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Posts posted by boabie

  1. On 13/03/2018 at 16:45, Darthter said:

    Why do we need "ultras" anyway???  because they have them???

    I'll be honest - they annoy me. I'm fed up hearing they create all the atmosphere. Their atmosphere annoys me. Stupid boring chants and songs and daft behaviour. 

    If you want a real atmosphere give us The Sash and other old favourites.

    The boys are doing what they can and I wish them no ill will btw.

  2. On 15/03/2018 at 13:47, Bill said:

    That would be the police leaving Rangers no alternative than to deny any allocation at all. Which would be the first favour we’ve ever received from Police Scotland

    The police work on fan safety at the ground. If Rangers want selliks allocation to be the same as any other away fans  the police will consider the risk and their emergency planning group will carry out a study and say, if you want that you'll need to pay for however many police to ensure those attending the match do so without risk of harm. 

    I believe there are now SPFL rules prohibiting the total banning of away fans.

    That is why whenever talk of the manks getting shoved into a corner comes up I say it won't happen - it would cost our club a lot of money in extra policing to do that.

    My main point is though, despite what was posted earlier and no matter how high up the source was, the police do not decide how many of the scum we allow in. Rangers decide that and the police decide how much it will cost.

  3. 2 hours ago, Soulsonic5791 said:

    Harsh? Randy 'The Ram' Robinson would've been proud of Jozo's efforts.


    Watching it live and in real-time at the game, it looked obvious that Simunovic knew what he was doing with a typical piece of Balkan cynicism and that it wasn't a flailing arm. Whether Morelos made a meal of it or not is a moot point. And for the record, I don't think Alfie did.


    Yet another instance of the victim card being played by a guy who threatened to stop the '86 League Cup final by taking his players off the pitch. And all the more hypocritical of him as he was fond of 'leaving one on' his opponents during his playing days.





    He nearly caused a riot at Ibrox when he assaulted a Rangers player on the trackside right in front of the Derry.

    A love for ra sellik despite them appointing Billy McNeil as manager while he [Hay] was still in the same job.

    Not the brightest tool in the box.

  4. 2 hours ago, stewarty said:

    They approved Paul Murray so appointing Johnson will be a formality, subject to the investigation referenced, although I'm not sure why its relevant other than to appease the moon howlers.  

    You are missing the sub text behind all this  stewarty -  title stripping is still on the table. The moonhowlers are determined to succeed.

    Given the chair shuffling currently going on at the SFA and SPFL it wouldn't surprise me if that's what happens.

    Liewell is playing the long game without having his own name in the frame.

  5. On 14/03/2018 at 16:18, Darthter said:

    No...Safety within the stadium is the responsibility of the Police & the club (via their stewards).


    If the Police say they are unable to check everyone entering the ground, then its up to the club to provide adequate resource if that is required.  I believe it will be the Stewards that will primarily be responsible for safety inside the stadium, therefore it is there's & the Clubs responsibility to ensure that no illegal or unwanted items are allowed in.


    Nothing to do with the Govt.

    I have to say I fully agree with you on this point. All the laws are in place to allow policing of football stadia. The government who are there to ensure statutes are available to allow the police to do their jobs cannot be blamed for how the police or stewards do or do not do their own job.

  6. Meanwhile the tramp beggar liar among his wails and whining about the lack of donations to his site produces another cracker ---


    You have ripped the festering scab of the shameful secret of Scotland. Scotland was my place of birth but for thirty years I have called New Zealand home. I was a refugee. A person who felt obliged to forever leave his native land and wipe the dust from his shoes I did not want to bring up my family in a country that asked not what you can do but simply what school did you attend. I have previously detailed the appalling bigotry that I experienced as a young doctor in Paisley that convinced me that the visceral hatred and contempt for the minority of the population who were of Irish Catholic stock was endemic and irremediable. I was correct. It is clear that this cancer lives on in the Scottish police, media, justice system and football hierarchy. Every two weeks they conclave at Ibrox and proudly and safely sing their litanies of assumed superiority and wallow in their xenophobic hatred. I long for the day that their citadel of shame is forever closed. When this version slips into administration all good men and women should ensure that no other vehicle for continued hatred should persist. Enough is enough. Expose and shame Scotland’s dirty secret.”

