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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. I thought Hearts got their tactics spot on yesterday. Our players have a mindset for all SPL games which is all about how they are going to break teams down, but Hearts seemed to surprise us by pressing us all over the pitch. They fought for every inch of the field and we didn't seem to be able to cope. I think I'm correct in saying that the only team all season to do this against us was Porto away. We looked lost and our consistent performers were not able to respond. In particular, Davis, Jack, Kamara, Aribo and Defoe all looked shocked. Even Goldson (who I thought defended well) was just kicking the ball forward in the hope that it would stick somewhere. It didn't because as we know Defoe is not that type of player. I posted after the Aberdeen game that I had concerns about the mentality of the team, in particular when something needs to be worked out on the pitch. It was obvious that Hearts surprised us and therefore we needed to work out a way to handle this. In these moments (as at Aberdeen when they started to come back into the game) we need real leaders and I don't see any. Players like Davis, Goldson and Defoe tend to lead by example, rather than being so vocal with their team mates, but when they're struggling themselves, they seem to be ineffective at rallying the troops around them. I felt that Kamara, Aribo and Jack were negatively affected when they saw Davis panic in the early stages of the game. I can understand that but in these moments we need the player who will take control of the players. Sometimes that means a call for some extra determination, a crunching tackle, a change of width or higher pressing. Sometimes it's an individual kick up the backside. Having spotted this flaw in the Aberdeen game I was particularly conscious of it yesterday and watched with real interest to see what the players were saying or gesticulating to each other. The answer was very little. It seemed that each player was trying to work out what they individually needed to do rather than communicating or even getting help from their team mates. Our style of play this season has been excellent. It's clear that this has been drilled so often into the players that it's become second nature for them. It's the same with the Man City team under Guardiola and I've seen it for years in the Arsenal team. When it works it's just a joy to watch, and it works most of the time. It works because at training the players are continually operating under these conditions and know what they are expected to do without even thinking about it. The problem comes when we do have to think about it, because at Hearts yesterday (and at Aberdeen), we needed to think about how we could get some width in the team, as well as how we could shore up the middle of the pitch when Boyce dropped deeper. It took until the 35th minute before I felt Goldson, Katic and Davis had worked out between them who would pick him up. Equally, it took until half time (when the manager hooked Flanagan) before anyone (on the field) recognised that we needed width on the right. Flanagan was being pinned back and Aribo was reluctant to go out wide, preferring his inside forward position instead. Why are the players not working this out for themselves? Can they see this? Are they empowered to make changes on the field? This concerned me. I hope we pick ourselves up and go on another run but even if we do, this frailty in the team still exists. I'm sure Gerrard (as a strong on field leader) can see this, but what can he do this season? I suspect not a lot. It does however suggest that in the summer we have some work to do to either make someone into a leader/organiser or buy someone who is.
  2. Gaffer

    Ryan Kent

    The whole team had a terrible game today. Let's not pick out one player after that. But in answer to your question, yes I think he's delivering and he will only get better. Thankfully the manager agrees.
  3. I wouldn't go that far @ian1964. They've certainly attacked us more than any other team in the SPL, and their workrate is higher than ours, but despite us not having one player (Goldson) on the pitch playing well, we've carved out the best chances. This is going to be a huge second half.
  4. Hearts have made it like this. At least they're doing it in such a way that it's fairly open. We need width in a game like this and we only have it on the left. This is going to be a brilliant result if we get a win out of this today. It's not looking like it right now though.
  5. I was going to go for Barisic, but I felt that Ojo did more when he came on than most others did in the 90 minutes. Hopefully this is a sign that's he's maturing, just as Kent did last year.
  6. There's just no attempt by St Mirren to play here. It's been terrible to watch but I think we are dealing with it better by wearing them down.
