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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. If true, that could be a good result for everyone, although I'm not really interested in any good deals for Hibs. Sounds plausible.
  2. It might be, but it could also be laziness. These guys have never had to work hard for any story. If there isn't one, they just make one up. We all know there are other stories that should be told, but they'd require some effort and I just don't they're up, to that. They will flog this one to death because then they don't have to think about what they're writing tomorrow. Maybe one day the bosses at BBC will realise that he can be replaced by an empty chair and no one would notice.
  3. But you want him to be a big success, right?
  4. The ONLY 'shock' I can imagine is if Wallace leaves. It'd certainly be a bit surprising if it was Rossiter or Miller, but one hasn't had many games, and the other is not highly rated by many fans so it wouldn't cause much of a ripple in my opinion. However, if the captain left, it would be a serious statement of intent that the board is backing this manager 100%.
  5. I wonder if there's an additional complaint to be made to the SPFL regarding their use of "unlawfully" in their statement.
  6. Thanks for posting these. It's something I'm particularly interested in and I appreciate you posting them for us. Cheers.
  7. I just received an email from Club 1872 about complaints they have made to the BBC and IPSO. I'm hoping someone else can post the text here for wider review but I'm very pleased with the way this organisation is operating. I've been very critical of Club 1872 in the past (and will no doubt have further issues in the future), but I think they're doing a great job on our behalf.
  8. If there's a guy sat on a beach somewhere with a pint in his hand as a result of that ..... cheers. If you're that stupid to have donated, there's no way you're going to own up to having 'invested'. And if you did, you deserve to be laughed at, not pitied. I've got a feeling that there will be many other chancers (possibly even in the legal profession) that will entice other fan groups to pay them to review these decisions. In the meantime we will continue to focus on our club until one day they wake up and wonder what happened, and how the hell we managed to get back to dominating the game here again. It's simple, it's all about the Rangers.
  9. I appreciate your concern, but our titles are safe and always have been. It just took this long to go through the charade. The hating will continue but it's a waste of their energy.
  10. I think there are many supporters who would share your view about going to another league. I think almost all supporters would agree with your assesssment of how many detractors we have. However, I would like us to get a different type of revenge and sit at the top of the league and continue to dominate football in this country. Can you imagine how that's going to feel for them? I would however support us joining another league based competition in addition to the SPL. That would help us to further develop and again accelerate away from the majority of other clubs in this country.
  11. My reading of the SPFL statement is that they are opening up a review into their overall governance so perhaps we should be ensuring that we 'insist' on certain things being included in the scope of that review. Perhaps our supporters' group, Club 1872, could meet with Doncaster about our concerns about the scope. Something tells me that this is going to open a can of worms that other clubs may not enjoy.
  12. It looked like it was a 4-2-3-1 again, with Miller playing on the left. I think Morelos is the backup for Herrera so unless he can play the wider positions, his opportunities in the starting 11 will be limited.
  13. It will continue for them, but not for us. It will however provide us with some ongoing entertainment as they squander more money on these idiotic actions. You'd like to think that the media could be trusted to provide a balanced view, but unfortunately they can't. Arrogant clowns like Tom English are so full of hatred and poison that they are unable to report the facts. Instead he uses words such as 'unlawful' and then foolishly stands by that term because his google search suggests he has used it wisely. We know he uses that word to imply illegal and indeed that is how the Oxford English Dictionary defines it. Both words are synonyms of the other. Had he really thought it was illegal, he would use that term, but he thinks he is being smart and above the law by suggesting it is merely unlawful. Maybe the experts he should consult are his legal experts so that they may better prepare for the inevitable legal challenge to their reporting of these matters. If however we give him the benefit of the doubt and allow him to claim that unlawful is applicable where an action is just not expressly permitted by law, then I'm quite happy with that. However, I don't see anything in law that expressly permits the use of twitter, or expressly permits the reporting of football related matters, or expressly permits the reading of anything he writes. Does that then mean that his role (paid for by us as 'tax' payers) is unlawful? Does it mean that we are being unlawful in reading his pathetic drivel? Answers on a postcard. I'd like to know from our legal experts on here. Is this semantics? It might be fun to consider what else is regarded as unlawful.
  14. I really hope these obsessed clowns do continue to focus on us. The longer they spend doing that, the less time they'll spend looking at what is going on at their own club. They're on the decline because they're too busy trying to keep us down. 55 will be the sweetest day in football. It may take us a little longer to get there, but can you imagine the reaction?!? What a day that'll be.