    Fisiani, who wrote this comment, is a doctor. He is the kind of home-grown talent that an independent Scotland should prize. However his experiences as a young doctor in Paisley convinced him to serve a community 12,000 miles from his birthplace. "


    I can only assume Fisiani wrote this in a letter addressed to the TBL's cardboard box home as no trace of any such comments can be found anywhere.

  7. 54 minutes ago, Rick Roberts said:

    Boabie. Here's where i think it shows how politically naive and disorganised we are as a support in general (not a bad thing btw, as it should be football and not a tribal dog fight, but that now the environment we exist in). There's plenty of guys wanting to help out and do something but no way of making a real difference or anything happen. For example, look at the recent referee displays, we cant even muster a story in the press putting forward our point of view and setting a narrative.


    My thoughts is that somewhere out there is a Bear who has access to a smoking gun and wouldn't even know it e.g. proof of certain people meeting up. The next question is would we know how to use that information?  

    I'm in no doubt that there was an organised campaign set out to totally destroy Rangers when it was discovered that Murray had once again been playing Big Casino with other folks money. His arrogance made him a prime target but it was Rangers they were after.

    The whole media circus was driven using stolen personal information from within HMRC, banks and football authorities. Why there has never been mention of who was doing the thieving/leaking is another question I wanted answering.

    The Rangers fans will never be as organised as those connected to Penn State FC - half of them have never been inside the Paedodome and are only interested in bringing down Rangers.

  8. " This is a subject I’ve attempted to write about before but each time I’ve given up. The depth of content and number of threads involved is huge. The cast of characters (or villains) is legion. Much of the narrative is also simply beyond my understanding and such was the quantity and rate of change that I lost track of much of it years ago. "


    I know how the author feels. 3 guys were gathering stuff with a view to producing a book on the whole saga. I spent nearly 3 years assisting in a minor capacity with background information harvested in the wee small hours when I was free. The last time we had a collective at one of the houses the sheer bulk of paper info was frightening. That a non interested in Rangers jury found Whyte was as pure as the driven snow put paid to the whole idea. Nobody is interested when not only is nobody hung but also apparently that a murder hadn't even been committed.

    A square mile of the Amazon felled - for feck all.

  9. Collum became hated among the manks when he awarded Rangers that penalty.

    Since that day he has done nothing to benefit us. Quite the opposite.

    No doubt the usual moonhowlers will be posting right now about how FC Paedo don't get a fair shake.

    Beaton was described by them as a Rangers man last week.

    Collum, a religious education teacher at a bigot factory is probably viewed as the same. 

  10. 48 minutes ago, Gaffer said:

    This guy is mentally ill and needs some help.  He originally annoyed me, but I now feel sorry for him.  Surely he has friends that can force some help on him.

    He has NO friends Gaffer. He's "borrowed" money off every single person he knows. That's why he ended up in England.

    The deluded mugs among the mank fans are his last hope and the money has dried up to such an extent that he's now posted his 'revelations' [the moon landing was faked by Stanley Kubrick and other such nonsense] behind a pay wall. I'm hearing he's now couch surfing after arrears caught up with him once more.                    :clap:

  11. On 3/4/2018 at 12:21, Gonzo79 said:

    As soon as someone has been indoctrinated in the ways of Celtc-Mindedness, their ability to tell the truth comes into question.  


    As for the DR, them telling the truth reminds me of that Pinnochio kid.

    The tramp beggar liar comes out with a cracker today --


    " The Ibrox faithful cannot wait to throw lighters and coins at the Celtic players. They might even taunt some Celtic players with what is euphemistically known as ‘monkey chants.’ Someone on the sex offenders register (for exposing himself to a mother and her 11 years old daughter) might choose to attack Lite’s bête noire, Celtic captain Scott Brown. Ibrox is now the home of Scotland’s criminal class. Which is hardly surprising as the RIFC chairman is a career criminal. However some are prepared to go much further.

