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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. For me, winning isn't everything. I watched some really poor stuff from Waletr's and McLeish's teams and I don't think I could motivate myself to watch that again. I just hope we can build a brand of football that's effective and good to watch. One without the other doesn't interest me now.
  2. I think we all predicted you'd say that. Morelos needs the right partner, and I agree that Miller isn't it. I'm hoping Herrera is, but he needs to be much fitter if he's going to match the movement of Morelos, otherwise they'll find themselves too far apart.
  3. I agree there have been many terrible decisions in the past, but the reason there was a significant difference today was because it was not just one or two bad decisions. There were lots of them, and all very obvious ones. It was as if he was looking for any reason (and sometimes didn't even need a reason) to give an advantage to Hibs. You may think I've been naive in the past, and that's been said before, but I really didn't think it was a major problem before. It is now though. Even bookmakers must be examining bets after that. Surely that's the sort of thing that raises suspicions!?!
  4. I maybe just didn't want to believe it before, but at least previously it wasn't done so blatantly, well not that I could tell anyway. I put it down to poor refereeing. Today however has not necessarily changed my mind about previous instances, but it's certainly made me aware that it now exists. I'm furious and absolutely gutted at the same time. I don't want to accept that this is part of the game up here.
  5. I agree with you. I've NEVER EVER accused refs of cheating either, until today. That's the most scandalous display, and I can only think he's confident of being able to perform like that and get away with it. Otherwise, he would have made it less obvious. I can't believe it, and I still think I'm going to be furious about that for days, if not longer. There's no justice in the game if he is allowed to ref another of our games. Those that have spouted recent poisons about sporting integrity will no doubt be silent on that front regarding the ref. Disgusting!
  6. And I still say I have my suspicions about you. You sure you're one of us?
  7. Excellent from the gaffer! He said just enough there, without saying anything to get himself in trouble. He knows we have a number of people against us as he said. I really hope he's successful for us because he's got the class I respect as a Rangers manager. We're all behind you PC. WATP.
  8. It's all your fault then TB. We've found the jinx - You ;-) Maybe just stay away from a few games to test the theory will you?
  9. That is scandalous today. I can accept games not going our way, but for a referee to have such a poor influence on a game is unacceptable. I'm furious that it can happen like that. Well done Rangers, but now we know it's going to be 11 v 12 some weeks. I hope PC calls him out after it, although that might get him in trouble.
  10. This referee performance is unbelievable. I'm trying to restrain myself from saying what I really think, but I'm finding it really hard to believe those were just mistakes today. Either he's had the worst game ever, or .....
  11. That's allowed though Ian. I've complained about this previously and was told officially that it's a term that's not regarded as offensive. That's the country we live in, and it sickens me.
  12. Is your glass always half empty, or does this just apply to our (assuming I'm correct) team? On what planet can you say that Well nearly scraped a draw? By the same reasoning, I could say that we nearly hammered them 11-1. And the performance against Dunfermline isn't worth much praise? Really? I'm assuming you didn't go to that match. I've been suckered into responding again, but I honestly don't understand some of our so-called supporters.
  13. It seems hypocritical to me that you can call someone a dud so early on in his career, and yet you can't praise him after the first two games of the new season, and the only two where he's had his first team on the park. I'd like to think any manager of Rangers deserves the time to prove himself one way or another.
  14. When I think about that, it reminds me of poor Alex Clelland against Del Pierro. I'm not comparing these players, but it's funny how a memory can just jump in there with a simple reminder. If Candeias does half the job Del Pierro did that night, Whittaker may have nightmares for a long time. I'm really looking forward to the midfield battle to see if we are now up to the physical challenge as well as the skill. Equally, it'll be interesting to see how our new look central defence copes against strikers that are probably as good as we will face all season in the league.
  15. I agree with you that it's too soon to be judging the manager, so why were you and so many so quick to write him off after a few games, and yet now criticise others who are supporting him after a few? I think it's fair to say that you didn't even give him one game before the criticism started. But that's all in the past now. Let's just get on with supporting OUR manager. We all want him to be successful, right?
  16. That's a great point. I don't think any of these so-called football writers actually understand anything tactically in the game. This is why they continue to (if pushed) refer to formations, or possession (including shots on target). Football is so much more than that, and perhaps it's just passed them by. Perhaps they are luddites in the purest sense. Perhaps they need our game to stagnate so that it doesn't leave them behind. Too late!