  15. Can someone at the BBC please just remove all keyboards or input devices from Chris and Tom? These guys are just constantly making fools of themselves. Rather than admitting to getting it wrong, or at least just shutting up about it now, they are digging themselves in deeper and it's embarrassing. I'm assuming they speak on behalf of the BBC. In which case it would be interesting to see how the BBC responds to legal action against them for this. I wouldn't normally bother about giving these clowns any oxygen, but enough is enough. How ironic/hypocritical it is to see the BBC breaking the law by claiming that another organisation has.
  16. Really good post John, although I agree that very little will be done to really address the root cause of this mess. What gives me concern is your point about this happening to other clubs. This can, and will happen again. Clubs are not being run prudently and that will only end up one way. To some extent I don't care about other clubs, but I wouldn't want 'that' to happen to other fans. When I look around the so-called richest league in the world, I see the potential for those clubs to disappear very quickly. If these rich owners suddenly become bored with their toy clubs, what happens to them? What happened if Sky hit financial problems? The whole league would implode. Closer to home, who can realistically step in to save the other Scottish clubs if they fall foul of financial problems and administration? Thankfully we had DK and the others who were able to save us, but we are the fortunate ones. Dundee United could yet disappear, and although I have a great deal of sympathy for the view that they deserve that, it would be to the detriment of Scottish football. Those fans would not suddenly become 'customers' of other clubs. Some may find their way to follow junior teams, but most would switch to their 'English team' or other foreign club. If something good is to come out of this, perhaps we should become good football citizens and lead action as a result of the review. We know more than most what the impact can be on a club and it's supporters. That makes us the ideal people to champion a real change in the rules, oversight, and governance of Scottish football. Maybe this is a role that Club 1872 could play on our behalf. I think this would further prove ourselves to be the classy club we all know we are and would do something to help the future of Scottish football by leading the way.
  17. It seems that Frankie has been causing problems for Chris McLaughlin at the BBC. I say problems because Frankie called the BBC out for their inaccurate reporting, to which Chris replied "Nonsense". Frankie has now tweeted "Is that so? Can you explain why you had to remove 'unlawful' from your coverage?". Frankie: You don't need me to tell you this, but don't hold your breath for a response to that one. It'll take him some time to come up with a valid response. Chris might be better booking a holiday and hoping that question is forgotten about when he returns.
  18. Hey Rab, if you think that one was bizarre, what about this one .... "I feel so let down by everyone. Can't even look at my wife the same after today." I'm now at the stage where I've got tears from laughing at them. Who thought the Celtic support could be so funny. Keep em coming bhoys.
  19. I've been reading some of the tweets too and to say they're hilarious is an understatement. I've been so frustrated at this title stripping nonsense for years, but today is the day we get to enjoy it. The quality and hysteria in some of the quotes from Kerrydale is first class. Everything from "7 or 8 people in my work have just walked out" to "Brendan must go". I need to get back to work but this is just too funny.
  20. I'd like to think we wouldn't. There's a class difference with our club, and that would bring us down to their level. I just want us to move on while the obsessed ones drown in their own poison.
  21. Did I just hear the final whistle on this "game"? So pleased this whole nonsense is over. Of course there will be a few clowns with nothing better to do with their time than to try to flog a dead horse, but this is now done and dusted. Looking forward to the new season.
  22. I'm assuming there would be no place in the team for Miller if Naismith joined. As I've said more than a few times, I'm a fan of Miller's work rate but not his positioning or touch. I presume he's only in the team until other signings are match fit. If Naismith joins, I can't see how Miller will get any games again. I wonder how he feels about that. Naismith is a good player, but I've not seen enough of him recently to suggest he's better than what we have for those positions. Anyone else seen him over the past year?
  23. I personally don't think you need to wear a poppy to show your gratitude. In fact for some people, it's an easy way out. All they do is make a small donation, wear a poppy, and their conscience is satisfied?!? It's not as simple as that. Everyone has a choice, and that's the way it should be. And don't presume that anyone that desont wear one lacks any appreciation for the sacrifice. Just because Tony Blair wore a poppy didn't make me think any more of him and his decisions which led to more lives lost. But that's not why we're here. We're here to talk about Rangers.
  24. I trust however that the boycott continues!?! The job is only half done, although well half done.
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