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Posts posted by boabie

  1. My dad had a friend who was doing some business work for Ray during his time at Ibrox and I happened to say that Ray was one of the very few English players I'd pay money to see.

    A couple of weeks later I got told to dig out my suit, dress up and head for a meal in Glasgow city centre where he was our guest. He was truly the most gentle, unashaming, calm and interesting players I've ever had the pleasure of being in the company of.

    A few months later I came across him during a stadium tour and he made sure he spent time standing by my mates for all their photos and autographs.

    The world has lost a gentleman.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    The people who contribute to C1872 should have every opportunity to vote on this.  


    If you disagree with a big decision like this going to a vote, you'd be better making your case to C1872 direct.

    I will be                       .


  3. We would also remind members that any use of Club 1872 funds to help finance safe standing will be subject to a member vote."


    It shouldn't be voted on imo.  C1872  cash shouldn't be used for stuff like this.

    Either the club pay for it or UB and those using the facility should meet the cost.


  4. 1 hour ago, Walterbear said:

    I understand that Boabie but the SPFL can’t be doing deals with broadcasters who dont cover the interests of their collective members. They (SPFL) represent Rangers on these deals. The SPFL represent us and have a duty to ensure it’s members are treated fairly and equally. That’s what collective deals are about.   We have a dispute with the biased contribution of one person from the broadcaster and the SPFL should be standing up for us and we should be demanding that. The broadcaster is claiming journalistic integrity is threatened unless they can have a press pass for their biased reporter.  If the SPFL cannot fulfil the function of ensuring a fair deal is available fir everyone then we should tell them we have no alternative other than go elsewhere if we want our fans to access commentary of our games properly. Then see what they do. If we believe we are right on this then why not? Are the SPFL going to kick us out? The worst they will do is fine us and withhold the BBC sums due to us. The reason nothing happens is because no one is doing anything. 

    The problem though is mate - we don't have a "dispute" with the BBC. We have one with one of their employees.

    Our contract is with the SPFL and not with the BBC.

    However, despite us all knowing the BBC are at fault here - is anybody seriously expecting the SPFL to back us up in a disagreement with anybody whatsoever, never mind the BBC ?

    The SPFL have a duty of care to all the other clubs here too.

    If the Rangers fans are so upset then the answer is clear ------ stop attending away matches. Let's hurt the other clubs to force them into perhaps thinking about backing us against the BBC.

  5. " NEIL LENNON insists forcing Hibernian to make a third trip to Ibrox would be a disadvantage on and off the park.
    Lennon’s side have won twice in Govan already this term but could miss out on welcoming the Gers to Easter Road after the top flight split.
    The SPFL have yet to confirm the schedule but Lennon said: “I’m assuming that because we’re the lowest seeded team we will be going there for the third time. If that does happen it will be a major concern. It will be a major disadvantage.
    “Not only for our chances of finishing second, but also from a financial point of view as we lose out on a sell-out home crowd, which I think we have earned the right to have. We will just have to cross that bridge when it comes to it.”


    What a maggot.

  6. 2 hours ago, Walterbear said:

    Another thing - if the BBC refuse to cover our games properly we should look at options of striking a deal with other broadcasters even if it is local radio and just return our share of the BBC contribution. I don’t see how we can be tied into deals made by SPFL or SFA that do not give us equality with other clubs. There is something not quite right about the BBC doing commentaries on a Sky broadcast when we are being marginalised in terms of coverage.  There must be some angle here. 

    The BBC have a deal with the SPFL for a certain amount of cash. The cash gets shared out between the clubs depending on where they finish up in the league table . The amount of matches covered doesn't come into it.

    Also, we have a contract with the SPFL so would not be allowed to make our own deals.

  7. 18 hours ago, ian1964 said:

    That has to be a good thing no?:D, no idea why that is? I don't eat fish of any kind!.

    Too many buckets when I was a kid led me to the same result. I don't eat fish of any kind either.

    I'd no choice back then. With my granda spending every ha'penny in the pub or bookies it was eat shellfish or starve. I got handed sixpence each morning and went to Port Setons open air swimming pool. I was in there from 9am until 6pm rain or shine. One morning I got hoovered up along with the borstal boys who were allowed to use it in the mornings before it opened to the public.             :D

  8. " RANGERS International Football Club PLC unaudited trading results for the six months to 31 December 2017. "


    Ill Phil today turns to his "financial expert " for comment.

    His conclusion ?  

