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Everything posted by boabie

  1. Today must have seen about the lowest crowd at Ibrox for several years. Hardly surprising though given last week and kick off time.
  2. Although I attended games earlier I always approached Ibrox from the other end [Copland] without going near any train station so can't recall ever seeing the station before it shut down. I'd be hard pushed to describe where it is.
  3. " Former Rangers manager Mark Warburton has spoken of his shock at the club's decision to suspend Kenny Miller and Lee Wallace in the wake of the Scottish Cup semi final bust-up. Warburton, who was involved in a high-profile dressing room dispute which led to the eventual exit of Joey Barton from Rangers, managed both players during his 20-month spell in charge at Ibrox And he insists their attitudes were "first class". The experienced duo have been told to stay away from Ibrox as an internal probe into the stormy dressing room scenes that followed Sunday's humbling by Celtic is held. " https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/mark-warburton-reveals-shock-rangers-12391174 Again the question has to be asked - WHY ? What does Warburton know about Rangers now and why bother asking for him to chip in ?
  4. Some " in the know " [I know. I know] have been telling the Rhats that Wallace heaved the tactics board at Murty and Miller went forehead to forehead with him. Neither had the right to speak to him never mind pull him up.
  5. We've had many of those wee groups appear over the years. One thing in common - they all have over-inflated ideas of their own importance. Given the size of the shareholding C1872 should have released a statement like that rather than the guff they did release.
  6. Mentioned in this report but it's behind a paywall so I can't get the full story -- http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/14192726.Fans_shareholder_group_director_quits_while_row_erupts_over___500k_loan_plan_to_Rangers/
  7. It seems like there are thousands to choose from mate.
  8. I've liked Wallace as a Rangers player but always felt that like Tavernier he would make a better midfielder than defender - always prone to either go missing or feck up at an important time. I never ever took to Miller. Murty is responsible for the omni shambles on Sunday but at the moment he is the man in charge so should not be a target from 2 guys who weren't even playing . Imo it has obviously gone beyond frustration in the dressing room and that's not on. The board will be left raftless if they try to sell Murty for next season. So they should be too.
  9. Was the guy McIntyre not on it too but left after some sort of disagreement ?
  10. Was McIntyre not involved in a previous bust up with the / a board at Ibrox ?
  11. " Follow Rangers Committee members are Roger Dunne, David Griffiths, Willie Macintyre and John McKee. We will update our website to include this information. Thanks to all of you who have shown an interest so far. "
  12. You didn't read the earlier posts - 3 of them- 2 where I said where being Stuart McCall was no bad thing. He's a player I admired. My point was, 10 Stuart McCalls don't win you the league or even guarantee you a league or cup win. The criticism was against the manager not the player.
  13. As said earlier, we looked like a team of Stuart McCalls. All running around covering everything but doing nothing else. Nothing is going to come out of a load of beavers working to get the ball back before humping it high up the park to a midget guarded by 3 giants. Windass was never going to change anything. Most around me groaned. 4 -0 against Barcelona is maybe just about acceptable. Against an average team like the Rhats is simply not on.
  14. I never took to Boyd , even when he was breaking records. Aye, he scores most chances he gets, but his work rate is non existent and folk seem to forget the amount of free kicks he gives away when his team mates are in attack or the number of times he gets caught offside through laziness. He doesn't miss many but his sloth causes the rest of the team the opportunity to score too. Is Morelos the answer ? His record would say no. Would I have Boyd over Morelos ? Not a fecking chance - even if they were the same age. Europe, if we made it ? There was a reason Boyd didn't get many games in those competitions.
  15. From about 30 seconds in to the match I saw that something had changed since the last game against them at Ibrox. Our players, even that early looked flat. There was no hunting down the ball or chasing opposition players. Were we sent out working to some "plan" where the tactic was, " They'll think we're going to knock ourselves out straight from kick off so let's fool them and play a containing game and hope to hit them on the break ?" ??? Having had time to digest what happened my opinion is, we had one chance - charge right at them from the start and hope we score. Keep chasing them and get the ball forward at every opportunity. If we lost a goal then fair enough, we were always going to do that anyhow. Oh, and playing a guy the height of our striker up front on his own was never going to work. I said to a couple of guys , we look like a team of Stuart McCalls [no bad thing in itself], but there was nobody else doing anything differently so we became very predictable. I've attended matches against them where we took an absolute hammering yet came out with a result. I don't think we took a hammering yesterday but we made them look invincible because of our own performance. The Rhats didn't beat us. We beat ourselves.
  16. " There were huge queues for tickets and already 45,000 have been sold, with the capacity of 55,000 expected to be reached. " 36,276 attended. Maybe it was Romanian Mothers Day ?
  17. My uneducated thoughts on today - from kick off we were nowhere. Celtic did not beat us. We beat ourselves through mistakes. We posed no problems . We'd no shape. As expected our own problems came right through the centre of our defence. For next season - our manager is simply not good enough. I'll leave it at that for now as I'm far too angry.
  18. I'll make up for you buddy. I've a charity do tonight so will probably be half cut when I head to the pub tomorrow.
  19. As I said at the time - we dodged a bullet with McInnes. He's simply not the guy that Rangers need going forward from now. Full time. 3 - 0.
  20. 3 - 0 Motherwell. Right after Abersheep have their first shot on goal.
  21. That's as poor a sheep team as I've seen in years. I fancy M'well to get another. 58 minutes played.
  22. But no matter who goes through between Aberdeen and Motherwell there will still be demands for a 50/50 split of tickets for the final.
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