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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. As PC said in his interview, only 4 of the new players will start this game. For that reason I think Frankie's initial line up might be quite accurate. At least we have a few options to change the game now, which is something we have been lacking previously.
  2. I understand what you mean, but then it's down to the interpretation by a ref. I think starting and stopping a stopwatch is a decent idea, and makes sure there is consistency in games. The amount of time wasting in games these days is ridiculous, and it does ruin games when one team uses this tactic for the whole game. There is however a logistical problem with this approach. Since there is no set finish time to a game (or even the end of first half and start of second half), I don't know how this will work. We might not necessarily agree with some of their ideas, but I'm delighted they are trying to improve this aspect of the game. I'd like cheating to be tackled seriously though. The authorities tinker around the edges, but I'd like serious punishments, either at the time or retrospectively, for divers, shirt pullers, and time wasters. Being suspended for a game or two is not punishment enough, and it does nothing to deal with this cancer in the game.
  3. He's obviously a top sportsman in NI, and I'd imagine he's held in high esteem there having played almost 100 times for the national team. There are too many others that get it for nothing, but he seems deserving.
  4. I would really have liked to see him playing the number 10 role because that's where he is most dangerous and he certainly has the skill and vision to create. It's just that it's such an important position to have someone that doesn't appear to be interested. In that role you need to want to be involved for most of the game. He's never given me that impression.
  5. I think McKay is a very skilful player, but he just doesn't seem to apply himself in games. He can be exceptional for 10-15 minutes and then disappear for an hour. He has so much potential but he's the type of player that drives me crazy. I don't know if he has an attitude problem, a confidence problem, or just a concentration problem, but either way he has a problem and it's such a shame that a talent like him can't be more consistent. If he was, he'd have the potential to be world class. As it stands, I wouldn't be too bothered about him staying or going.
  6. That's true about their match sharpness, but it's still going to be really tough. I don't care though. I just want to see those big teams back at Ibrox again. We are unlikely to progress, but I wouldn't care so much if we got Milan or Villarreal or Marseille. What an occasion that would be. I said on another thread a couple of weeks ago that my son and his friends are back to being interested in Rangers again. You can call that what you want, but kids (like many of us too) like to have something to shout about, and PC (with the support of the board) has given us all that again. It's no wonder the season tickets are selling so quickly.
  7. Well done Pedro, you managed to keep your true identity a secret all this time. You certainly fooled me with the Pete/Pedro name change ;-)
  8. Garner had plenty of opportunity to add bite to our attack and didn't. He's not strong enough to be a target man, and he's not quick enough to run the channels. Based on that, I have no idea where he could add value to a fast counter attacking team. I wish him the best, but I will be not be sad to see him go.
  9. That's funny. It just shows how differently people think, and especially what people see when they look at the same photo.
  10. We have just signed an exciting new young striker and someone manages to get a photo of it. Most of us are just enjoying the sight of seeing him, but I knew you'd find the cloud for this silver lining. You are funny.
  11. I think you've misunderstood. He was suggesting that he's excited at the prospect of him being as good as Falcao.
  12. Please don't be teasing us with this one! If we pull this off, ........
  13. On your first point TB, I completely agree that it would be a major risk to sell out to the non Rangers supporting money men, and could spell the end of our club. The second point you raise is the really disappointing aspect of Scottish football for me. We have 42 pro clubs, and yet very few of them have grasped the opportunity to develop young talent and sell it on. This would be a great business model and opportunity for many of the bottom 20+ clubs, but they just don't make the effort to change. When kids get to 17-19, the pathway is supposed to take them into these clubs, for those that are talented enough. This however just doesn't happen, and in my opinion most of the talents are going to the amateur and junior leagues instead, or dropping out of football altogether as they see their dreams fade. There's nothing wrong with playing football at amateur level, but they just don't get the quality or quantity of training sessions that would turn them into players suitable for the larger pro clubs. This is why we have so few young talents emerging in the pro game, and yet I see incredible talent every week in the various regional youth leagues. In many respects, youth development is a numbers game. If you train and play enough of them, you will eventually get a proportion that are good enough. Unfortunately there are very few that have the opportunity (due to the limited number of clubs that treat youth development seriously). I had originally been supportive of maintaining the 42 pro clubs, but since they've failed to help develop younger players, I don't see the point. That's tough on supporters of these smaller clubs, but if you have no place in the circle of life, you are dead. The SFA has created an excellent pathway programme, but if the smaller clubs do not support it by playing their part in signing and playing youth players, the SFA should stop helping to fund them. I'd much rather see that money being invested in our top clubs, and in the many excellent youth leagues around the country.
  14. It's exciting to be in the same competition with those clubs again. I'd especially enjoy seeing Milan, Lazio, Villarreal or the Turkish clubs back at Ibrox. What an atmosphere that would be.
  15. I really enjoyed reading about that and hadn't heard about any of that history of the road. It's always an education here on Gersnet.
  16. I'd love to know what happened with PLG. He brought in players who were the hottest affordable prospects at the time, and they should have been a hit for us. The talk at the time (unsubstantiated as far as I'm aware) was that there was enormous disruption from the beginning by McGregor, Boyd, and Ferguson. It was such a shame because it was an exciting time which went sour very quickly. If we get 4 of these players to perform for us we should be win a good place next season. As for Naismith, I wouldn't ever want him in a Rangers shirt or stadium (unless he was paying double price for his ticket) again.
  17. I think we all know the financial position within the club anyway. We know we have loans, but we also have been told that these loans will be exchanged for equity at the next available opportunity. In that regard there is no 'real' debt. I'd like to see the board press ahead with the necessary resolutions to allow for that debt for equity swap. I haven't heard anything more about that. Anyone else?
  18. I'm delighted to say for the first time in about 6 years .... we don't need any more defenders now. I do however wish the Pepe rumour could have run for a few more days as it was very entertaining.
  19. I agree. I imagine that PC is an attraction for some of these players, but getting Alves in was a master stroke. For so many of the Portuguese players, it will be a massive influence on their decision. Now if we can get Pena secured and a striker (Herrera?) we will be in a good place. As I've mentioned before in other threads, it is worrying to see the decline in the number of younger fans going to games. However, my son and his pals have a renewed enthusiasm for Rangers now that they recognise the players coming in. They know of Alves and Pena, and you can't underestimate the effect this has on their motivation to watch us rather than the EPL teams. We tend to think of Celtic, Aberdeen, etc being our competition, but it's not. My son (and others like him) will never support another Scottish team, but they do prefer to watch the EPL, etc and this is the danger to the future of our club. Bringing in these big name players is a risk, but a risk well worth taking. Well done PC, and well done to the board for hiring him and backing him.
  20. I don't know much about Dalcio, but Cardoso is an excellent signing. I can't believe we are signing players of this calibre again. Happy days!
  21. I said on another thread that I thought he was one of the best players in the Euros last summer and I was really surprised to find out he was in Qatar with his ability. I still can't see this one happening. Surely he is way out of our price range. Then again, I would have thought that signing Alves and Pena was out of reach for us too. We credited MW as being the one with the magic hat, but it looks like he's left it behind and now PC is pulling rabbits out of it.
  22. They will have, but I think it's a sensible thing to ask the fans about too. If for no other reason that to confirm that they are already focussed on the things we all want. Upgrading the toilets is long overdue.
  23. Gaffer

    Carlos Pena

    That chipped goal (shown around 6 minutes in the YouTube clip) is just class. Great touch and control.
  24. I think Weiss was one of the best players in the Euro championships last year. I just can't imagine us being able to afford him though. Would be amazing though.
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