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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. There were hundreds of examples of his skills, and @cooponthewingreferred to that awesome free kick against Aberdeen. I was fortunate enough to see that, and many more of his performances live. The big one that really stands out though was his simple slipped pass to the onrushing Durrant against Celtic. His awareness of Durrant's run was excellent, and the pass was sublime. Like many flair players, he had some awful performances, but when was on his game there was no one that could stop him. Does anyone have any idea if he ever touched the ball with his right leg/foot? I can't remember him doing so, but he was better with one good leg than most players are with two. RIP Coop.
  2. I've read comments like "it's a joke", "not fit for purpose", and "laughable" ..... but let's just call it what it really is. It's "CORRUPT".
  3. Notwithstanding the tactical and personnel changes we need to make, I wonder if our board has considered an alternative solution to bias in BBC Scotland, the CO and referees. I had always been insistent that we are a Scottish club and should participate in the SPFL, but these days I am becoming more inclined to get out of this rat infested swamp. If we had the chance to join the Championship in England, would you want that? I would. Its at the stage for me where I just get angry at the obvious corruption in our game and I would personally welcome us looking at other opportunities to escape it.
  4. Davis and Kent have started lively here. They're both moving the ball quickly which is great to see.
  5. I don't know anything about the various supporters' groups either, which is why I asked on here for advice on joining these marches. I was completely up for joining this one, but just couldn't run the risk of being seen to walk alongside anyone in balaclavas, or with 'offensive' banners. Unfortunately, supporters like me will be put off because of the perception we have of that minority. This is what's annoys me. A few idiots can have a much wider effect on our club, and they're too stupid to understand it, or care. This demonstration could, and should have attracted thousands of fans. I really wish we'd stop shooting ourselves in the foot.
  6. The problem is that there is no other conclusion we can come to. Without any transparency, we have no idea on which basis this decision was made. As I said earlier, if they watched the video evidence there is NO doubt he was fouled. Absolutely NONE. So, unless there is another explanation for this bizarre decision, we will all assume the system is corrupt. The SPFL and the CO must know this is the only logical outcome so either they don't care (quite possible), or they're so incompetent when it comes to handling matters like these (without a doubt). Either way, this is a nasty scar on our game and needs to be fixed.
  7. I was expecting more changes @Rousseau but having seen the press conference I am now thinking he won't be changing very much at all, including formations. He seems to imply that the reaction of the players is what's he's looking for. I don't think that's going to be enough. I hope I'm wrong.
  8. As if we needed any further proof that the system is completely broken and run by morons. I would dearly love to know on what basis they made this decision. It could not have been made based on video evidence because that clearly shows that he was fouled. Our game is being ruined. Or maybe it already has been.
  9. Really enjoyed reading that Frankie. I do wonder if SG will change the formation and/or tactics. If he does, is that an admission that he's to blame, or will it be interpreted as him having to make changes because the players aren't good enough? I have made my feelings known about tactics, but whatever happens against Killie there needs to be a very visible reaction or the fans will turn against the team quickly. I don't imagine SG can rely at all on his ability to motivate the players to suddenly turn up for this game, which is why I do agree that he will make a clear statement by changing the team and formation for this game. It's times like this that the management team's character will be tested more than that of our players.
  10. @Gonzo79, you're funny and there's no doubt about that. Not so much in a "ha ha" sense, but more in a strange way. ? At first I thought you said much of what you do for attention, but the more I read the more I believe that you believe what you write. What anyone thinks/believes is not "yet" a crime thankfully. It's useful having you on the forum because you are a reminder of the attitude that a tiny minority of our fans subscribe to, and in that sense you are representative on these chats. That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned, not that you're interested in my approval or otherwise. We actually agree on a lot of things. We are both bears for a start. I agree that some of our politicians are biased against our club and you think one entire party is. We both think passion in football is important and I agree 100%. I think we also probably agree that politicians are meddling too much in football affairs and should keep out. They have problems in society to sort out, not football. I suspect we also both agree that free speech should mean just that. Anyone should be able to express their views, regardless of whether we agree with them or not. If someone takes offence, that's their problem and not the person saying the 'offensive' thing. The problem we have however is that we don't make the laws, and until you or I find a way to have our politicians and laws changed, we should abide by them, otherwise we and the club we support will suffer as a result. That's what's dangerous about the singing of certain songs. I'd rather they weren't sung at all anyway because in my opinion they are divisive, but I wouldn't make it illegal. However they are, and if they're sung it is a criminal act. We don't want or need that publicity associated with our club. We've got too many other challenges to overcome at the moment.
  11. Do you think that our players are just not seeing these spaces/runs, or is there a specific instruction to do something else? This is what I struggle to understand. They all watch the videos after the games and they must be able to see it, so why don't they do what we are suggesting? It seems so obvious. I would dearly love to know what they've been told to do if it's not that. At least then we could watch out for the preferred tactic and determine if the players are not doing as they've been told, or if they're just not good enough, or both. At the moment I am blaming the tactics because in my simplistic view of the game, we are just one small step away from being effective, but for some reason we are not doing it. I urge other forum members to look out for this at our next match, if you haven't seen it already. The only problem is that you'll be pulling your hair out like me after the first 3 or 4 crosses. It's just a pity that pitch invaders are not flavour of the month, otherwise I'd suggest one of us runs on the pitch and into that space with a banner which reads "WISH YOU WERE HERE".
