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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. I thought my joy at the victory was enough, but actually their misery makes it even sweeter.
  2. Stewart is better on the right side and Hastie is not yet developed enough. Barker can contribute to the left side this season and we are weak there still.
  3. Thought the team played well but this was the easiest decision. Alfie is a joy to watch (if you're a bear) when he's in this form. Just superb!
  4. Don't know how you guys feel, but I think this has been a brilliant game of football.
  5. The only thing they can do before the next leg is borrow the 50m it will take to buy him. On this form Alfie is just unplayable.
  6. So glad he kept Arfield on ? Morelos is brilliant here. His assists and goal make him the man of the match without doubt.
  7. Our defence has completely lost its shape again here. Arfield is shattered and needs to be replaced or they're just going to exploit that side.
  8. As predicted, this team is very good and are very comfortable on the ball. They're also a threat every time they go forward so this is an excellent test for our defence. I expect Arfield will be subbed fairly early into the second half. He doesn't look sharp yet and the game is crying our for someone's with more pace on that side. This is a really good performance against a tough team.
  9. Terrific cross from Tav for that goal. Morelos is such a great player though.
  10. This is a big test for our midfield. As the home side will try to dominate the game it'll be up to our guys in the middle to scupper that for them. This is such a tough match for us but it'll be the best barometer of our progress. If we can come through this with a draw, it's got to be considered a really good result.
  11. Murphy unfortunately won't play for us again, and I'm quite sure Middleton is on loan to attract a buyer because I doubt he's good enough to make our team either. We may as well then replace these guys that are definitely not good enough, with others who may be. Hastie and Jones were great acquisitions, even if it's just for the resale value. I know I'm repeating myself about the problem left side, but we don't have anyone who can play there yet. I don't mind know this Barker chap, but it looks like he's the type who cuts inside to beat his man. That's exactly what we need to balance the team and give Barisic the space he needs to get a decent ball in. I hope he works out. I was hoping for Kent but not really bothered as long as it's someone similar in style.
  12. This is a really good article by @Stevie - 4lads Blog and I would have missed just how sinister this is had I not read it. I avoid reading or watching anything produced by these disgusting animals at the BBC, etc but this is just on another level these days and I can't believe how bad it's become. There is no question that this is now institutional because if it wasn't, they'd have been fired for misconduct a while ago. This is worse propaganda than you'd find in North Korea, and that's a fact!
  13. I find that casting causes a delay and stutters. I've no problem via the smart tv browser or on the iPad.
  14. I noted one particular point from his statement ... "my performances in training and in games are night and day". This suggests that (like many other lazy players) he knew his training performances were lazy or poor, but expected the manager to play him on the promise that he'd do better in games. I've never liked Lafferty and I'm so glad he's gone, along with that poor attitude of his.
  15. If we get through this round I expect we will be defending for our lives in the next round so I think Flanagan is the better option of the two.
  16. Completely agree with you. Its also going to cost us a lot to pay for the damage they did. No one gets more emotional than me when we score (especially last minute winners) but there's no excuse to do this. Stupid, and just gives our enemies the ammo they are looking for. I hope the club identifies all culprits and treats them accordingly. Life bans is a good start, but perhaps also fines to pay for the damage.
  17. I would have voted Jack but due to the changes I've opined about over in the match thread he wasn't effective at all in the second half. I suspect that if we'd sort out our shape properly, Jack may well be man of the match most weeks. There's something different about him now. He's much more confident and obviously sees himself as an attacking midfielder which he appears to be well suited to. He also has been given the confidence and licence to make direct passes and take more shots which makes him more unpredictable and effective. He's someone that has gone under the radar but I suspect that won't be for long. p.s. I voted Alfie because I love seeing him in that form, bossing defenders and causing chaos in their ranks.
  18. As a player he knows full well that there's nothing a manager can shout or gesticulate about to make a difference from the side of the pitch, especially so late on. At that stage it's all up to the players. He will have been happy with the reaction he got, but equally as Frankie said he'd be eager to get them back in to the changing room and training ground to express how he really felt. He was right to praise them in public but I bet their ears are ringing at training today, and quite rightly so.
  19. Barisic is suffering because we'd don't have an option on that left hand side. I fear we need a replacement for Kent and for the moment, Jones hasn't adapted enough to our system. Barisic rarely has someone taking the defender away so he ends up having to pass it sideways or back. We just don't have the balance in the team. I've been talking about this for 5 games now and if I can see it, I'm hoping the management team can see it. I really hope we can bring in someone to fill that role, but it then means that Ojo, Arfield and Docherty are all trying to grab that right hand spot. For me, this is the root cause of our problem. We end up then trying to push everything through the right hand side and I suspect this is why Tav ends up pushing further and further forward. Our shape was almost completely gone by the 50th minute. You'll notice that even in by 40th minute our midfield play completely broke down because Jack moved to right back. Aribo then had to come back to help Davis build the play. That meant they then had 5 defending players to cover Arfield, Ojo and Morelos which made it too easy for them to win it and immediately break on us. And with Jack wide, and Tav still in their final third, we had Davis and Aribo to contend with their two attacking midfielders and Brophy. That's why Davis and Aribo both looked shattered because they were chasing too much in outnumbered areas of the park. Thankfully the management will have spotted this and are working on a plan. The may be perservering with Arfield and Ojo to see if they can click better and support the left hand side more effectively. Or they may be trying to bring in someone for that side. One other option is to play with Defoe because he tends to prefer the left hand side as it allows him to cut inside and get a shot away. I think that's why our team looks much better balanced with Defoe rather than Morelos, despite Morelos being our best player. One thing is for sure, we will have problems until we fix this simple, yet problematic issue. I'm just glad we are have the time to do something about it having secured the three points today.
  20. We made a tactical switch in that game about ten minutes before half time. It was the same change we made against Progres and Blackburn and I don't like it. We were completely dominating the midfield thanks to the movement of the 3. Tav then is either told to, or decides to play 20 to 30 yards further forward, meaning that Jack then sits in as the right back. This is fine now and again but staying like this gives them the advantage in the middle of the park and it allowed them to dominate us. This surely can't be the best use of our creative players, and makes us fragile. This was a warning today and we need to maintain our shape. I'd like to know if this is the management's decision or if this is just Tav trying to do the right thing by pushing forward but not realising the consequences. Jack was the playmaker in the first half and turned into Tav's safety net by the end of the half. What a waste!!!
  21. I can understand us controlling the pace when they sat in, but we've just been so pedestrian since the space opened up. Why?!?! Surely that's the time when we should be pushing to exploit the space? This is very poor.
  22. I would agree with much of what you've said, but it looks like we have taken control of the pace of the game here, rather than gone ponderous. I've said before that Ojo and Arfield are both comfortable on the same side of the pitch so I feel that Ojo isn't getting a chance to be creative at all. It's also fairly evident that they are putting two men on Aribo so he will have to time his runs much better to lose his men. I'd be worried in this position last year but this feels different this time. I hope im right and not just my usual optimistic self.
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