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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. Excellent! I especially liked the quote about the balls we don't fight for. It reminded me of Al Pacino in Every other Sunday (I think that's what it's called anyway). His speech in that film was one of the best ever in my opinion.
  2. I take your point BH, but if the stewarding company failed to identify anyone (and then failed to do something with the support of the police), I'd like to think that there would be a reasonable amount of clawback of payment if the service was not provided adequately. I accept that may not be the case, but at the very least I'd be speaking with them about ensuring action is taken the next time. If not, what's the point in them being there? It can be intimidating to point out culprits, so just because I do it (and perhaps you do) doesn't mean we should judge or criticise others for not doing it. Personally, if given the chance I'd handcuff them, place them in a stockade and have 49999 bears throw the chicken/curry pies at them, and they're rock hard!
  3. Very interesting read Pete, but I would pick up two points. Firstly, I'd be surprised if anyone thinks PC has not improved us. For the first time in 3 seasons, we have a defence that gives us confidence. Wouldn't you agree? Secondly, I know we have been out of the European scene for some time, but we shouldn't perpetuate the same ignorance and lack of knowledge of these leagues as our pundits do. There are very few teams, if any, in European competitions that should ever be regarded as easy games. If that applies to any team, it should be us, so I'm not one for throwing stones from a glass house. Given the play I saw from us on Thursday's first half, I'd expect us to score goals, and I saw enough in that defence to suggest that we are capable of preventing many teams from scoring. Confident of a win? Yes! Easy game? No chance.
  4. I know Dalcio wasn't rated by many on here, but I'll put my neck on the line and say that I think he will develop into a great player for us this season. I just hope we've got a clause in his loan deal that allows us to buy him for a reasonable sum though.
  5. I agree. In fact, you could see the difference in the team when he went off. What we need is someone else who can shoulder the burden. Maybe Pena is the guy to do that but only time will tell. Funnily enough, I thought Weiss could be the key too. He was one of the best players at last year's Euros, but I doubt we'd be able to afford him now.
  6. Even before I read his response to your question, I would did not want him back. That reply to your reasonable question got me annoyed. He's always been too lazy to be my sort of player, and he certainly wouldn't fit into the team now anyway. Crouch on the other hand ..... I've always rated him very "highly", if you pardon the pun. ;-)
  7. I'd be very surprised if there is a single game where it's not reported when it happens. UEFA always have plenty of officials (including the many match officials) so it would be strange if they missed one. These incidents happens a lot, and UEFA are under strict contractual agreements with their sponsors and television broadcasters to maintain control of the game time. It's why these incidents have to be punished. Streakers don't cause anyone any harm (and in some cases many people enjoy them), but it's also another cause of delays in games so it's punished also.
  8. You are paranoid. Lots of clubs are cited. We broke the rules so we were cited. Let's leave paranoia to the other lot. They are better at it, and it doesn't suit us.
  9. That's funny, and I actually hope it's true. Let's face it, PC is mental (and strict) enough for us all to believe it. I hope he accepts suggestions too. I'd propose that we play simply the best into the opponents dressing room too. And perhaps also cover the opponents dressing room walls with pictures of all our trophies and trebles. Useful to remind them who the most successful club is.
  10. You can be like a dog with a bone sometimes BH. Sometimes you just need to learn to let things go. I hope I'm correct in saying that we are both old enough to have learned that lesson. ;-)
  11. It's ridiculous to suggest that someone has to die or be injured for it to be against the rules, or for it to deserve severe punishment. It's not UEFA that has lost the plot here, it's some people in our support. It was not a serious incident. It was stupid however. That's why we will receive a warning or a small fine. UEFA have a sense of perspective. Some on here don't.
  12. I agree with you Craig. The funny thing for me is how hypocritical some of our fans are. Some are saying "it's only throwing bits of paper", and yet ALL we have received is a citatation which is likely to result in a small fine or a warning. There may be someone equally from UEFA sat on a forum saying "ffs, it was only a citation". I do however think some people post on here for the attention, rather than it being their thoughtful opinion. I hope that's the case anyway. I can't wait to get back to the proper football chat. The next game can't come quickly enough. Will be interesting to see if he changes the striker position. As I said on the other thread, if we get someone who really wants to get into the box for crosses, we will score for fun and it should be a great season. Miller and Waghorn work hard, but they're not the finishers we need.
  13. I'm sure the board will pay the fine and apologise on behalf of its fans for this, and then move on. That's the right thing to do. I'm assuming this will be the end of such amazing displays during European matches now, which is a real shame. The time and effort that's gone into that display deserved much more appreciation from those fans, and they've let us all down. If the club does decide to give them (us) one more chance, I'll gladly sit in that section and take note of the seat numbers of any future culprits. In fact, give me enough sets of handcuffs and I'll arrest them all too. ;-)
  14. It's NOT my opinion. As I've said, UEFA set the rules and we didn't follow them. You obviously haven't been on here much if you think I sit on the fence as far as the manage is concerned. I have welcomed his appointment but that's irrelevant. As for when you insulted our opponents ...... pub team!?!? Do you read your own posts?
