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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. When you listen to Murty, the players and all the fans I know, there's no sense of pressure, only excitement. Of course we all want to win these games, and for the first time in a long time we are confident of doing that, but there's certainly no pressure to do it. If we lose, the media will say it was expected. If we lose, we will be reminded of how superior Celtic's financial position is to ours and that they spend twice as much on salaries than we do. If we lose, the fans, players and manager will be very disappointed but providing it's not a humiliation we will look on to the next game with anticipation, realising that we are still building a new team and style under Murty. That doesn't sound like pressure to me. But, if we win ........ it will cause an absolute implosion over there. We will take so much more confidence into our next games, including the semi final, while their fans mount pressure on their manager, players and board to make changes. It will cause them to question what the hell happened to all the money they had to ensure we never caught them ever again while we were rebuilding for all those years. Meanwhile, we'd be having a party, doing the bouncy and having a good laugh at the BBC who would then be contemplating an end of season where they choose not to be at the title winning team's stadium for the celebrations, pictures and interviews. Oh yes, there's pressure alright, but not on us. Bring it on!
  2. Those are all great ones too. Remembering those feelings just gets me pumped up more for Sunday. Is it just me or this week dragging in?
  3. I was thinking that too. I really hope this is something to be filed under fake news.
  4. I had the battle fever on a few days ago, and as usual during the week before such a game I watch some of the old games on YouTube. It's great watching them and they bring back so many memories of goals, players, and incidents. My most vivid memories have been created because of the atmosphere and let's face i, we've had some crackers over the years. One of my most vivid memories was the following game at Ibrox. I can remember it as if it was yesterday, even down to the feeling we had when we headed home in the car afterwards. We were 2-0 behind and down to 9 men. That feeling of despair was just horrible as a young boy and I can remember the sound coming from their fans as the second goal went in. Little did we know at that time that it would become such a party by the end of the match. Long story short, McCoist and Gough scored and then Roberts started conducting the crowd in a little sing song towards the end. It was a draw, but the celebrations at the end will never leave me. Here is the link to that game if you're interested. What's your most vivid memory?
  5. Is Lennon coming alone or is he bringing his backroom staff too? I hope it was clear that I'm not criticising you FS for telling us what you've heard. I'm just trying to help ease your mind by telling you this is not happening this year, next year or ever. Now, let's get back to the main event. We've got a game to win on Sunday.
  6. I think you should seriously reconsider the reliability of your source in that case. As I said, there is absolutely no chance that he'd be back at Rangers. I think I mentioned it earlier that Club 1872 will benefit from a story like this if it was a real threat because many more would rush to protect our club from such a charlatan. I'll sleep quite soundly tonight though because this has less chance of happening than Neil Lennon being our next manager.
  7. We are now 6 pages into this subject and yet it was all based on utter nonsense. We should treat this story (i.e. completely manufactured) with the contempt it deserves. That's not to say we should be complacent about the controls we have in place to prevent people like this having an involvement in our club.
  8. I'm sure the board will scrutinise any large investments coming from third parties.
  9. I'm not completely ruling out the fact he may be interested. What I am very confident about is that we won't have him back. He has no way back, except if he buys a ticket like the rest of us. And even then, he better not be sitting near me or the vast majority out there like me.
  10. Goss got mine, but this was one of the most difficult ones to decide. And arguably they could have had a few more worthy contenders on there: Bates, Docherty, Tav, Candeias and Cummings.
  11. How funny would that be if it turned out that we did get a penalty?!?! But it's little posts like this (which they're brilliant at) that put pressure on refs to positively discriminate in their favour.
  12. Depending on what era you're talking about, we've had a few that fit that description. Any other clues?
  13. That's very interesting and makes sense when you see him. Whatever he's doing, he should be telling his team-mates the secret. It's so unusual to see strong players with the agility and speed he appears to have too. I know we've all said this before, but this boy can be a superstar if he maintains his focus. He's got the right physical stature, intelligence, menatality and skill to reach the top in the game. He will still have bad games and make mistakes as he develops, but he's a class act in the making. And to top it all off, he's a Rangers fan. I know Hamilton Accies were happy to get the money they did for him, but it's looking more and more like the signing of the decade!!!
  14. Only realised how muscular Docherty's legs are. I wouldn't fancy many people's chances in a 50/50 tackle with him. It reminds me of Souness'. That aside, I'm so pleased to see so many of our players returning to fitness. That increased competition must be good for the focus on the team.
  15. I really haven't noticed Bates being so quick so I'll stand corrected on that. I'll be looking out for that more on Sunday. I do really rate his marking skill/discipline though. And of course I do acknowledge the importance of a calm head and the smart positioning of Martin.
  16. You might be right. He just looks slow then. ;-)
  17. I think Alves is the best all round defender we have at the club, however I don't think he's suited to our game now. For me, at least one of the centrebacks needs pace because of the space we leave on the flanks (just the way we play). Bates doesn't have it, but he is possibly our best man marker and hence why Murty prefers to play him. That leaves one space left and Alves doesn't have that ground speed to cover. So, by default Martin is the better option. I agree with Buster though .... we don't have a strong partnership we can have confidence in. I hope they have a great game and shut Celtic out but I'm expecting a win only because we can outscore them, not because I think we will out defend them. It's got to be the top priority in the summer. In fact I'd be satisfied to go into next season with the rest of the squad remaining the same if we sort out the centre of defence. Maybe McCrorie and Bates is the future but I'd like to see them together before gaining any further confidence there.
  18. The reason I used that word is because my understanding is that he took ownership of Murray park, etc and then rented them to Rangers at an inflated cost. If that's not the case, I'll change "parasite" to "selfish, dangerous and reckless scumbag".
  19. It just shows how two people can look at the same facts and see something completely different. This man nearly killed our club, and his selfish attitude will never be forgotten. He might be brave (I don't know), but he's certainly not stupid enough to think he would be welcomed back. Even the possibility of him returning would no doubt help Club 1872 attract new members. DK and the three bears saved our club and having steadied the ship, so there's no way they'd even contemplate having him involved again. Thank goodness. I wouldn't care how much money he was proposing to bring, I want him nowhere near my club again. In fact I feel the anger building even at the thought of this parasite being associated with us. Thankfully though, this is all nonsense. There never was, and never will be a shred of truth to this.
  20. Murray IS finished with Rangers. He may just not be willing to accept that yet.
  21. I return to this same point a lot buster. I think the majority of these people are lazy. I think they issue made up stories, not because they are anti Rangers, but just because they are lazy. I'm sure if we made up stories about Celtic, these so-called journos would report them too. It's just easier to find made up stuff about us because their is an obsession out there about us. Either way it's not something we should be paying for.
  22. I'm never sure if it's trolling by the BBC or just utter incompetence. This once reliable institution is either sinister or a laughing stock. Either way I hate paying for it.
  23. Utter nonsense! Must be another lazy day in the office for this reporter. I keep saying it, but the sooner these rags die off the better. These reporters know nothing and the only reliable source for Rangers related news is on here.
  24. True, but we are so glad he posted it here. Some of these replies are just
  25. I bet Germinal is now wishing he hadn't bothered asking, but it's given us a laugh. ?
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