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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. The frustrating thing for me is that the club has been quiet about the incident and yet these two are complaining about their punishment. Knowing what went on, I really wish the club would just tell the supporters. I hope they do. The comments on this thread are understandable, but these two deserve these punishments. They were in the wrong (especially Wallace) and they should be punished as much as possible, even taking into account Wallace's excellent contribution to the club.
  2. How disappointing. The sad thing is that what he did was probably just emotions running high. He could have accepted the punishment, still left for another club, but with his reputation pretty much in tact. He was silly, and should have just accepted the punishment. He knows what he did was wrong. I hope this isn't Miller continuing to have an effect on him. Miller can take a run and jump for all I care.
  3. This proves two things ... 1. Both players have no shame 2. Wallace knows he's leaving too I hope as a result of this action that their behaviour is now reported in the media. Then we will see who thinks what they did was acceptable.
  4. There's a way to inform the directors on this, but doing it on social media is idiotic and I'd sack them for their decision making skills. Utter imbeciles as far as I'm concerned. It does appear there's an issue however, but I'm only reflecting on the players' way of handling this. There appears to be a discipline problem at the club and I hope Gerrard sorts that out.
  5. If that's true I'd show them the door right now ..... disrespectful clowns. I seriously wonder how stupid footballers can be.
  6. I meant he knows that there's a lot more skill and mental toughness required than he had so he'll have to raise his game and that of the youths.
  7. Out of interest, what did the chairman say to undermine him? I missed that. Either way, I'd argue that old stupid pros might do that, but the sensible (and respectful) pros wait like a pebble in the river until the dead bodies of their enemies float past them.
  8. No idea if this will work, but I've never added a gif before. And since Rangers aren't in the World Cup, I can be completely objective and thereby improving my chances of successfully predicting a result. So, now that I think of it, I'm even more excited than my gif suggests.
  9. And yet we still have a large number of our supporters suggesting we should be spending tens of millions on the team. We just don't have it.
  10. We cannot spend more than we earn. That's got to be a basic principle we stick to, especially if we ever want to reach a point where we're not reliant on rich directors to fund us. As long as we rely on rich guys like DK and the others, we are placing faith in their motives. I do trust DK's motives, but we need to become self reliant to remove that risk in future.
  11. Thanks for posting these links Ian. I've read them and it just shows how corrupt many of these people are. It will be very interesting to see how committed they are to the SPFL/SFA board positions when their dirty washing is reviewed and hung out in front of everyone. This is the sort of thing that was easy to suppress in the past before social media. Now though, there are millions of media outlets and they can't suppress them all. I wonder how interested certain authorities will be on some of these matters. Could be very interesting!!!
  12. If they don't, I'd kick them out too then. That's a good lesson for a young player to learn. They can disagree with the manager, but know the boundaries and don't cross them. Wallace and Miller would have done well to learn that lesson. I'm disappointed Wallace is still at the club, and I say that with full appreciation for his previous loyalty. Murty had to inform the directors of his intent to suspend the players. NO manager can act unilaterally on matters like that these days and although I have plenty of criticism of Murty's management of the team, this is one incident which he appears to have managed it appropriately.
  13. You're not honestly expecting that are you? Why would we risk the future of the club by spending more than we have, and therefore repeating the mistakes of the past? I never want us to go down that road again. We nearly lost our club because we spent more than we could afford. Never again hopefully!
  14. Murty's experience will be so beneficial to the youths. He now really knows what is required to be successful at Rangers and it'll maybe give him a fresh perspective on the work he still has to do with the current crop of younger players. I'm so pleased he's remaining with the club.
  15. That's why it needs to be played out in the media, because they'll try to sweep this under the carpet. Sporting integrity only seems to apply when it means doing something to hurt us. These people are destroying our game and I hope they're outed.
  16. That's a very interesting read. If this is accurate, we are in for some fun over the next couple of weeks. How will they wriggle free from this one?
  17. This is exactly why this SHOULD be played out in the media. We should all know about this, and it's not something that should be played out behind closed doors where they can hide it from us. The statements from the SPFL are atrocious. This is our league body and they are an embarrassment to our country. Asking not to play it out in the media, in a PRESS RELEASE, was almost hilarious, but then avoiding answering the points is blatantly trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Fortunately for them, the main morons in the press, too lazy to do anything other than accept the SPFL lines, just repeat it. Journalism is dead. Either that, or corruption is alive and kicking. Many in the press are about to be rightly embarrassed because DK has given them a story and yet they'll defend their cronies up to the point the wider world looks in and asks some questions. Gerrard is in for an even tougher time than he thought because they'll be out to get him. They will want as many distractions in our way as possible.
