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Posts posted by boabie

  1. 2 hours ago, forlanssister said:

    Not sure if that is the actual case because.....


    Shareholder Information

    In accordance with S.793 of the Companies Act 2006 (S. 793), RIFC has written to certain parties whom it knows or has reasonable cause to believe are interested in RIFC’s shares requiring information about the nature of those interests. 

    The undernoted parties have not responded to the requests in respect of the holdings shown after their names in brackets: 

    1. Blue Pitch Holdings (4,000,000),
    2. Putney Holdings Limited (700,000), 
    3. ATP Investments Limited (2,600,000); and 
    4. Norne Anstalt (1,200,000).

    The total number of shares affected is 8,500,000 (c. 10.4% of RIFC’s total issued share capital). 


    Article 15.5 of RIFC’s Articles of Association states that, where its board of directors (the Board) is satisfied that any person appearing to be interested in shares has been duly served with a notice under s793 of the Companies Act 2006, and is in default of providing  RIFC with the information required, the Board can, in its absolute discretion, at any time thereafter by notice to such member direct that:


    a. the member shall not be entitled to vote at a general meeting either personally or by proxy or to exercise any other right conferred by membership in relation to meetings of  RIFC in respect of such shares;


    b. Except in a liquidation of RIFC , no payment shall be made of any sums due from RIFC for such shares and  RIFC shall not meet any liability to pay interest on any such payment;


    c. No other distribution shall be made on such shares; and


    d. No transfer of any of the shares held by such member shall be registered unless:


    (i) The member is not himself in default in supplying the information requested and the transfer when presented for registration is accompanied by a certificate to the effect that the member is satisfied that no person in default as regards supplying such information is interested in any of the shares which are the subject of the transfer; or


    (ii) The transfer is an approved transfer.


    In brief, the above restrictions affect the right to vote the affected shares, the right to receive payments or distributions in respect of the affected shares and the right to transfer the affected shares.


    Direction notices have been sent to each of the above parties indicating those parties are in default of their obligations under S. 793 and that the measures noted will be imposed until the Board is satisfied that it has received all of the information required in terms of the S. 793 Notice sent to that party. 



    You're right of course. But C1872 and those sympathetic to us will not be selling any shares at the price King will be offering. There may be the odd mank who managed to pick up 2 shares thinking he'd gain some insight into our dealings who'll now bail out disappointed , but what I meant was, King will need to make an offer to those who could make a difference. In probability they won't sell so the whole thing is a waste of time and money.

    Them's the rules. King knew that. Hell mend him.

  2. 1 hour ago, compo said:

    Exactly just how many shares would he have to purchase or does he just have to make an offer and hope no one wants to sell .

    The decision means he has to make an offer to buy ALL the shares he doesn't control. If nobody is selling he doesn't have to buy any.

  3. 6 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    The name Doleman must be made up.  Does he have a job, other than obsessing about Scotland's most successful club?

    He's one of a long list who stick nozzles of vacuum cleaners into obsessed sellik fans wallets so he doesn't have to go out to work.

  4. 30 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    There’s real quality in this side now and that’s why we’re winning consistently. Poor results for us over the past season and a half were put down to “lacking consistency”, when they should have been put down to lacking quality players and tactics. 


    Goss, Docherty and Murphy are quality and they’ve made a huge difference. Morelos is quality too even when he doesn’t score. Great to watch these players just now. Wish there was a way to sign Goss in the summer, only 22. 

    It's all very well having quality in the squad. But no use if the hammer-throwers are allowed to boot them out the game and they're left on the treatment table.

    One by one they are being picked off.

  5. 50 minutes ago, craig said:

    Fair enough boabie.  You can have your opinion, doesn't make it true though :thup:


    I did answer the question - that is the frustrating thing with you, you only see what you want to see - I said that we have no way of knowing if he would have done the same to a Rangers player - and whether 99% of Rangers fans would agree with you that Beaton is a cheat is irrelevant in terms of whether it is true or not.  Is he a cheat ?  Neither of us know for sure - I certainly said he was after the Hibs game at Ibrox early in the season - but that was again just my opinion.


    Would he be my choice of ref ?  No chance.  Is he a cheat or just incompetent ?  You say cheat whilst I am on the fence, and yet more Bears will say he is incompetent.

    In the same way as Brines was a cheat mate ? Or the bastard in charge tonight who couldn't wait to book a Rangers player despite several bookable challenges from St Johnstone players ?

    Nowadays we've gone way beyond incompetent referees. Call it paranoia if you want but I don't remember decisions against us yet for other sides in previous 40 odd years of watching football prior to us going to the lowest division. The demise of Rangers power has seen organised cheating becoming the norm imo.

    I respect your opinion in the same way I do with any other poster who uses reason rather than ignorance to make a point.           ;)3

  6. 1 hour ago, craig said:

    So now you can read into the mind of the referee ?  You have absolutely no way of knowing if he would have done the same thing to a Rangers player.  You can surmise and guess but you simply can't tell.


    I also think that, at times, you post contrary to the spirit of the forum boabie - when you someone responds to you in a manner you don't like you respond and then tell them not to respond to you because they have nothing you want to hear.  This forum is about the spirit of debate.  Nothing wrong with having opposing positions - but passing your own judgements and then refusing to listen to others is not in the spirit of the forum.


    As for it being a lie - that, too, is nonsense.  Given we simply don't know if he would have done the same for a Rangers player then it clearly isn't a lie - no matter how "simply" you wish to make it.  You don't know that he would, the same as I don't know he wouldn't.


