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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. We are playing well and a goal will come. However, even if we score, there's no way anything positive will be said by the Sky Sports commentators. Some quotes from the first half ... "Defoe should be red carded", closely followed by "what is it with Rangers strikers, ha, ha" "Jack's head was low there" (when Cosgrove's foot was high) "Aberdeen won't be embarrassed by the low percentage possession. It's Rangers that have to face not having a goal despite a whopping 70%" "Arfield is pushing there", but seconds later Cosgrove pushes Katic and it's "Cosgrove using his experience to get away from Katic" The hatred is obvious with every word and every tone used. I won't be able to post any from the second half because I'll be watching with the sound off. SCUM!!!!
  2. Is that a real tweet from BBC Scotland? If it is, well, what can anyone say about that. They've reached new depths , even for them.
  3. It's actually incredible isn't it. No matter what, they can't seem to comment on Rangers teams at any level without demonstrating extreme bias. I hope they choke on this result if the young gets win it. The simple truth is that our youths are much better. McPake looks class and is the standout player on the pitch.
  4. What a start for the young bears. 2-0 up within 6 minutes of the start.
  5. Thanks for that. Age is clearly catching up with me because not only did I forget most of them, I've clearly mistaken Beerman in one of those finals for someone else. As Buster said though, it's not been a good enough return. I listened to Kevin Thomson on the H&H podcast recently and there was enough from him even in that interview to suggest we are on the right track now. I'd suggest everyone listens to it, but one thing he said was that one key reason that players fail to take the obvious talents to the next stage and break into the first team is because the challenge fades, or words to that effect. He said he tries to keep making it tough for the boys so they must always strive to be better because there's no point in the old ways of playing other youth teams in the league when you're beating them 6,7,8 nil each week. I suppose the challenge with having someone like KT in charge is that he may think that the boys thought the same way he did. Unfortunately, very few kids appear to have the same attitude that a winner like KT has, but we can only hope he either manages to install that in the players, or recognise those who don't think like him, and kick them out. p.s. I was also reflecting on the quality of the content available about our club these days. Perhaps due to the awful and biased reporting our supporters have filled that reporting vacuum. Now we have arguably the best sources of information on our club available. We now have no need for the MSM and that's got to be the way of the future. Our own podcast, 4Lads, H&H, CJNovo, etc are all excellently produced and presented, and coupled with the other content in supporters' articles, blogs, etc, we remain very well informed.
  6. If I get ten I'll be happy. Here goes: Allan McGregor Alan Hutton Danny Wilson Jamie Ness Chris Burke Charlie Adam (He stood out a mile when I watched him at youth level) Ross McCormick Ross McCrorie Myles Beerman (always liked watching him at youth level) Glenn Middleton Serge Atayaki Barry McKay Lewis McLeod John Fleck Gregg Wylde Ryan Hardie Andy Little That's 17 and I'm now struggling for more. 67? I can't think who I'm missing, never mind a further 50!!!! p.s. That's some commitment in going to all those games and I applaud you for that.
  7. What makes it even sadder is that these top players were also brimming with class. If we go back to that era, we could easily name at least 20 players who not only could play football, but who wore the jersey with pride, and exhibited the style, class and character we could be proud of. Over the past 30 years I can hardly come up with more than 2 or 3 I would hold in the same regard. In Jardine's time the badge meant something, and even when they weren't wearing the blazer or jersey, they knew the club's image was reflected in them. I wish players these days would exhibit more of the commitment and class these guys did.
  8. I think you've described politicians in general there though. I've noticed over the past 10 years in particular that politicians can now blatantly lie about serious issues and get away with it. Wars, tuition fees, and BrExit are prime examples, and there's no end in sight. I do appreciate you've got a particular problem with the SNP, but who can we vote for that would make a difference? I have honestly no idea, and neither do many people I speak to. I think that's a wider issue though.
  9. When will we find out how it's gone? I didn't notice a date when I voted.
  10. Or it's a bit of CYA by Wallace (or rather his wife) as he doesn't want to admit he made a terrible mistake. He should encourage his wife to keep quiet. It's best for both sides if that happens.
  11. Gaffer

    Fave XI

    Great thread!!!!! Mine would be: Goram Hutton Butcher Gough Brown Laudrup Durrant Souness Cooper McCoist Mols I think I surprised myself at putting Hutton in there but I don't think I've ever seen someone like him. Stevens was a better defender, but Hutton was the best I've seen at breaking forward. I had to out Coop in there but I'll admit to swithering between him and Mikhailichenko. Anyone think their team would manage to get the ball off my team?
  12. This is a real shame. He was a very loyal and effective player for us and this one incident has caused a real black mark against his name. As I understand it though, his removal from the captaincy was definitely warranted, but of course the lack of detail about the incident was always going to result in this confusion. I wouldn't want it any other way though. It wouldn't be appropriate for the club or players to comment and the whole saga is better just forgotten now. I'm sure a few people will have learned lessons from it. Having said all that, I would hope that the club makes a statement when he leaves which thanks him for his valuable and loyal service. He deserves that.
  13. She's a lovely woman and although she's never been one to seek attention, she deserves this acknowledgement for the role she's played at the club. I didn't realise that other members of her family were involved too.
  14. Another good piece by four lads. I agree with everything in there, except the part about Brown inciting our fans. We are grown ups and should be able to handle ourselves when faced with such a pathetic excuse for a human being. When we and the Rangers players wake each morning we are down hearted and certainly annoyed at the result of a game. Scott Brown may enjoy winning football matches and league titles, but when he wakes up in the morning, he's still just Scott Brown. He's still just a thick, ignorant, ugly, disgusting moron. I doubt anyone would swap places with him no matter how many league medals it came with.
  15. If this had been a single piece, it would have been 'understandable', however the context behind this is a player who in this paper and elsewhere has been subject to language that is disgraceful. We are either living in a world where free speech is acceptable, and I wish that was the case, or we are not. How can this crap be published and regarded as acceptable and yet we have politicians up in arms at less offensive material?
  16. That was some game. We've learned that we are only a couple of players away from competing if that's the main competition. They're a poor team and we gifted them goals and a man advantage. Bring it on next season.
  17. I wouldn't say he needs to cheat. If he goes down when someone kicks him, it's not cheating, it's just drawing attention to it. We can't however condone his behaviour can we? He's a superb player, but he is an idiot and too easily wound up.
  18. That'll just reduce his value though. He will play until the end of the season and will no doubt be sold in the summer. I'll thanks him for his goals, but for us to move on unfortunately it won't be with him. It's a shame because he has everything you need to be a superb player, and possibly one of the best strikers in the world.
  19. Kent, Arfield, Halliday, Candeias and McCrorie are still all up for this game and doing well. Worrall looks frightened still. This game is over, but looking ahead to next season, we need a reliable striker and another centrehalf and we will be able to compete against this Celtic team. They are bang average.
  20. That was typical Brown and Morelos fell for it completely.
  21. Worral needs to make a few short passes to steady himself. He looks too panicky on the ball
  22. Disgusting, but true. This is in the Mail today. How the hell did this get through an editor? They are making reference to Morelos' "chimp brain". Maybe someone can post the link. If I hadn't seen it for myself I wouldn't have believed this was possible. This MUST be an open goal for the club to sue them. One of the most indefensible pieces written. The way he is treated in this country makes me ashamed.
  23. That's one of the most heart warming things I've seen in a long time. The boy is brilliant, and this was a smart move by our media team in making this brief video.
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