  12. It's painful to watch. It's painful because there's nothing wrong with the formation, or even the players we have. It's painful because we have clearly told the wide men to cross the ball at every opportunity, and as early as possible. It's not working, and I don't even think even the quality of Ronaldo, Quaresma, or Mbappe would make a difference to that. The runs are just not there to break down teams, and yet they were earlier in the season. They were there against Celtic too, in fact we scored from cutting back rather than crossing. We score most of our goals from cutting back rather than crossing. We spend a fortune on stats tracking and analysis, so why don't we understand that???? I can tell just from watching the games that there are some simple things to fix so I'm fed up watching the same tactics over and over again. I understand those that want better attacking options, and a more 'creative' midfielder, but what will he be asked to do differently? Unless someone makes those inside forward runs, it will have no impact on our effectiveness in the final 30 yards. The next time you are watching us play, watch when our wide men have the ball. There is a gaping space on the right/left hand side of the 18 yard box, just crying out for a run to be made. Surely a pro would spot that run and make it. That's why I believe it's tactical instructions that cause them not to make those runs. As I've said on many occasions, I know nothing compared to the management team, so what is it that they are trying to achieve that I can't understand?!?
  13. If she continues to be unaware of the growing resentment towards her 'perceived' bias, this will contribute towards her downfall. We don't vote directly for the BBC, and therefore cannot easily use democracy to affect them, but we can with her and some of the corrupt members of her party. I've referred to this as weak leadership previously, but now it's just becoming reckless at best.
  14. I hope Charles Kiniev stays on the forum. I think his motives were right, but just applied poorly. I've had a go at him, but on reflection I have to show some appreciation for someone who made an attempt to do something about Dornan, etc. Hang around Charles. Express your views. We all learn here on Gersnet and need all sorts of members, views, and opinions.
  15. The BBC website is still talking about a confrontation and suggests the man was merely kicking the ball away. When you then click on the video it shows Tav squaring up,to him and the fan being led away. It doesn't show what's happened beforehand. It's a scandal. I can't believe how blatant their bias has become. They must feel so secure that they will face no consequence for their actions.
  16. I hope this is going to be a regular service. I hope we get to the stage soon where we have no need for any of the BBC services, despite the fact we pay for them. Nice one RTV!
  17. I see you're rolling out your old and trusted sensitive or thin-skinned line again Bill. Words matter, otherwise you wouldn't have an issue with the BBC or Dornan or Humza, etc. The words don't offend me, or hurt me, or anything like that, but they do disappoint in that they are an effective means of dividing. To be fair though, you've been quite effective at that yourself on here. I don't know if you understand this, or care, or if you say it for attention. Either way, i don't suppose there's any point in us continuing down this route. I'm sure you'll continue to do what you do regardless, as will I.
  18. YOU are missing the point Bill. As a support we should be rallying together to fight against people like Dornan, the BBC, etc, but that is only ever diminished with an opening statement that insults a forum. It's stupid and self-defeating, and only further reinforces my view that we are unable to unite in the same way the 'other mob' is. We will continually find reasons to divide our support and ostracise them because of their political and religious beliefs. It's crazy and frustrating. I wish we could all see that. I am happy to support anyone who takes aim at our detractors, but not those who insult or divide our support. Unfortunately we have too many of them.
  19. What an opening statement!!! You had my support, but no longer. You clearly have no idea on how to win friends or influence people, and to come on and make such a statement about some of the forum members, and then move into a very long rant (expecting those same members to read it), just shows how out of touch you are. I won't take as much as a second to read or support anything you do in future. That's disappointing all round, but I hope you learn from it.
  20. Notwithstanding the obvious refereeing howlers, we once again do the same things and expect a different result. I've said it now 7 or 8 times this season ...... crossing from wide and/or deep positions DOES NOT work. It will occasionally result in chances or goals if the cross is perfect but that's rare. The cross needs to be a cut back from the edge of the 18 yard line (near the goal line). In the attacking third, when we have someone wide, there is no one that runs into that space to receive it and cut it back. WHY? What is our game plan, because I don't understand it. If you watch our better performances against Celtic, Aberdeen, etc, we have created our chances and goals from an inside forward cutting it back to an on rushing player or by drilling it across to Morelos. I'm so frustrated watching us at the moment because this is easy to fix. Why is the coaching team allowing the same 20+ deep/wide crosses each game and not changing it? We play some lovely football, and it can be a pleasure to watch, only for it to be wasted with this repetitive approach to deliveries into the box. All teams now know what to do. They put a player in front of Morelos and one behind him to reduce his chances of getting on the end of the cross, because they know that's what's coming. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix this SG because we are so close to being title contenders, but it's this one single issue that is costing us points. I know nothing about the game compared to the coaching team so I just don't know why they don't change it. There must be a plan, but I have no clue what it is.
  21. Have you guys seen the way the fan incident is being reported???? A fan "approached" the Rangers captain. A fan went "onto the edge of the pitch" An example of "poor fan behaviour" It was ASSAULT! A Rangers player was assaulted by a Hibs fan. Why can't they report it without so much obvious and disgusting bias? These "reporters" are scumbags and liars. I doubt we will hear much accurate reporting on this from the usual suspects. It'll be a matter of hours before it's being described as "over exhuberance" by some.
  22. I'm glad we have our solid three in the midfield, SO LONG AS THEY ARE FIT. This is not a game for injured players. Hibs will be brutal in their tackles as usual.
  23. I'm assuming this is to tighten up aspects of the contract in our favour, and to keep him focussed for the final few months of his Rangers career. If they've inserted a release clause, it gives him the confidence that he will be able to make his ideal move to the EPL when a suitable offer arrives. Seems like good business. He is an amazing player and I'd expect him to go all the way in the game if he keeps progressing like this.
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