  15. It appears that your lack of respect for the game (in condoning the actions of these morons) extends to insulting our manager and our opponents. It's also interesting that you make reference to the war, because that was during a time when respect and honour was in greater supply than it is these days. Whether you think it's ok to do this or not is irrelevant. We are in a competition run by UEFA. They set the rules and we all know them. And just because other clubs break them, doesn't mean it's ok for us. We are Rangers, and we always had a sense of class about us as a club. King even made an attempt to have our fans behave, and that attempt failed. I feel sorry for the real fans and the board. We all had to watch on as these mindless idiots caused embarassment to our club, and threatened our freedom to watch our club in future European games. I thought it was incredible that we would have 'fans' doing this on our first game back after such a long time. I find it even more incredible that we have others who are now blaming UEFA, rather than condemning these morons.
  16. I don't think there was any need to have a go at BH here. He did say that he doesn't know much about the different groups, and why should he? I don't either and to be honest I've got no great need or desire to either. Being an expert on Rangers' fan groups maybe something you find important, but it's not to most fans I'd suspect. I don't care who acts like morons, or who carries or sings offensive slogans. Morons are morons. End of.
  17. I think UEFA are quite correct here. It's a game of football being watched by TV audiences from all over, and it's interrupted and delayed because of this nonsense. I'd be furious if I was one of the sponsors, and the TV companies that have purchased the rights are potentially missing out of TV advertising revenue. The morons who did it don't care though. They are either too drunk, or too stupid to understand the consequences of their actions. I thought it was a shame (but necessary) that King had to say what he did before the game about behaviour. These idiots just proved that they won't even listen to his warning so I hope he does everything he can to locate them and ban them. You could see Miller cleaning up and just looking at them in disbelief.
  18. I suppose the polar opposite views expressed in this thread just shows the challenge that Club 1872 has. How can they possibly keep all fans happy with these statements? Maybe the tone of their statement was balanced afterall.
  19. I was disappointed at the tone of this, but clearly they can't admit any serious guilt either so it's a tough one. These morons who threw the rubbish onto the pitch need to be identified and weeded out. There's no place for them in our support and we would be better off without them. Hopefully others around them can help the club identify them and ban them.
  20. I agree, and I'd be very disappointed if we swapped. I appreciate Dorrrans is a good player but Barjonas could be excellent and I'd hope we'd take the risk with him and try to develop him.
  21. Seriously?!? If you thought we were rubbish in the first half, I think you should just forget about watching Rangers completely because you'll always be disappointed. Maybe your post was made to solicit a response, or maybe it was your genuine opinion. Either way, I just don't understand you.
  22. The football in the first half was excellent, and unlike some of the others on here, I thought Dalcio looked really good. He was very aware of his defensive duties and filled in every time Wallace overlapped. I can't remember McKay ever making the effort to do this. Dalcio's awareness and movement is very good for a young(ish) player and I'd expect him to create chances in a more open game. His link up with Kranjcar in the first half created some wonderful moments. I can't see how anyone could have been anything other than highly impressed with the first half display, however once again we lacked someone who wanted to get into the box to score. Miller will not be in the first eleven this season. I just can't see a place for him despite his work rate. Jack, Holt and Rossiter look as if they are well drilled in the holding roles and were always looking to link the play between the defence and the attacking midfielders. We badly missed this last season. It may turn out that Jack was our most effective signing. I'm surprised at how much he has changed the dynamic of the game, especially in the transitions. Cardoso looked like he strolled through that game, and Bates looked a different player in terms of confidence. It will be interesting to see them play higher level opposition. Despite them both looking comfortable, we lacked a leader at the back to reorganise when Progres overloaded us, or when our players were out of position during a transition, but we know that it's Alves that will take control when he comes back so I wasn't too bothered about that. The second half was disappointing, although playing PC's style at that tempo will demand high levels of sharpness and fitness and clearly the players were struggling after 50/60 minutes so unsurprising that the performance dipped. I thoroughly enjoyed that first half performance though and had we scored some of those chances I'd have been delighted. If we keep playing like that, and have someone who desperately wants to get into the box for those crosses, we will do well this season. And dare I say it, if we play against teams who are more open, and don't put 11 men behind the ball, we could tear teams apart with PC's approach.
  23. Kranjcar and Dalcio look like they're going to link well. Some of their play together is great to watch.
  24. I wasn't too excited about Jack, but he looks solid in there and is always looking to take the ball from the defence or the wingers.
  25. The football so far has been brilliant. The movement off the ball is first class, and there are no words to describe Kranjcar's passing. Early stages of the game, but couldn't have started better.
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