    The paranoia is oozing, and I say that as someone who basically called Beaton a cheat after the first Hibs game at Ibrox.



    I don't need to read the mind of a referee Craig. I know a cheating bastard when I see one on a constant basis.

    As to the spirit of the forum - I object to someone taking what I say and twisting it to suit their own trolling mind. Your warning is being handed out to the wrong poster here. The guy in question would have been thrown off many forums I've been on simply because his main aim is to sow discord.  I refuse to reply to the man as there is no debating with ignorance. This is my leisure time. I come here to relax not to be drawn into agruments where what I say is being deliberately misread.

    I stand by my thoughts on Beaton. 99% of Rangers fans who have watched Beaton handle our games would agree with me, no question.

    But you didn't answer the question, would Beaton have done the same for a Rangers player ?

    No reading minds. Just experience.

  7. 4 hours ago, craig said:

    Nonsense.  It isn't cheating at all.

    The referee is there to apply the rules in a fair and impartial manner to both teams.

    If he books a player and then watches him commit another two fouls and follows that up by having a sneaky word in a managers ear then I will ask you one easy question - would he have done the same with a Rangers player ?

    Don't bother answering because anything other than "No"  would be a lie pure and simply.

  8. 4 minutes ago, pete said:

    I agree with what you are saying but when you are trying to talk Morelos into staying and being happy at the club and he was better than Windass then it would have been better subbing him.

    Morelos creates chances for other players. Even if he isn't scoring I think it's always better to have him on the park.

    Windass has been scoring recently but it was obvious early on that today just wasn't for him. We'd have been doing him a favour to take him off at half time and reassure him he'd get another chance next week.

  9. 6 minutes ago, BEARGER said:

    His “tackle” on the edge of their box 2nd half at 1-0 sums the guy up to me. Some ability but a coward, his faither would’ve halted the guy in two.

    My mate tells me a bear was heard on Rangers tv shouting "fecking coward" at that incident.             :lol2:

  10. 18 minutes ago, colinstein said:

    I'd have hooked Windass at half time

    Or even before that mate.

    Murty has caught the Rangers disease - no subs until at least 60 minutes.

    He put his erse firmly on the line with his late choices. Many a point has been dropped by doing that.

    In saying that, we're beginning to look like a team.

  11. 19 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

    The only thing that I can say -in mitigation, M'Lud- is that the decisions of the bench are a matter of record, while the deliberations of the jury, in camera, are not. 

    Let's move on to the judge making a decision which goes against the evidence. What is on record showing how he made his decision was flawed so BDO launch an appeal. The appeal is upheld, Whyte loses his action, and BDO are left with another load of lawyers bills to pay.

    I'll say it again, how can this be right ?

  12. Prospective  jurors in the Craig Whyte trial were banned from serving on that jury if they were Rangers supporters.

    Yesterday two trials at the Court of Session, both involving Rangers as a club and with financial repercussions, admittedly not against the current set-up, were heard before a judge who is not only a Celtic fan but a season ticket holder and shareholder in that club.



    " A Celtic-loving judge was told he must have a “season ticket” for Rangers court actions after hearing two cases linked to the Ibrox club in one day.

    Advocate Roddy Dunlop QC made the quip to Lord Doherty as he prepared to defend BDO, the liquidators of “oldco” Rangers, in a £2.8million claim.

    Minutes earlier, in a separate case, the judge had listened to arguments from BDO lawyers suing David Whitehouse and Paul Clark, the Ibrox side’s former administrators.

    Dunlop told Lord Doherty at the Court of Session in Edinburgh: “Your Lordship must have a season ticket in litigation for Rangers.”




    How can that be right ?

  13. 4 hours ago, Yorkie Bear said:

    I'm still expecting to hear from Rogers that Zenit only turn up when they play the big boys.

    The mantra towards the end of the game was that Zenit are "a decent team but not a great team ".

    They all got carried away by the manks beating a team at home who hadn't played for 2 months . 

    You have to wonder what sort of former player, so called expert, or commentator who sees maybe 2 or 3 games a week would take a 1 - 0 home result as proof that they've been watching possible future cup finalists in action.

    The manks won 1 - 0. Deservedly so. The Russians were happy with that result because they knew fine well that with a 45 minute practice session and a team talk they'd destroy the manks.

    The manks got DESTROYED last night.

    A half hit trundler and a shot that put the floodlights in danger was all they had to show in the highlights tonight on tv.

  14. 12 minutes ago, buster. said:

    A registration of a charge document in connection with the Close Brothers business has been lodged at Companies House. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/SC425159/charges/mLBWBxLf49wYxVpcq5n1pX_hCbE


    Within the document there is a link to a PDF document with 56 pages of detail.


    Have any of the financial folk on here any comment on the contents ?


    There's no need to trawl through all that detail Buster. The mank forums have it all dissected thanks to the thousands  of financial experts they have in their support.

    The main talking point seems to be Close filing more forms 3 days after the ones previously placed online.

    As well as Edmiston House and the car park Close have our PA system, catering equipment, screens and wi-fi system as security. That is a further £3.2 million of security.

  15. 2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    It was indeed.  Although I wasn't around but do have a cracking retro crew neck shirt (best football shirt of all time). 


    I'm assuming Jock Wallace decided to go back to black socks with red tops in '74...but that's just a guess.


    Of course when arranging new strip contracts when we went from V neck to crew neck somebody will have seen the opportunity to bring in extra cash due to the amount of red and black socks that would have been kicking around the various sports shops at that time. 

    Later, given the character of the man, I've no doubt Jock had a say in the matter.

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