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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. I'd be much happier with this team today. We need balance in midfield, and although Halliday isn't one of our best players, he gives us the energy in midfield needed. It means we have three in the middle which many of us have been looking for in these matches. We can defend narrowly and attack in the wide positions. Funnily enough, its more like the setup preferred by Warburton. Let's wait and see though. Either way, I'm just desperate for this game to start now.
  2. For me, Candeias and Morelos are our two best players this year. I wouldn't have a problem with Tav getting it though because there's no doubt he's improved a lot, however the award is player of the year, not most improved.
  3. Where do you get that from? I know we are all on a heightened sense of scrutiny these days, but this seems to me like a very sensible move. DK has never wanted to be hands on, but the club needs someone to be and he appears to be a decent choice. It's news, but nothing much in it. There's a danger we read too much into every move the club makes these days. Let's leave that to the obsessed ones.
  4. Good luck to him, but I think this is good for him and good for us. He isn't good enough to be in our first eleven. Unfortunately he was the best of a bad bunch this season but we wouldn't normally tolerate someone of that quality in our central defence and I fully expect we will recruit well into that position in this summer. If the rumours are true that he was looking for a longer contract, I don't blame him, but I'm so glad we didn't do it. He's got a lot to prove before we could afford to give him a contract longer than a couple of years.
  5. It won't work pete. Even if he centres it, Miller will still go off running in the wings. ??
  6. I think it's funny. Afterall it's us having a laugh at their obsession. Let's face it, we've not had much to laugh at or be happy about recently.
  7. I must admit that I like his style when mixed with other personalities too. And the good reverend had his own show too remember. Let's get Pete's drink spiked with "affy gid watter" (remember that sketch?!?) and then sit back and enjoy the entertainment.
  8. For what it's worth, in my opinion we need players that have the skill and commitment to deliver a performance at the weekend. That's means McCrorie, Docherty, Dorrans, Morelos, Tav, John, Candeias and Murphy all have to play. Who the others are matters, but all of these players should start. I wouldn't risk Miller or Holt because they both lack the skill and control we need in such a high tempo game, although their commitment can't be questioned. I'd be inclined to persist with Goss because he at least has the composure and skill we need in these games. That means it's then down to Alves or Martin in defence. I'm not confident with either so it's a toss up for me. In fact, I'd throw the dice and go with the result. A 1 means Martin, a 2 means Alves, and a 3, 4, 5 and 6 means Frankie, Compo, Pete, and Rousseau respectively. It really wouldn't matter which if those six played. ?
  9. I really enjoyed this again! Well done guys. What's not to like? Rangers fans talking about Rangers, with a bit of sevco to end the show again (great feature). Let's hope that the team give us something positive to base the next show on. I can't wait to hear the next one. p.s. I liked the short but poignant tribute to Wilkins at the end. I bet everyone was able to immediately recall the imagery from that day, and the sight of Wilkins running after scoring THAT goal. Rest in peace Ray.
  10. Well done Club 1872! I'm delighted with this statement and just hope they follow through too because I doubt we will receive a satisfactory response the first time around. It's things like this that will build up some confidence and respect from the wider support in Club 1872. ??
  11. It isn't zero to low risk because if he's with us, there's a chance he might play and that's introducing more risk as far as I'm concerned. Please note that I don't dislike him. I don't know of any others that dislike him either. He seems like a nice guy and no one could ever doubt his work ethic. He runs from the first second to the last and that's to be admired. My problem with him is that I don't think he's good enough and yet he is played ahead of others. For a professional footballer to have a first touch like that is bewildering to me, and yet he does seem to score some cracking goals. If Miller goes, I'll be very thankful for all he has done for us, and I'd even encourage younger players to look at his work rate as an example of what real effort looks like. However, I'll also be happy that we then focus on players who are technically more gifted and suited to our style of play.
  12. It's brilliant entertainment. This must be a contender for sevco of the week on the Gersnet podcast!?!?
  13. I completely agree that he can't replace Morelos, but why I should he not starting ahead of Miller. In fact, why is Miller starting ahead of anyone else in the squad? If we still need Miller ahead of others, does that mean he's getting a new deal?
  14. Why Miller? I don't know how fit Dorrans or McCrorie are, but surely they're a better fit in the midfield than Miller? If not, I just don't understand our system at all now. I've got my head in my hands here and the game hasn't kicked off yet. That's not a good feeling. Come on Rangers (he says squinting through the fingers covering his face).