  7. I'd be less bothered about public statements if I felt the club was actually dealing with this issue behind closed doors (which is the way it should be done). However, I think the main concern we all have is that we don't believe the club is dealing with this in an effective manner. I've certainly seen nothing to suggest we are able to influence the relevant stakeholders. I get the impression that our approach is to focus on winning the league and that somehow it'll change when we are champions again. Some things will change when we are champions, but I doubt very much that the attitude towards us from the press (including the BBC) will ever change without taking serious action. Statements are merely to appease fans, but only legal action will achieve anything.
  8. This is the problem with Club 1872. It's purpose was initially very clear and that was to buy shares to put the club in the hands of fans. It's been shown already that this can't happen for two reasons. The first reason is that too few Rangers fans want to join up to the scheme. The second reason is that we want it to be an oversight role but we don't believe that someone could be effective and confidential in the board room while balancing the need to give the fans information. I still pay and will do for a little longer to see if it can work out its role. I believe there is a role for an organisation like that but it needs to make it clear soon before it completely loses its way. Maybe someone standing for a position in the forthcoming Club 1872 elections could campaign on a ticket to repurpose this fans' organisation. I think it also needs to be clear if it aims to represent all fans or just its members. If it really is expected to perform some of the functions we want it to, it'll need to cover the interests of all fans, but will those that fund it be happy to dilute their funding by spending resources on issues that non member fans are interested in? I would, but I suspect I'll be in a minority perhaps. Either way, Club 1872 must find a way to establish itself in 2020 or it risks fading away. I think that would be a real shame and a missed opportunity. Surely we have smart people in the Club that realise that and are planning to do something about it. I hope so.
  9. That's fair @Bill. I know I wanted Morelos and Barisic out and have obviously been proven wrong, but I can't help feel this level of concern. Do you think Jones, Ojo and Barker are worth perservering with? I've got very little patience for them, but I do have confidence in the management team to make the right decisions. I was one of a few who liked Kent from the beginning, and I was patient with him mainly because his strength of character was clear from the start, even if his in-game decisions were not great. That's what I doubt about these others. I just don't see that mental strength in them at all. As you know, it's a game and club we are all passionate about so this won't be the last time I'll have a good moan about a performance like last night. Maybe our intolerance of performances like that is what has made us the most successful club in football.
  10. I've just watched the Celtic game back and have a question. What powers are open to a referee and how do they come to a decision like yellow carding Morelos for his 'gesture'? The reason I ask this is because it's clear that the referee didn't react at all at the time. So, when did he yellow card him? Can a referee yellow card him an hour after the game when he's been influenced, or does it need to be done at the time? I really don't understand this. I can understand how the SFA can (and will) use its powers, but how can Morelos be given a third yellow card for that incident? It seems utterly bizarre to me.
  11. I disagree with a lot of what you say here but this is a good post and helps discuss the other side of the argument. We have players who are expected to be able to come in and replace others in our system. Most of those who did come in last night failed to show they have what it takes. Where we differ is that I think that does deserve criticism but I understand your perspective. If these players cannot break down the brick wall of Stranraer, how can they be expected to break down the walls of Aberdeen, Hibs, Killie, St Mirren, etc? Also, I understand why people think that two strikers is more attacking than one, but it really isn't. Our 4-3-3 or 4-3-2-1 is one of the most attacking setups I've ever seen so that's not the problem. The problem is that we don't have enough quality in the likes of Jones, Ojo, Halliday to make the most of our tactics. If ever there was a reminder of just how fragile our team is, it was last night. If we lose Kent, or Morelos, or Tav, or Barisic, or two or more of our midfielders, we are in big trouble. If Gerrard decides to cash in on Barker, Jones, and Halliday, or if he sends Ojo back, I'll not be bothered in the slightest. There's no point in having backups if they can't perform when required. As you all know, I was against Patterson coming in but once again it shows that the management team know what they're doing. He came in and performed so there can be no excuse from the fringe players about lack of game time or match sharpness. He did it because he committed. The others either didn't commit or don't make have the quality. Either way that means their days with us should be numbered. Ojo in particular frustrates me. Like Ejaria, he has all the skill but lacks the mentality to be at a club like ours. I am continually reminded (normally because the manager proves me wrong) that he knows what he's doing and I trust him. I am also reminded on nights like last night just how much work he still has to do to create a championship winning squad. We have a championship winning team but we are quite some way off having a squad capable of challenging in all competitions.
