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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. It's a joy to watch such great football. I actually enjoyed the slick passing in the first half despite us not carving out any decent chances. Helander and Barisic are really working for me on that left side. Other than the one lapse which allowed Stevie May to lay off to MOH, I thought Helander was solid again. Barisic is like a new signing. Please please make this the turning point in his Rangers career because in this form he's the left back we've all been desperate for. Jack, Davis and Aribo just eased through the game. Jack once again in particular is our star man in midfield. There's no wonder we are putting him on an extended contract because there must be plenty of scouts watching him these days. I never thought he had this level of performance in him (based on last season), but his development in the last six months is something I've never seen in any player we've ever had. And talking of improvements, there's no doubt Alfie is class, but to see him perform like this on the pitch, and then see him with a smile on his face and applauding Defoe as he scores is just so heart warming. Has Defoe just turned our £15m man into a £30m player? It looks like he might just be the role model Morelos needed because the bond between them looks to be so strong. Tav had a decent game today but you can see his confidence isn't here at the moment. It does however show some his mental qualities as a captain because despite this very obvious dip in from he's still trying to drive the team forward when we were clearly stuck at 0-0. Finally, I was delighted that Goldson got on the scoresheet today. The guy makes mistakes but you can see he gives it his all every time he's on the pitch and that's obviously why the manager likes him. Katic is a fans' favourite understandably, but Goldson rarely lets us down so the reaction he gets from some is unfair. Another tough 3 points on the board after a tough game in Europe, and an excellent second half performance too. I'll take that every week please.
  2. Alfredo is now excellent at the build up play and to be honest I don't care I feel he never scores against them, as long as someone else does.
  3. I think Gerrard has learned about the various teams and grounds because McDiarmid can be one of the toughest places to and get a win. We needed to go with a strong squad like this. Barker deserves his chance and I hope he takes it. I can't wait to see Morelos because he's a joy to watch these days. I'm surprised at Katic not starting. I had him as my fgs in the prediction league so,I'll now change it to Barker.
  4. I'm pleased for him. He's still a good player who has been so unlucky with injuries. I hope it's works out well for him there and he makes the most of the end of his playing days. Good luck GD.
  5. That was a great game of European football tonight. They're a good team but I thought we were on it ever since we got the penalty in particular. Alfie will get his move next summer if he keeps performing like that. I know he misses a few but he'd be my first pick in every game. The wee man is brilliant. I really enjoyed seeing Helander and Barisic perform like that tonight. Who would have thought that our left side would be so much stronger than our right? Tav is really struggling for form this season and tonight's was yet another example. I don't know if he needs a break, or a cuddle, or a kick up the backside, but whatever it is our management team need to sort him out asap. Jack once again though shows what a class player he has become. I'm sure there are 3 Ryan jacks on the pitch sometimes. He just seems to be just where we need him at the right times. I'd have taken 1-0 before the game, as would most of us so that's a great result and sets us up for an important weekend - again.
  6. Morelos and Jack were great tonight's but for me it's between Helander and Barisic. I've opted for Helander because he looked solid all night.
  7. And some people still think that the BBC is a relationship we should be working on? They are disgusting scum. I can't believe they think this is appropriate today. Just when you think they can't stoop any lower they come up with this. The BBC up here is a cancer we can do without.
  8. It's such a terrible disease and it was terrible seeing him deteriorate the way he did. RIP. I'm choosing to remember him as he was in his playing days with us rather than in the images we've seen more recently. When these things happen it puts so many other things in perspective.
  9. Great job again guys. I hope you used the 3 second rule Frankie and ate that pie afterall. The brown sauce would have helped protect it!!!
  10. I have lots of brilliant memories of European football nights. Dynamo Kiev, Marseille, Leeds United are all games I'll never forget. However there's one game that always jumps to mind when anyone's talks about European football and it was in the early nineties. My dad, brother and I were heading off to the match at Ibrox. I remember it being a wet and windy night, but I can't be sure of that. It certainly was quite miserable anyway because the Rangers team was plagued by injury going into this match against Bruges. I do remember that my gran had baked scones for us all and I put them in my pocket, knowing that on such a cold night they'd be welcomed with a cup of tea or bovril at some stage. The game was a torrid affair and if I remember correctly we scored first, but this was then followed by us being denied a stonewall penalty, them scoring, and then Hateley being sent off. It wasn't looking good at that point. Then at around the 70th minute Scott try-hard-but-no-skill Nisbett threw his foot at a loose ball which headed towards their penalty area. All 3 of us remarked almost in unison at how much spin was on the ball. My brother then said "if the goalie doesn't catch that it could spin in". Of course, as we know now the goalie didn't catch it and it didn't spin in to the goal. Ibrox erupted and as has happened many times before there were bodies flying everywhere in celebration. My dad ended up four rows down and had to be helped back to his seat which was funny. What a celebration it was. In all the excitement I had forgotten about the scones but figured this was a good time to then have them. I handed one to my dad on my left and to my brother on the right. They were delicious but the sweetest taste that night was of victory. What sticks in my mind though was at the end of the game we stood up to move along our row to get out and I realised the guy next to me wasn't my brother (who I later saw standing about 6 rows down). He disappeared though because I could say anything. About a week later we were playing Dundee at home and I got a tap on the shoulder. I turned around and this bear gave me a scone his son had made at school. I just remember him saying "no scone can ever taste as good as the one we had that night big Nizzy scored". That was 26 years ago and every scone I've had since makes me think of that goal. And he was right .... they don't taste the same without a Nizzy goal to go along with it. I don't imagine this is what you were looking for in your OP, but I thought I'd share it anyway.
