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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. It was definitely a bad day at the office. In my opinion only Davis looked up for this one. Jack, Kamara, Aribo, Arfield and Defoe were terrible. I thought Flanagan and Katic got pass marks, but barely. I think Gerrard has to take blame here too because he changed a winning formula by changing the midfield and putting Aribo further forward. It's clear he doesn't trust Jones for the 90 minutes but we needed Aribo in the midfield 3. Having said that, Aribo was way off the pace in this game and looked weak physically. This Celtic team is poor but we made them look good today. The players now have a long time to reflect but we need to see a reaction. With Gerrard at the helm I'm sure we will get it.
  2. I know you're right, but sometimes I can't help lowering my standards to get it right up that poisonous little moron.
  3. Can you imagine?!?!?! I think that would push him over the edge if that happened. ? We could then get into a few verses of "Please don't go" by KC and the Sunshine Band. And then Gerrard could shake his hand at the end and say "And I love you too Lenny" I would love us to win, but winding him up would be such a bonus. He's scum of the highest order.
  4. I disagree on both points. Every bear I know was more excited than ever to see the draw. As for your pessismism re charges, I think we really have reached a watershed moment and I doubt we will hear those songs sung by any of our fans ever again. We will then be able to take the moral high ground and point at the very many obvious hypocrisies.
  5. You'd think so but they have an alternative which is more reliable. A month ago the SLO tweeted about it and I've used it ever since. It's been great with no delays or problems.
  6. Are you using the europa.rangers.co.uk site? I find that the quality through that is better and I dont think I've ever lost connection when through that address.
  7. I can understand obviously why so many people went with Katic but for me Jack is our best player and has been for weeks now. He makes us tick and I still can't believe he's the same player. Last night I thought he was everywhere and helped control the game.
  8. I think we should give a special mention to the commentary team on RTV last night. Tom and Andy were excellent as usual, but when the goal went in it was just fantastic to hear their emotion come through as Tom shouts "Moreloooooooos" and all Andy could get out was "Wooooooooo". RTV is the only way to watch the games if you can't make it to the stadium. I've listened to that section of commentary more than a few times since and it gives me goosebumps every time.
  9. I went to sleep absolutely buzzing last night and woke up the same way this morning. For many of us it's easy to take European football for granted, afterall many of us have seen dozens of huge European matches at Ibrox and abroad. However, don't underestimate the magnitude of the importance of qualification when it comes to the younger bears. Last season was the first time many of them will have experienced big nights and with the same this season there's a new found enthusiasm for the club these days. There's a real danger that we could lose future fans to the likes of Man City, Liverpool, Spurs, etc so this is hugely significant in terms of our longer term prospects. Of course it's still exciting for us older ones too. Within seconds of the final whistle I had my son, his pals, and my nephew contact me in sheer delight. I took as much enjoyment from that than I did from the game itself. There's a change in the attitude towards our club now and it's exciting. There will be many of us in two minds about the draw. One part of me wants all glamour ties and the other wants a chance of an easier passage towards some additional coefficient points. No matter who comes out of the hat though it'll mean some great future memories I'm sure. Last night's result was so much more important than Sunday. If I'd been given the choice it would have been easy to choose the one I wanted us to win, however now it's done I want us to go out and prove at the weekend that we are back and we mean serious business this season. Its a great time to be a bear and although I don't necessarily like to feel so confident going in to an Old Firm game, I really suspect next week will be even better!
  10. For me the perfect outcome is a team from England, Spain and Germany. I want the biggest names back at Ibrox. Fingers crossed for a glamour tie or three.
  11. Europa league here we come. That was a thrilling game!
  12. Anyone else jumping around their living room right now?!?!?! ???
  13. The ref is very inconsistent here. He gives a card to Barisic quite rightly but why not for their players when they clearly blocked our players? And as for that decision where he gave us advantage and then brought the ball back when Tav was free .... that was just an unbelievable decision.
