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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. Yes .... 2-0 now. What a great format for football
  2. I think there's a strong possibility that we could get a quality player for less than £5m but it's a risk isn't it. Kent is a young lad at the start of his career but already he's shown that he adds quality to our first team. I'd be inclined to spend that money on him rather than taking a risk elsewhere. It's a lot of money but if he continues to perform even at the level he did this year, it's an investment rather than a sunk cost. I am biased though because Kent is the type of player I like to watch. At the games I'm drawn to him, Kamara and Tav (and now Defoe too) because they have a real element of unpredicatability about them.
  3. When the 4Lads pod was posted on here I thought I'll listen to the first 20 minutes and then save the rest until later. Well, all my tasks are still in my inbox because I ended up listening to all of it. Thoroughly enjoyed that again, and great that @Stevie - 4lads Blogwas able to get that insight from Chris and Willy too. Now I know McPake isn't playing on Sunday I'm off to change my GPL prediction from him to Dapo Mebude instead. No wonder @buster. was happy to make that bet with me!!! Listening to DJ is always great. Unlike many of the recent era pretenders, he's a real Ranger. He loves the club and that comes across in everything he says. He's a top man, and his story was told with real passion. That story about the Bayern Munich outfield players was astonishing. I had never heard about that before and it's important we don't lose fascinating details like that. It makes the win that year all the more incredible. You asked him some great questions and he seemed delighted to take the time to answer them all. Keep up the tremendous work, and of course great job again by the Gersnet team in producing this. Top quality!!!!
  4. Earlier this year I was in Manchester and saw a car being broken into in broad daylight. There must have been 40-50 other people watching this happen and yet they did nothing. As the thieves struggled to combat the car's defences I ran over and confronted them. There were 3 of them which appeared to give them the confidence to mouth some abuse back at me. Just then, another two people joined me and only then did these criminals run off. I thought about all the others who stood back and watched, possibly just thankful that it wasn't their car. In the past 3 years we've witnessed a collapse in the democratic system. I don't want to get into a political debate but the point is that once again a huge portion of the public will just sit back and watch a referendum result be overturned by politicians because they didn't like the result anyway. And now this clear corruption at the heart of our game. I'm sure many Celtic fans will just love how we (and other clubs too) have been negatively affected by this system. They will sit back and treat it as entertainment because it causes them no harm. However, supporters and officials from all clubs should be considering the bigger picture. How has this been allowed to happen? The rules of football (yes .... RULES) are being changed by one woman who is more interested in pursuing an agenda rather than protecting the integrity of our game. The rules regarding the role of the referee are not being applied and yet very few other clubs are in outrage about this. Are we to wait until their cars are stolen or vandalised before they react? Are we to wait until their votes mean nothing before they show their support for law and justice? All clubs' officials and supporters should be demanding that this situation is addressed immediately. Everyone should be insisting that this should not ever be allowed to happen again. It's in my opinion clearly corrupt (but I'll settle for "not fit for purpose") and it's an embarrassment to our nation's premier league that we continue to tolerate it.
  5. The quality of discussion and insight on the various Rangers pods is excellent. We're now self sufficient when it comes to news and educational materials, and no longer rely at all on the mainstream media. I've said it many times before but how embarrassed they should be that they produce nothing of any interest, insight or entertainment in comparison, despite the budgets they have. Well done and thank you to all those bears who take the time to produce these pods, blogs, and forums.
  6. If it was a joke it was awful judgement because it appeared immediately after a very serious post about the OO. This is what seems to be missing from the accusations and response. This context is all important for me and it seems been skipped.
  7. I do understand how the chance came about initially, but I'm sure it was Katic that ran over to close down Eduard and ended up on the wrong side because he got too close and was done by him. All he needed to do was close him down and slow him down. As I said, he did this on his first game back (can't remember who it was against, but maybe Motherwell now that I think about it) and got hooked at half time. I could tell the manager was furious when it happened that time, and he then didn't get back into the team again until recently. He needs to learn but he's still very young and I expect he will become a great player for us.
  8. It's now blatant corruption and everyone knows it. Despite this, no one in the press will say it is. What bigger sporting story can there be than a corrupt league and yet not a single word will be written about this. It's disgusting! I'm furious.
  9. Celtic do have their problems to resolve, and the managerial appointment is a tough one for them to get right, however for the first time since the Smith era it's all about what WE do this summer. I won't care one iota who they bring in as their manager or as a big money signing if we can secure 3 quality additions while holding on to Tav, Arfield, and possibly re-signing Kent. If we do that, I'll be confident even if they got Pep, Poch or Mourinho. We now have a style of play that's a joy to watch if you're a bear, and a nightmare to deal with if you're the opposition. We've had our bedding in season and the core of our team should ensure that any new additions quickly fit into the new style because they'll have a dozen other players to demonstrate and act as role models for the way Gerrard wants us to play. I am excited to see who we can bring in during the summer, but to be honest I just want it to be the start of the new season already because even if we didn't make any signings, and even if they brought in Mourinho, I'd still bet a large amount that next season is ours for the taking.
  10. Another great production lads. Really enjoyed it, although I did disagree with two points. 1. I don't think it was a red card incident with Flanagan. 2. Katic is good but has a long way to go. The chance Celtic had really was gilt edged because Katic got into the wrong position and ended up on the wrong side of Eduard. This was similar to two other occasions against Livingston and Killie and he has to sort that out to keep his first 11 place. However, even when I disagree I love it.