  12. Let's just close this one down. @Briton, for some reason you re-opened a dying thread with a response to a post which was made over two weeks ago. @Gonzo79 then replied with an attempt at humour. You may not have laughed but it didn't warrant your response in my opinion. I think this has been done to death now. Clancy has given a statement about it. I agree with his version of events, but even if anyone doesn't, it's in the past so let's move on. We've got an important sequence of league games coming up and they're more worthy of our debate now. I know I'd rather read about all of your opinions on that.
  13. Edmundson is a monster and seems to get bigger each time I see him. Patterson has started really well so I can see why so many of you wanted him to start. If he can continue like this I wonder who our second choice right back will be. If it's not Flanagan he might as well go. Jones has also started brightly and just needs a goal or an assist to settle him down. He looks too eager to impress and that's causing him to make the wrong decisions, but it's great to see him back again. He can still be a really good player for us. What I do notice about this game already is that Defoe and Aribo are linking well. They are two very intelligent players.
  14. The double standards are sickening
  15. Just so you know, that's the advice I got from RTV support too but when I log in it says I dont have any packages so I have contacted them again because I already have the full RTV package but cannot access anything.
  16. Thanks for letting me know because I've just realised I can't access it either. I've contacted RTV support.
  17. I did say "if". What I'll add is that if Patterson is better than Flanagan and Pollster I'll be absolutely delighted, but surprised.
  18. I get what you're saying but I still don't think this sends out the right message. If Flanagan and Pollster have been working hard in training, and if they're the better players, they should play. And that's also the right message to be sent to Patterson and the others. The young boys have done well, but they've got to improve much more before they get to take a first team spot ahead of better players. I'll be really disappointed in Gerrard if he does anything different.
  19. Yes, you're right, we were talking about different games. I don't think the youths are as good as Flanagan so I think Flanagan should start. I do agree that they need to be given the chance to prove they're as good so I really hope we put this game to bed early and then bring on Patterson.
  20. The team was 2-0 up and completely crushing that game. Flanagan was part of that. The entire team capitulated in the second half so it's quite unfair to single out him. I agree he offers no attacking threat on the left hand side because he had to cut inside every time, but I think he deserves a chance to play on his preferred side on the right. He's done more to deserve it than the young guys.
  21. The club has a huge opportunity here. With the current attitude towards these rags, the club could take a giant leap by upping its content on the website. Furthermore, it could offer RTV free for a year. I'm sure if everyone got it free for a year they'd then be happy to pay for it every year thereafter.
  22. And now you've accurately predicted my prediction. Me too!
  23. You've actually picked a great example to illustrate what the major obstacle is between 15/16 and the first team. Michael Stewart may have been technically very good, but I see hundreds of kids who are technically excellent at 15/16/17. The ones who make it have the right attitude, but that's missing in most of the youths I see. Stewart has subsequently proven he's got a massive chip on his shoulder, coupled with a sense of entitlement. I think that poor attitude is typical of players who are big fish in small ponds at youth level, and therefore fail to make the next step. I have watched boys from age 5/6 develop into some of the most skilful players I've ever seen, but you can see the poor attitude evolve and eventually kill any prospect of a footballing career. I've no idea how to maintain that hunger and desire to keep improving, but thankfully we have a gaffer who has done it so maybe he can help them. If he can't, I don't know who can. Clubs get the blame for not developing the players, but these days most clubs follow the same pathways development programme so in my opinion it's 90% down to the attitude of the player. When our first team stops training, Tav, Barisic, Kent (in particular), Jack, Morelos, Defoe (even eve days) are all staying behind to work on things themselves. When the youth training stops, very few stay behind to work on anything. That tells me a lot.
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