  14. I think we are playing well. They're a really good team and work hard to close us down. I wonder how long they can keep that up for though. Strangely enough I feel the balance is working quite well for us in this game and Barisic is performing which is good to see. Arfield just isn't in this game yet and we need him to be asap. The ref is a joke allowing these cheats to get away with their constant diving and play acting.
  15. Although I agree that Aribo is excellent creatively, I think Gerrard sees him as a rock in the midfield 3 so I doubt he'll be used further forward unless we are dominating play (as per the change he made in the St Mirren game). Having said that, Kamara was alongside him in the press conference and to date he's played his co presser from the start so you may be right. I'd still like to see either Arfield or Jones play alongside Ojo in the front two midfield roles.
  16. Another one I'd suggest is the one that many young fans (including my kids) think is brilliant and that is cjnovo992. He's a real fan too and gets his opinions across in a very different style (very funny) and definitely one that younger bears will relate to. To be fair to the Record, I think they've realised that the quality of podcast content for our club is now so good that they are in real danger of losing customers forever, hence the reason for a more balanced view of our club in this podcast. I say tough. They've all had their chance to provide a balanced service and they've blown it time and time again so I won't be listening to, or watching anything the mainstream media produces again.
  17. Great preview @Frankieand I think we're all buzzing for tonight's game. Im really happy with Flanagan on the left. Given my ongoing concern around the balance on the left hand side I'm only too happy to make sure we keep it safe there. The combination of Barisic and Ojo doesn't give me any comfort defensively and I think we need to be at our best at he back to go through. I also accept we are likely to lose a goal. If we lose one I think we still go through, but if we lose two I'm fairly certain we are out. The team therefore will be unchanged from last week and I'm happy with that. It's also probably the team that will take on Celtic but we should be resting no one. This game is more important than the one on Sunday. We need the win, we need European football, and we need the money. Come on the Gers.
  18. I can't imagine that UEFA are conspiring against us. They don't care about us at all in fact, just like they care nothing for most of the teams outside of the main 5/6 countries. They rely on FARE to do a job which then creates the perception that UEFA are serious about tackling racism etc in football. It is FARE that is clearly biased. Having said that, we should take this opportunity to stop using certain language and songs. They are divisive, unnecessary and damaging to the reputation of our club. I see no need to tackle anyone on this except ourselves. We have a problem and it needs to be sorted so I hope that all of our fans behave from now on like sensible adults and keep our brand safe. If they can't, just stay away.
  19. At the risk of repeating myself too many times let me say that the quality of pods we get about Rangers is excellent. It's yet another example of the reason why I don't feel the need to ever seek out content from the mainstream media. Great job again guys. In the early days of pods I felt that 30 minutes was long enough and yet now I can't get enough of them. The Gersnet pod was another example this week where it finished and I couldn't believe an hour or so had passed.
  20. Just listened to the pod and really enjoyed it. I agreed with how @JohnMc positioned the UEFA sanction and I'd expect 99.9% of our fellow fans do too. The whole pod was very enjoyable so well done to all involved.
  21. It's the first time I've looked at the squad and what struck me was how few play in Scotland. Only 6 out of the 24 play their football in Scotland. That's probably not a bad thing I suppose.
  22. I listened to the Gerrard interview and in my opinion many people are misinterpreting what he said. He implied that he expects to receive bids for a couple of his players and that they have plans to cope with it, but he does then stress that it would then be different if he received a bid for a player who was central to his plans. I think it's fair to say that Gerrard sees Morelos as central to his plans so I don't think that he is the subject of a bid. It's more likely to be an important player but not one who is critical. It may be Barisic, Katic (I sense this one might be debated), Kamara, Arfield or Fod. All of these players would be regarded as being important but not so critical that we wouldn't consider good offers for them. Like many others I'm hoping we reach next week with our current important players still here (and hopefully Kent too ?) although I'll be delighted if we manage to move out Grezda and some of the others who are unlikely to feature in our plans.
  23. I saw that Ian and couldn't quite believe they'd have the audacity to distort it to that extent. I also saw that the number of shots and fouls was completely wrong too. Its just pathetic
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