  15. Got to this one late after a tough week, but thoroughly enjoyed listening to that this morning. Well done guys! it was really good to hear differing opinions and some strong views on some of the topics. It's always much more interesting to hear fans with differing views debate the points. It would be a dull place if we all agreed, which is why Gersnet is always entertaining. I thought the host and guests were all very different in their style and views, and had all done their homework on the topics. That's so important because if we're expected to invest an hour of our time, we need to feel like the guys on podcast have prepared for it. Cheers! Keep up the good work and I can't wait to hear the next one. p.s. The sevco part was a funny way to end and I laughed at the one about the Celtic fan buying shares just so DK had to buy them from him.
  16. The biggest disadvantage for referees is however the fact they can't discuss their decisions. Managers and players can speak about it so there's only ever one side. Referees should be allowed to build rapport with the media and fans too. I understand the reasons why refs are restricted in this way, but it's time they reconsidered this policy. I don't understand why they don't test this with a pilot in the Championship or lower league.
  17. The fact is that there are lots of really good referees. They start off in the youth leagues and I see many of them that have the sense, awareness and personable style to manage the players throughout a game while applying the laws of the game. The problem however is that many of these young refs are put off by the abuse they receive from coaches and parents. You can argue that they're not mentally fit to be refereeing senior games if they can't tolerate abuse from some parents, but they are being demotivated from the game before they develop the life skills that help build immunity from that kind of abuse. If the SFA is serious about tackling the standard of refereeing, they need to address this issue at grass roots level.
  18. Smash a ****** Day' event sent to Glasgow MSP James Dornan I'm assuming that something like this will be investigated fully by the police. Afterall, it would be unthinkable for a MSP to forward this on Twitter rather than going to the police first of all. It would also obviously be helpful and sensible for the police to use Mr Dornan's computer as evidence because it can be tracked quite easily these days. I'm sure we will hear very soon the outcome of this when arrests are made. Given the seriousness of this, I think it's important we get updates on this investigation from the police and don't let them drop this until it's clear exactly who created and distributed this material. I think however it's fair to say that the culprit is easily the most stupid person and worst event organiser on the entire planet. If the person was truly serious about such an idiotic event, would they not be best to send it to others to gather support? It appears they've not sent it to anyone else in Britain as there's been no mention of it anywhere else. Instead it appears that they've chosen to distribute it via a MSP. As I said though, I'm sure the police's anticipated extensive investigation will reach a conclusion soon and enlighten us all.
  19. Excuse my ignorance, but who are these characters, and what is the significance of where they are, or what they're doing? I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know, so please someone explain. Cheers.
  20. I understand that, but would you think McCrorie moving into midfield causes more of an attacking threat (or advantage) than our wingbacks? Tav and John are two of our best attackers so I'd prefer they were moving forward rather than a CB. I do however accept that in a 3-4-3, the wingbacks are generally not doing the same overlapping runs as they do in our current formation. It just seems a big change to accommodate McCrorie, albeit he is someone worth building a team around. Whatever happens, the manager will have a tough challenge in working out how best to set the team up when all players are fit. Bates, McCrorie, Tav, John, Wallace, Docherty, Dorrans, Goss, Jack, Murphy, Candeias, Morelos are all players that we'd want on the field, and possibly one or two others. It'll be interesting to see how it all fits. We have the freedom to speculate without the threat of losing our jobs if it doesn't work. Mark Allen also has a tough job because to a certain extent he'll want to know the system we are playing to know what players to go after in the summer. If we change the coach, will he be able to change the system, and therefore require a change of player?
  21. Again, isn't it funny how differently people see a player? Docherty would be a first pick in my team for every game, and yet he isn't even in your midfield at all.
  22. If he's back soon, I'm really hoping Murty will use it to put a rocket up Windass in an effort to get him to work harder in games. If Windass won't do it, I'd use Docherty in the more advanced role with Goss and McCrorie behind him.
  23. I haven't followed him down there so I can't comment on whether Moult is a flop or not. However, I'm going to stick my neck out and say that Mark Allen will be a flop if Moult is the best target we have.
  24. We don't need the board for this though. This is definitely an issue that all fans want addressed, and it's exactly the type of issue that we can deal with, without any consultation with, or approval from, the board. I'd suggest however that it would be prudent to speak with the football board before we took action, but if we received a weak response, we could just press ahead (if you pardon the pun). I would welcome an official statement from Club 1872 highlighting the reporting inaccuracies (or just call them lies), and that after careful consideration we have decided to take action in recommending that no fans purchase newspapers or advertising with the offending rags. We could equally bring the BBC into it too. This would require a campaign rather than a one off statement. If this was done sensibly, the support would get behind Club 1872 more because it would have demonstrated for the first time (possibly?) that it's an action oriented organisation. And you never know, it might also make the football club's board respect us a little more if they see we can get things done.
  25. You might think it's unfair Gonzo, but if we have to sacrifice the borders to make this work, so be it. If you really want to remain Scottish, you'll learn to use the word more.
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