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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. Brilliant! Delighted for you. Enjoy the game, don't wear dark clothes, and watch your language.
  2. What an idiot this guy is. We gave him an open goal to score into with that stupid flyer. All he had to do was pass the ball into the net, but instead he brings our club captain into it. And now he plays the victim card. These things are never about politics for me because all political parties have their fair share of idiots, but this guy is a joke and I'm sure his political colleagues have their heads in their hands over this. Utter plonker!
  3. Absolutely! I think most of us are feeling this way, and I get the sense that the players and Murty are too.
  4. The answer was Terry Butcher, which made it such a bizarre question. Terry Butcher scored 6 own goals which made him the top goal scorer AGAINST Rangers.
  5. I'll be going for it. I'm sure you will. That makes two of us at least. I'm sure a few others might join in. All together now ....
  6. Oh no, is your 'pal' not coming over now? Seruously though, you're right, what a weekend. Just hope we're feeling as bouncy come Sunday afternoon.
  7. This is a strange addition and I've no idea what they mean either. I understand the rest of it because applies equally to both sides, but this seems a peculiar point and wish someone had asked for clarity.
  8. Talking of all time goal scorers, I remember being in a quiz in the late nineties. The question asked was "what player has scored the most goals against rangers in the nineties?" (Or something like that). I remember sitting with my dad and brother trying to work it out. McAvennie? Walker? McStay? We went through them all. Can anyone remember the answer? It became a bizarre trivia question for years afterwards.
  9. This shows a few clips of goals around that time, including the one you mentioned. I always associated DJ with scoring against them but when I checked he 'only' scored 11 goals in old firm games. I thought that was surprising. McCoist as you all know remains the top scorer (for either team) with 27. That's some record.
  10. I think that's fair to some degree, but the atmosphere before kickoff and for the first 20 mins at least is always excellent. After that, you're right though. It does settle down and is too quiet. It did decline quickly when our troubles started but something has happened over the past 2 or 3 weeks which suggests we are in for a great atmosphere tomorrow. It seems like the frustration, anger, and excitement after all those years in the wilderness is about to be unleashed. I can't wait.
  11. I think they're working well together. The majority of this team is young enough to play together for the next 7 or 8 years. If we keep developing this could be the start of something special.
  12. This is brilliant news. If he stays and the rest of the key players are staying, it means we only need a couple of additions in the summer to be strong for next season. The future's bright ...
  13. As soon as they use our badge they are not separate from the club, unfortunately. This is embarrassing. I think a few on here are so hypocritical in that we criticise the media for portraying our club in a bad light, and then some condone this. I just hope that if this so-called group of fans ever wants to talk to our club about safe standing, or being relocated in the ground, or anything else for their benefit, we tell them where to go.
  14. I think he means that's what we've spent on them, rather than what they're worth.
  15. Did you see the flyer? Did you see the logo? They've already tarnished the club's brand, which is why the club should distance itself from them. We just didn't need this at any point, never mind a couple of days before such a massive game in the club's recovery.
  16. Would you accept that this just drives a huge wedge between the club and this fans' group? There's no way they will have anything to do with them after this. I don't necessarily want to perpetuate the discussion about this on this forum, but why use that language? And why on earth would anyone have a logo which shows our supporters kicking others? I'm not only astonished that someone thought this was a sensible thing to do, but I'm utterly flabbergasted that it gets any support, albeit from a tiny minority of fans. I, like the club, do not want us to have any association with this at all. What a stupid own goal to score when there is such positivity around for this match. I had really hoped this was a ploy of the media or 'their' fans to embarrass our club. I can't believe it's our own 'fans' that have done this.
  17. He looks relaxed and confident, actually bordering on smug. Love it! Brenda thinks we are under pressure? Maybe someone should show him that press conference to see just how much pressure we are under. Ha ha! I get the feeling that Murty is very much like us. He's excited to see how his team gets on against them. He knows that it's not a disaster if we get beat, but you can see he knows exactly what it'll mean if we win.
  18. His summation is exactly how most (if not all) of us feel. Great podcast!
  19. I agree, but it's more than that for me. I want the club to engage more with fans like us. I'd like the SLO to read our forums, maybe even contribute and answer questions we have as well as take on board our suggestions. We are a long way from that but I'd like to see some progress towards that. Unfortunately, if we have words like that on our site, there is no way the club can be seen to be openly engaging with us. That can't be good. There's no need for it either. I have no issue with a bunch of supporters all enjoying a walk up to the game together. It actually sounds like fun, but when that involves language that the club does not want to be associated with, and especially when it suggests violence, it just pushes these supporters' groups further and further away from the club. Surely that's something we can all understand is undesirable. So no matter what anyone's views are on acceptable or unacceptable language, nothing will change unless the club works together with its fans. This 'march' has only damaged that prospect, and that's hugely disappointing for me.
  20. That's a good idea. If John was doing the teamtalk, what would he say? I think we would all like to read that one. I'm imagining an "Any given Sunday" style speech, ending with "time to take Glasgow back".
  21. I'm surprised that the main focus of this is on the wording, rather than the picture of someone being kicked. The whole thing is wrong, but what is bizarre is that we're now more sensitive about wording than something that suggests a physical threat.
  22. That was an excellent read John, thanks. I can't contain my excitement for this game. It's a real chance for us to see if we've really improved. And if it's not enough to win, well we just have to get better for the next two games against them. It's the prospect of winning though, and more importantly the signal that sends, that has me counting down the minutes to kick off. The players and manager seem to be taking it in their stride, but every fan I know is more excited about this game than I've ever seen them. Unless you're a Rangers fan no one else can understand what it means to us to have come back the way we have. As John says in his preview, this wasn't supposed to happen. If we lose I'll be disappointed but can accept it. If we win, ....... I actually don't know how I'll feel but I might need some time off to recover from the worst case of battle fever I've ever suffered.
  23. Were you at the 3-3 game? That was the one (if I remember correctly) where Goram made 'that save' from point blank range. That moment stands out in my mind too. But you're right, the Wilkins goal was a belter in that 5-1 game.
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