  17. The only place you need to go for real news is on here. The sports pages are utter nonsense. If you've got twitter, you have the source that most of these so-called journalists rely upon for their inside scoop. And if it's entertainment you're looking for, what you can't get on here, you can always visit Kerrydale for. As for the 'news' on the front pages, does anyone really still believe any of that?!? If you stop reading those rags for a week, you'll realise you don't miss it one little bit.
  18. Super article Frankie. As I've said before, I'm not sure English is actually biased. I think he's worse than that. He's the laziest journalist, and the sort that likes to perpetuate false (or non) stories so he doesn't have to work. We all know there are bigger issues and stories out there. He knows it too, but that would mean getting off his lazy backside and grafting for them. Maybe he feels as though he deserves a break from work after all his years in the job, and perhaps his bosses will consider giving him a more permanent rest.
  19. I'm not sure either, but if he can play either side, he may be able to keep Windass and Candeias on their toes. We now seem to have plenty of options and maybe the gaffer thinks that Hodson is the one to push Tav and Wallace for a place. I like Hodson but still not sure if he's the quality we need, so perhaps a full back is something PC is considering. I'm still unsure about our forwards though. It feels like we are placing too much reliance on the hope that Morelos will be our 20+ goals per season finisher, because neither Herrera or Miller are likely to be that. Of course it would be great to add to the squad, but if we went into the season with this current squad I'd be feeling quite happy.
  20. I agree that there appeared to be one or two that just didn't want him, regardless of his managerial abilities (for some reason I will never understand). However, just as we said it wasn't fair to judge him on his earlier poorer games, we shouldn't be too quick to judge him on the past 4 or 5 which have looked good (understatement). We really need to wait and see how the team develops over the next 3/4 months. I really hope that all supporters get behind him now, and give him the chance that he deserves. Having said that, this style of football we are playing is the most exciting since Advocaat. I actually liked Warburton's brand of football too, but it wasn't very effective in many games, which was disappointing. This directness, pace, pressing and aggression is right up my street though, and you can tell the players have completely bought into it too. I really hope this style turns out to be successful for us because I'd love to watch this every week, for the next few years at least. Winning the league could not have been a realistic expectation for us at the end of last season, or even after Luxembourg, however in the past few games there's a big part of me now wants to dare to dream.
  21. What a refreshing change to have so much competition for places. You mentioned Walker perhaps putting Windass on the bench, but based on Windass' performances recently, Walker is going to have to be brilliant to do that. There's no way Windass can be left out of the team at the moment, and there can't be a single bear on here or anywhere else that thought that would be the case.
  22. We've had a decent debate about this, but I think the only way the culture will really change is if a top player (or a few of them) 'come out' as being gay. I just wonder if that's likely any time soon. If players felt comfortable with it, you'd then like to think that many more supporters would change their attitudes. I'm pleased the club is doing it's part, but there's obviously a strong culture in football which prevents these young men from feeling comfortable enough to say they are gay. I wonder if this is through fear of the reaction from their teammates or from the supporters. It may well be that their teammates do know, but they are concerned about the reaction of the fans and therefore don't speak about it outside the dressing room.
  23. You're right. His performance was great while attacking and defending. His tracking back in the last 10 minutes was clearly taking it out of him, but he kept going which was great to see. I do however also agree with you that he needs to be better with his finishing. I think he had 5 or 6 good chances tonight, but if he can start converting those chances, PC is going to have a major headache when it comes to team selection. There are now 15/16 players really competing for a starting place. Last year we had 3.
  24. He looked like the player we've all hoped he would be, and more. I still can't believe the difference in Windass though. What's happened to him?!? Thats never the same guy from last season. And Candeias looks an absolute steal at £1m, if that's all we paid for him. If we can get a good result and performance against them at the weekend, it could set us up for a good run.
  25. Well done Rangers. I loved that! That's the best entertainment we've had here for a long time. This wasn't about the opposition. This was about us imposing our style of play, and if we keep this up ....... (ok, I will stop myself before I get too carried away) I counted 4/5/6 Rangers players in the box every time we were in their final third. They're now desperate to get on the end of passes and crosses. I can't wait for the weekend now. Lennon won't be so keen if he watched this tonight.
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