    The criminals in the Ibrox milieu occasionally settle scores at the Old Lady of Edmiston Drive, as was the case when a UVF boss was murdered on a staircase in a frenzied knife attack. My readers will probably not be aware of this incident as there was a concerted campaign by the Rangers security supremo, a former Strathclyde Police Superintendent, and his former colleagues to sweep this under the Blue Room shag pile. "


    Mark Walters may not have heard the chants or seen the crateloads of bananas thrown at him while Ricksen, other Rangers players and a few referees might disagree as to where the danger comes from in these matches.

    As to a covered up murder inside Ibrox, is there nothing off limits to these cretins ?

  12. 5 hours ago, aweebluesoandso said:

    Boabie there will be less police costs, 7500 against 1,000 fans, surely that could half the police presence?


    The Broomloan will be filled by Bears paying the extra cost for that ticket, currently an extra fifty quid, so on tickets sales and revenue there won´t be any financial loss.  if they can police the Hivs and the Sheep they can police the scum.  They are always seats given over to being a seperation between fans, they do it even against the smaller teams who bring about fifty fans, so nothing new or needed changed there. 

    There may be less manks in the stadium but they will be in a different section with Rangers fans very nearby. Far more police will be required INSIDE that part of the stadium.

    Policing Hivs and Sheep can in no way be compared to policing Rangers v Celtic. The division between the fans will be wider.

    I take your point about ticket costs being raised and that would certainly service the shortfall.

    Police advice is essential and important and, now that their staff come under H & S rules I just don't see them wearing the risk unless police numbers are dramatically increased - something the clubs baulked at several years ago.

    Personally I'd just ban the bastards altogether. 


  13. In my opinion there's a very simple reason why this one is a non starter - our board would see a drop in income from those matches.

    Stick the manks in a corner and there will be lines 4 or 5 deep of empty seats between opposing fans. The cost of extra police inside the ground would also have to be met by the club.

    I'd prefer them there but for those reasons don't think it will happen.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

    He had a pub down Ibrox/Govan way, if memory serves: imaginatively called Kai Johansens's Bar, and with Scottish and Danish flags on the signboarding/facia.

    Maybe he had two.


    Bobby Shearer had a place on Jamaica Street/Howard Street corner, or nearby. 

    Kai's place in Howard St was a restaurant if my memory serves me. The pub was in Govan.


    EDIT - Upstairs above the Imperial Bar seems to ring a bell.

  15. As to the 66 cup final - you're correct , we weren't given much of a chance in the run up to the game.

    They had beat us 5-1 in the Glasgow cup final a short time before. Yogi Hughes had given Kai a hard time in that match.

    The S.C. final saw Davie Provan and Kai switch positions to prevent it happening again. It had ended up in a draw but Hughes had given Provan a torrid 90 minutes. That's why the replay victory was so much sweeter because not only had Kai went back to his correct position, but tied him up and also went on to score the winner.

    Over the years I've heard folk say Kai scored anywhere between 20 and 35 yards from goal. If you watch the goal he actually struck the ball from inside the box .

    Incidentally, when he signed for us his name was KAJ but folk kept pronouncing it as Cadge so it got changed on team lines, press announcements, etc.

  16. " RANGERS welcome Falkirk to Ibrox tomorrow and if you don’t have your ticket then you can pay at the gate.

    Ticket prices for this fixture are priced at £24, for adults, £17 for concessions and £6 for juniors with pay at the gate available in the Copland Rear.

    Graeme Murty’s men go into the match tomorrow looking for their sixth win in all competitions and will be hoping for packed Ibrox to roar his side on to victory. "




  17. 27 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    That Sporting game was phenomenal!

    Me and my son in law booked to go over. My wife then pointed out it was my youngest daughters 16th birthday so we took her along.

    A fantastic night. They locked us in the stadium for about 40 minutes after the game to allow the Sporting fans to clear the area. Our sing-song on the stairwells was tremendous.                 :rfc:

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