    The accounts are unaudited.                      :clap:


  9. That will maybe put an end to the bleating from the great unwashed about the figures not being available / no money / trading while insolvent / King ready to do a runner / another SFA cover up / conspiracy / complaints to UEFA / etc, etc.


    Then again - maybe not.              ;) 

  10. 55 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    No huts now mate, all top of the range Holiday homes, I stay next to it.

    Maybe 10 years ago I took my wife and youngest daughter there and couldn't believe the changes.

    Saddest thing was the beach. I used to collect a bucket of mussels and whelks every day for the next days food. When we revisited I could find one of either on any rock for hundreds of yards along the beach.

  11. 36 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    Oi! what's wrong with Port Seton?












    Nothing at all mate. I spent just about every holiday of my childhood there. Sometimes 10 weeks in the summer. Altogether my mums family had about 6 huts there.

  12. Hawkhead at Govan as opposed to Hawkhead in Paisley.

    I visited the place in the early 60's when a relative had suffered a serious work injury resulting in brain trauma. I believe it had changed its name to Leverndale by then.


    Thanks M - another great piece of investigation and presentation.

  13. "Ann Budge has outlined her vision for Hearts in a Q&A with fans.

    The Jambos owner has revealed summer transfer plans, given an update on Tynecastle and responded to questions about Financial Fair Play.

    Budge insisted Rangers will be forced to go through the same stringent FFP checks as every other club.

    Questions were put to the Tynecastle chief by Hearts fans and she responded by insisting Rangers wouldn't be treated differently to any other team.

    Budge is well known for her attempts to connect with fans and in her latest question and answer session the group, from Hearts website hmfckickback.co.uk, asked if the club would be seeking assurances on Rangers meeting FFP regulations for UEFA licences ahead of next season.

    The FFP regulations were established by UEFA seven years ago and updated in 2015 in a bid to prevent clubs spending more than they earn in the pursuit of success. The rules are also designed to stop clubs careering into financial turmoil.

    Clubs failing to meet criteria can be refused a UEFA licence. Budge was asked if Hearts would seek assurances from the SFA that Rangers meet the FFP regulations ahead of next season having "publicly reported substantial losses in each of its five years existence" and given that they are requiring "further funding of £7.2m over the next two seasons as identified in their last accounts".

    Budge said: "All I can say is that at Hearts, we have to jump through a lot of hoops to ensure we comply with FFP (Financial Fair Play) rules.

    "We must assume that UEFA does the same with all other clubs and it's UEFA who decide if a team can play in Europe or not. It's not a question of whether a club is in debt. It's a case of, is that club in a position to pay the debt back.

    "We have to complete enormous amounts of paperwork to UEFA, the SFA, the SPFL. When we took over in 2014, we had to attend a lot of meetings to prove we could run a financially viable football club. There is no reason to think Rangers are being treated any differently from any other team in that respect."



  14. 2 minutes ago, StuGers said:

    He is the prime example of how someone can be completely chewed up and brainwashed when you become part of that cult.


    Every week they become more of a parody of themselves.

    It just goes to show how actual ROI folk feel about them rather than the self proclaimed plastic ones.

    I've lived and worked among those in the ROI. To a man they were great.

    The plastics are a different kettle of fish.

    O'Neil is a plastic. His mind is elsewhere and infected by his time at the Paedodome.

  15. 5 hours ago, der Berliner said:

    I don't think he is a target and will either adapt to his new club or move on to another English team. AFAIK, he went back to England for family reasons (too), which is largely ignored.


    Intriguing is the state of both Miller and Hardie. The former might be offered a coaching role, but may probably look for another season or two as player, which IMHO will only happen elsewhere. Hardie has scored wherever he plays and I would assume that we will offer him a deal, just to be on the safe side. I take it that Cummings and Murphy will sign up permanently, but who knows what will happen with Morelos. If he keeps scoring and is having a good game or two this summer, someone with deeper pockets than us will sure come calling.


    And, something which we should keep in mind, the Colombian (unless unpicked) may be away while we prepare for Europe ... with as of now only Herrera and him on a permanent deal.

    Miller as a coach fills me with dread. 

    He scores the odd goal which to my mind is something that can't be coached.

    Kids either have the ability and nous to score or they don't. It's something that can't be taught.

    If we were looking for somebody to direct traffic Miller is our man. Anything else he should get chased.

  16. I see that Hungary haven't lost the cheating, diving, dirty play mindset that infected every eastern european team since the 60's. Why does any player dive and roll about in mock agony during a friendly ?

    No idea how their captain is still on the field. At least 4 bookable fouls so far.

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