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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. McGregor is obviously excellent for us, but Morelos is special. We know he has his faults but if he didn't have them, he'd be worth more than the sum of every other player in the SPL. As it stands, it might only take 50m to tear him away from us. Last season many people doubted his mentality (including me), but no one doubted his ability. That doubt meant he was a fairly well kept secret. This season he is on fire and is the best player in the country by a mile. His mentality is spot on, and let's face it he's hated by other clubs because he's so good. Clearly our media doesn't agree with us, but that might work in our favour. If they keep playing down how special he is, we might just hold on to him for longer. Al-Fred-o, Al-Fred-o, Al-Fred-o, Al-Fred-o. Altogether now ....
  2. I was on my way to the airport and made the fatal mistake of listening to the BBC radio Scotland team give their after match opinions. Quote of the year from Richard Gordon .... "Do you think Morelos gets far too much protection from referees?". His tone was clear, and I really think he is so convinced it's true. That's what we're up against people. The hatred and blindness to facts is incredible. It was worth listening to though because they just hate the fact that we are top. It was evident in every word, in every sentence, and I'm driving along thinking GIRUY.
  3. What was he thinking there? Arfield sent off for a crazy lunge. He knew it straight away but just a rush of blood to the head.
  4. What a game this is. I love it when refs try to let a game flow. It makes such a difference to the atmosphere too.
  5. So that must mean he's scored every game since we lost to Livi. That's a great streak, so much so you'd expect the media to be talking him up wouldn't you?!?! Yeah right! Al-Fred-o. Al-Fred-o
  6. Hasn't Morelos now scored in a few successive league games? That must be about 4 or 5 is it not? I can't remember such a streak since maybe Negri.
  7. Berra has clearly been rushed back to manage Alfie. He's noising him up and nipping at his ankles every opportunity he gets. I love it when Alfie responds by scoring a goal. That's the best way to get retribution.
  8. The ref could have given a penalty though, because Berra was pulling at McAuley (?) in the box. GIRUY!!!!
  9. I'm looking forward to seeing how Grezda plays today. I thought he looked very creative and dangerous against Motherwell, but this is a tougher test. Come on Rangers!
  10. Most of the current group of players appear to be able to handle the pressure of winning in front of packed stadium. Equally we've stood up to tough situations with being down to 9 or 10 men. However, it's a different type of pressure tomorrow and I can't wait to see how we react. Are we tough enough to deal with being at the top of the league? Is the hunger really there to win this league? If it is, we will win. If it's not, we won't. We are the better team and in form. Of course I hope the ref doesn't have a negative effect on the game, but surely we've had enough "bad luck" from idiotic decisions. I'm sure the manager and his team will learn a lot about the character of our players before, during and after the game tomorrow. This bear can't wait for the game!!!!
  11. I'd always prefer to stand at games. I don't think it has an effect on how vocal I am (but haven't thought about it too much) but somehow I enjoy it more while standing. The only downside to standing is that I can't as easily (as sitting) manage my pie, bovril and clapping at the same time. Having said that, I do think sitting sections are important, especially for younger bears. You just don't see as much as a young fan when grown men are standing in your way, and if I thought I had paid for my youngsters to watch a game in a seating area, I wouldn't be happy at their view being obstructed. I hope one day we can get to a point where large standing areas are normal again, and perhaps even seating areas become the minority. I suspect that won't happen unfortunately.
  12. What about our assistant manager? GM played there too and he's possibly the reason we've got a following from there.
  13. Once again I'm disgusted in our national broadcaster. This one deserves a complaint. There are two major stories on the front pages. But instead of covering a breakthrough for Cancer, they choose to highlight "revelations about Rangers". What sort of twisted scumbag looks at that and thinks a minor story relating to our club is more important than a cure for Cancer?!?!?
