think we will win the league. For me, to win the league you need that strong winning mentality, which is established from winning games. Therefore I think this coming season is about us consolidating our position in second, and perhaps getting to a cup final or three. ;-)
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