  11. Wow, that's incredible considering the number of games and when you also consider that for every minute in every game he's flying up and down that wing. He must have run over 600km during competitive games this season without injury. That's when you appreciate how athletic he is. I think Tav received justified criticism in previous seasons because his defending wasn't good enough, and too often his positioning was poor also. No one could ever have doubted his work ethic though. There is a very noticeable difference this season which I believe is down to Beale and the rest of the coaching team who have been working on specific areas with him and some others. Tav has obviously lapped this up because now I feel safe with him in there. We couldn't have said that last season. Isn't it great when you feel that players we either have already or bring in can be improved by the coaching staff. I can't think of any coaching team we've had in the last 30 years which has given me any confidence in their ability to develop players.
  12. https://fourladshadadream.blog/2019/05/13/if-you-think-rangers-have-improved-you-are-having-a-laugh-dispelling-the-myth-of-the-media-loudmouths/
  13. I'm sure we will get a better valuation on Morelos, but I agree we won't need to use all of it to replace him. I don't know about you, but for some reason I now am relaxed about it because Mark Allen and Andy Scoulding are proving that they can find us the right players. It feels like we won't make as many mistakes in future with this setup. This summer is of course different because it's about adding quality rather than the quantity so let's see who they can attract over the summer. We need quality to replace (or compete with) Morelos, Arfield, Kent and Katic. If we get that, I'm sure we all go into next season feeling quietly confident.
  14. He's our head of scouting so it's his job to do it. He's very charismatic and would be ideal to give a tour and sell the club.
  15. Again, it was something the Celtic TV pundits commented on. They said it was a "slap in the face to the back 3" because we were effectively saying that we were happy to give them as much of the ball as they wanted. It worked brilliantly and it was summed up for me when Brown had to go and pick the ball up from the left and right back positions. However this only worked because of the workrate from Kent and Arfield. They stood off them, but as soon as they crossed a certain line, both Arfield and Kent sprinted to close the ball down with the help of Flanagan and Tav, and whoever we had in midfield on that side. It's those little tactical things that make such a massive difference. On reflection, I think we had an excellent start to the season and it was clear we had worked on somethings during the summer camps. However, we then had the Europa league games thick and fast and this meant we probably didn't spend much time developing the style until we had the winter break. I wonder if these tactical changes (that we had obviously worked on during that two week break) were one of the reasons we lost our way in January, February and March because it does take some time to make them work. Either way we are better for it now and we now look like a team in control during the big matches. With 3 quality additions in the summer (and a clearout of the wasters), we should be in great shape for the new season. My only concern at this stage is that we may lose Arfield, Tav and Kamara. All 3 have looked top quality in recent weeks and they would be almost impossible to replace without spending big money, so I hope we can get a good price for them if forced to sell. We are all sure Morelos will be going but at least I'm confident that the sum we get for him will adequately cover the cost of his replacement.
  16. I had to watch the game on Celtic TV today (long story!). I was expecting it to be strongly biased like Sky Sports or the BBC, but their commentary was actually really good. At that incident with Flanagan, their commentators agreed that it was just a coming together of two tough players and that Flanagan shouldn't have been booked. Their overall analysis was that Celtic just don't have the players to break Rangers down and that they'll have to spend big money in the summer. They picked out Davis, Arfield and Goldson as the anchors in the Rangers team, and said that they just don't have players to compete with them. They also suggested that Lennon looked like a guy "that knows he won't be here next season after this result". Unfortunately I think they're right there.
  17. That's twice we've dominated them for almost the entire game. Delighted of course, but you do wonder how close we'd have been to winning the league this season if we hadn't lost stupid points. Arfield was excellent, but Kamara is strolling throughout these games. I hope we can hold on to him for next season but any team watching him from down south must be interested. He is an unbelievable player. He will prove to be signing of the season without a doubt.
  18. It'll be interesting to see what they do to replace Lustig. I never rate him against us but he's been their best player in stopping Kent and Flan down that side. If he goes off, I hope Kent gets more room to go out the outside now and then.
  19. We need another goal to be completely comfortable, but we also need to make sure we start the second half as sharply. I have to say that when we are as agressive as this at getting the ball back, it's a joy to watch. It must be a nightmare to play against that though. Brilliant stuff Rangers.
  20. I agree. I've said it before, that when we win 55 we should bring back as many of the Rangers people as possible for a celebration and recognition, HOWEVER THERE ARE GUYS LIKE THESE THAT SHOULD BE NO WHERE NEAR IBROX ON THAT DAY OR ANY OTHER!
  21. I just got to it today and as usual thoroughly enjoyed it. Great as always guys!
  22. I agree with that but I don't even understand what is offensive, or what could even be construed as offensive about that banner. If it was removed because someone was upset, the police should be slapping the complainer in the face and telling them to get a grip. The world has entered a new era and its frightening. It was a better place to live in when we had freedom of speech and expression. We're on the road to hell at the moment.
  23. Can anyone tell me what the offence is? I'd love to know on what basis the police feel they can remove a banner like that. I can understand if it's covering advertising during a UEFA game, but any other time seems peculiar to me. Has anyone heard the rationale from police?
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