  14. There is no doubt that poor coaching is one of the single biggest factors in whether kids progress in football, the other ones being attitude and discipline. For years we relied upon methods that were often referred to affectionately as "proper old school". Most of these coaches were good (or even great) players who failed to notice that the world had moved on around them. Equally, there are many coaches who either don't have a clear vision, or fail to communicate it clearly enough in a manner that can be understood by the younger players. The coaching for coaches in Scotland is now excellent, and it attracts many of the world's top coaches and managerial prospects. It has been highly regarded for around 15 years now. A big problem we still face however is that many coaches go on the courses, just to collect the badge. They then revert to their old ways because they've "played the game and know best". To coach a player from youth to elite level takes time, persistence and consistency. Too many coaches in our country (and yes, at our club) have been fine footballers, but poor coaches. If they use the tools and techniques they've been taught, coaches can be effective. Mulholland and his crew know this thankfully, and if we have some stability at the club for a decade there is no doubt at all we will develop some players good enough for our first team. As for Middleton, he's clearly developed the right attributes for his age. You can tell when they've been properly coached because there are some elements to their game that shine through. He is technically good on both feet, he is aware of his surroundings because he runs with his head up, and he demonstrates he can make good decisions most of the time. When players get to 16/17, these are key. There are exceptions to this rule of course, but those are some of the qualities and performance measures that coaches track.
  15. We can't of course make that accusation against ALL of those that want to sell, but I think bringing this into the public domain was another smart move today, because if you are a shareholder with something to hide, this is likely to point some suspicious fingers in your direction. The club CANNOT pay funds to any entity suspected of money laundering, nor are they supposed to do anything to tip them off. That means that the club could and should scrutinise anyone seeking to sell at a price lower than the value. It's obviously suspicious, and hence warrants a suspicious activity report. These are then investigated by the authorities. That's why I'm suggesting that no one would sell (even if they wanted to), because it is suspicious and would result in their affairs being reviewed. If you have something to hide, that's the last thing they'll want. Don't get me wrong, there are some people who will have legitimate reasons to sell at a deflated price, but that will be few and far between. I'm sure that's all part of the arguments with the TP. This is now the interesting part of the case. Who is willing to sell and what is their rationale?
  16. Thank goodness that common sense has prevailed here. The contempt charge has been put on ice and a clear agreement on what is required is now in place. The only stumbling point will be the sum he is required to bring to the UK. I'm assuming that's where the undertakings come in to play. It'll be interesting to see who WILL sell their shares, or at least who "says" that they will, just to create mischief. I'm pleased about this because our regulators are important, and should be respected. DK should have complied with the TP rules in the first place, but the subsequent mismanagement didn't reflect well on the TP. This way, faith is restored in the system. I doubt this is the way it'll be reported in the press because they've been predicting Armageddon, but it was always likely to be a non story. As I've mentioned, this agreement to bring to the UK and appropriate sum will create some interest though. I wonder if the Easdales will confirm their intention to hold, or will they infer that they will sell. And who else might be willing to sell at that price?
  17. If you listen to what Goldson actually said, he was praising Hearts. He said they're a "proper team" with a "proper support". This was said in the context of some away games where there are "more Rangers fans than away fans". He explains that it's a game where both sides just want to go at each other and win. He wasn't disrespectful and didn't at any stage say anything to inflame the game.
  18. This is a great idea. I wonder if the BBC would then report on the complaint. Either way, providing the tone and message is clear and precise, this is something that would get my vote, and cash. I wonder if it's something Club 1872 would consider coordinating. ??
  19. I don't mean the breach of TP rules. They are clear and he should be punished for that. I'm referring to the contempt charge. That's the one that's nonsense given the shifting of sands from the TP. That's the one he should fight and could win.
  20. That's correct. Even if you never watch any BBC channel, you need one if you watch or record any live channel. I did however look into it and as long as you don't invite the licensing people into your home you'll likely never have to pay, even when they suspect you should pay. The bottom line is that it's a problem that shouldn't exist. We shouldn't be forced to pay to watch the propaganda they spew out.
  21. I'd love that to be true but any time I've looked into this I can't. Feel free to post or PM me with the legal basis because I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  22. How many mistakes can one broadcaster make? There appears to be no quality control. Do they apply any reviews or common sense to their output? The sooner we can vote on the BBC with our wallets, the better.
  23. If he wins this (which I hope he does for the sake of common sense), the TP reps should be given a roasting. Either way, they way they've behaved is ridiculous.
  24. I think we may have to now play very narrow because it needs to be kept tight with ten men. As much as it'll spoil the game, I think he might bring Lafferty on for Middleton.
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