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MacK1950 last won the day on November 8 2024

MacK1950 had the most liked content!


2,441 Excellent


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    Bowls Fishing


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Favourite Rangers Player

  • Favourite Rangers Player
    Jim Baxter

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  1. Me too used to meet my cousins and go and duck under entry so we could buy our macarroon bars but that changed in the days when Cooper playedwe then payed at more modern turnstiles.
  2. Until they act like grown ups and noy delinquents they can fcuk off if they are noy happy.
  3. Remove ALL the privilages these morons get along with their season tickets,
  4. Think the way Barry pushed things from the side in a strong animated style shocked the team into action whereas the old cement Clement was unable to.
  5. Went for Dessers at least he doea not hide.
  6. Another "HELICOPTER SUNDAY" then💙
  7. Me too bur on concession so a bit cheaper.
  8. For the first time in decades I left before the end (straight after second goal) and I am not a subway loyal. The disp;ay roday is un forgiveable no leader off or on park with many in the team obviously not interested, Ah well there is always next week.☠️
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