  11. We had offered the role to the young guy from Southampton but he turned it down. I expect he wishes he had made a different choice now. I'm glad we went with Allen to set things up but I wonder if we will take a chance on a you g guy again. Whoever it is needs to have a good relationship with Gerrard or it won't work.
  12. The midfield looked brittle at stages and I'm putting that down to the loss of Jack. However Davis played well as usual. MotM has to be Alfie though. I know everyone is just praying he's turned the corner in his maturation because when he is in the mood he's top drawer. McCoist was the type of player who needed others to create the chances but Alfie is more like Negri in that he can create his own chances and is a constant nightmare for defenders. Every time he's on the ball there's a sense of anticipation and excitement. The game wasn't great yesterday but I still enjoyed watching Morelos. Brilliant!
  13. Neither of them hold back in giving their views. My highlight was when Gerrard was asked if this proves Aribo is in the right place. I love it when the gaffer says it as it is, especially with that confident but dismissive tone. GIRUY
  14. The casting and app are two excellent improvements. I'm assuming RTV has a growing population these days with so many of our fans (and Celtic fans of course) signing up to it. I'm just pleased that they are now investing in it.
  15. I've seen a lot on twitter about us and Marchisio? Is there a joke I missed out on or something? It seems to imply we were signing him, but clearly that's never going to happen so I wondered if it was something funny.
  16. I laughed out loud at that one @26th of foot ???
  17. I can understand the left back point, but I'm surprised at the centre forward one. We'd end up spending money on a third choice forward in my opinion and that would go against the manager's idea of two per position. Maybe the left back would help us, but our main problem is not in defence. It's a lack of cutting edge up front that's our real problem and at least Kent gives us that.
  18. Helander cost more than all other defenders combined .... I don't know what that has to do with anything. Would you rather we paid higher amounts for Morelos, Aribo, etc? I only used the 6.5 figure because that's what TB quoted and let's face it none of us will know what fee was paid. Divisive? Really? Maybe there are different opinions about how good Kent is but that's the same with Goldson, Katic, Morelos, Kamara, Arfield, Aribo, Flanagan, Tav, Jones, etc. And when you say "he's only returned the starting 11 to where it was last season" ..... you mean when we went on an extended run of being unbeaten including the games against Celtic? Excellent!
  19. It depends who we are playing but I would agree with this being the strongest 11 for the majority of our games. I hope Arfield and Jones can really push Ojo and Kent for a spot though. We need the competition. I think Helander must be close to dislodging Goldson at the moment. That would be ruthless by the manager to make that change but it would be better for us and for Goldson in the longer term.
  20. If Kent was the finished product and delivering 9/10 performances every week he'd have cost us £65m, not £6.5m. Kent was good, but not great when he started with us last season. By the end of the season he was winning awards and rightly so. There is no more pressure on Kent to deliver each week than there is every other player in the team. I've made no secret of the fact that I wanted him back and I fully expect us to reap the rewards of this investment at some point in the future, but he is still young (just like Katic, Morelos and Edmundson) and he will make plenty of mistakes, and no doubt have poor games. He's our player now though and I'm sure Gerrard is almost as happy as I am with his arrival. Welcome home Ryan!
  21. I'm delighted that Gerrard agrees that Kent is the final piece in the jigsaw. This is terrific for us and I'm excited at the season ahead.
  22. I'm trying to find a gif that expresses my feelings ..... ???????
  23. I gave it to Davis. He put the effort in, as did Flanagan. The rest were having the worst day I hope they ever have. If it was an option I'd have voted for the fans who had to put up with watching that. There wasn't a single thing I can remember that would have created any excitement or hope. We were flat throughout.
  24. I just don't see the need to panic after that at all. I thought Celtic were average at best but showed real fight. We had 8 or 9 players having an off day, and only two players (Davis and Flanagan) showing any desire, coupled with a poor tactical move by the gaffer. These players are good enough, as is the management team, and notwithstanding my ongoing concern about balance on the left hand side, we can win this league. What the gaffer needs to do now though is to demonstrate that these performances are not acceptable. He could do that by dropping Goldson, Aribo and Jones. They shouldn't be made scapegoats, but all three were either clearly too lackadaisical or exhibiting behaviour that should not be tolerated (as in the case of Jones). Goldson and Aribo will get back to their best, but for now they need to be taught a lesson. I'd perhaps give Aribo more leeway given that it was his first old firm game, but he'll need to be sharper than that in Europe too.
  25. They play in different positions. Kent couldn't play central midfield, just as Aribo isn't suited to be the wider attacking midfield player.
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