  18. I wouldn't believe a word of that. There is enough evidence for what happened, so I doubt that the players will appeal anything here. I'd certainly be disappointed if Wallace does. Miller played more of a supporting act in this encounter so he may try to appeal the level of punishment.
  19. I felt highly motivated and energised by the recent statements, and this excellent article. We need to maintain the momentum so I started to think about the actions we can take, and no doubt others are too. For starters, mine would be: - take time to speak to other bears this week, highlighting the importance of taking action - ensure that as many other bears appreciate the damage being done by certain areas of the media, and to avoid buying or supporting their rags in any way - write to our politicians about the corruption at the SFA (I realise this is likely to cause lots of smart, or not so smart, remarks about allegiances, but it will remind them that they have a responsibility for all constituents) - object to the parking restrictions at Ibrox - refuse any tickets for away grounds. This is one I am determined to stick to until other clubs speak out - buy my son and nephews the strip when it's available (I haven't bought one in many years) - start the Rangers lottery (I've not taken the time to do this yet, sorry) What other ideas have you guys got about what we can do? Maybe if we came up,with a sensible list, we could get the various supporters clubs to publicise it with their members. We could really start a revolution in our support now that we have a board we can unite behind. We may not all like DK, but it's time to support him and the board by doing what we can.
  20. You've put yourself in the best position by requesting a single seat. There are always people moving seats around the stadium and this very often makes singles available. There is however a huge demand (even greater than normal) as a result of the optimism around the club at the moment but from what I understand, most of these requests are from people looking for at least 2 seats together. Good luck! It would be good if you let us know how you get on.
  21. That's true, but then that's the time for us to stop funding these other clubs until the corruption is dealt with. The loss of the blue pound will work better than court action in this case.
  22. I am aware of some of these younger guys and they could be pushing for a place next season, or at least the season after. The talent around Liverpool is incredible so if we can take advantage of that, brilliant!
  23. Excellent. I think we should help her out by leaving all the seats in their stadium for their own supporters. It's maybe a good time for us as supporters to get behind the position our chairman is taking here. Burn the bridges, build the walls, and don't give any of these weak and third rate clubs any of our money now. That's how we can help the situation. I've enjoyed going to away games, but to hell with that from now on. I won't be spending another single penny with any other club now. I was all for building bridges before. I still think we were right to try that. However, now is the time to focus all of our energy on us. Let's go!
  24. Dave King's response to the SPFL statement is excellent. This is why I wish he had more time to allocate to the club. He's exactly the sort of person you want as your chairman when there's crap to deal with. He's playing a blinder at the moment and long may it continue. The chairmen and women at the other clubs are weak and he's doing their jobs for them. Where are they? Why aren't they supporting this request? They know it's wrong too, but they're too frightened or lazy to do anything about it. I think DK must have enjoyed Stevie G's "let's go" phrase because now he's really having a go himself. I'm loving this!!!
  25. Sometimes I wonder if these lazy morons in the press are actually doing us a favour. I'm serious, and here's my rationale ... As a club we've no doubt transformed the off field business. The new sponsorship deals are in place and we've got better commercial arrangements in place. The club is financially stable (albeit it still requires the directors to supplement the income for a few years yet). However, if you believed what's written in the press, we are a basket case, just months away from imploding. There's a constant focus on the most immaterial issues, which all creates an implication that we are doomed. On the footballing front, despite huge mistakes in the managerial and player department, we have made progress. We probably didn't realise it two seasons ago, but we were a million miles away from Celtic. This season, despite the worst home record ever, we were within touching distance of them. And yet, if you read the press coverage, this Celtic team is invincible and we are doomed again next season thanks to the rookie manager and our lack of 80m to spend on players. I sometimes wonder if clowns like Jackson, etc are doing us a favour by creating a false sense of security for the other clubs and their fans. If Celtic fans or Aberdeen fans saw the real picture I am sure they'd be demanding changes at their own clubs. Instead however they're delighted to lap up the nonsense about our club being on the verge of being liquidated, thrown out of the European competitions, and losing our best players. From what I can see, the boards and managers of our biggest competitors seem happy to massage their own egos and choose to believe the claptrap rather than take proactive action to deal with our resurgence. So, as long as the nonsense doesn't affect our ability to continue the growth, it doesn't bother me, and in fact might just help. How ironic that those who seek to do damage to us might actually be doing us a favour.
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