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Everything posted by boabie

  1. If the manks learned to behave while in stadia there would be no danger to anyone.
  2. There's a contract in place Bear. I doubt that one would be able to sell jerseys cheaper than the other. Over on planet tim, the deal was to allow SD to get rid of thousands of unwanted jerseys as they knew that trying to sue Rangers would tip us over the edge and lead to admin.
  3. " DONE DEAL Rangers strike deal with Mike Ashley’s Sports Direct after ripping up seven year deal allowing fans to buy strips Ashley's company have had a tight grip on the club's retail, which sees Gers earn next to nothing from shirt sales. " https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/1179188/rangers-strike-deal-with-mike-ashleys-sports-direct-after-ripping-up-seven-year-deal-allowing-fans-to-buy-strips/
  4. If we don't get through those first two rounds then questions should be asked about where we are heading. Aye, a whole squad is being put together but..................
  5. The same idea I had mate. My problem was though - Fathers Day and my kids all brought up cider because it was so warm. I ended up rubber and didn't see a ball of the football being kicked. Your garden is a bit tidier than mine too.
  6. " improving player behaviour and increasing respect " Easily sorted - all youngsters looking for a career in football should be made to play rugby for 6 months.
  7. I've a mate who flew over there on Friday. St Petersburg, Moscow and some other place is where he's headed. A good touch is where the ruskies are providing free train journeys between venues.
  8. I'd chase him Rab. Some anorak somewhere should be able to post the stats on how many times he gets a cross in from a corner, free kick or open play. A winger who can't get a ball into the box is no good to any team.
  9. I'm not sure if I posted this here before - a guy I know wandered into our local with a stranger. The conversation got around to Brenda. I pointed out that he didn't worry me because of his £300 million antics at Liverpool. Straight away the stranger said "Acht, you're just a bigot." I picked up my pint and walked away. There's no debating with the terminally dim.
  10. I always had a lot of time for Stevie. Met him one time at Glasgow Airport when our team were heading out for pre-season matches. I met just about everybody at check in and was going through the car park in front of the terminal building just as he was rushing in. I said "Feck me Stevie I had McCoist in the last-to-appear sweep and you've just cost me money." He stopped and was happy to pose beside my family for photos, autographs, etc. A genuinely nice guy and no mean player.
  11. Tell it like it was Rab - he was another waste of money by Warburton. He certainly could spot no-talents or players made of glass.
  12. If it was the manks it would be £30 million or so.
  13. I heard today from a youngster [who played against us not too long ago in fact] that various agents were in touch with McInnes to point out that the contracts he has signed with agents to take those as yet unsigned players state that if he leaves the sheep he will have to take them to Sunderland. Sunderland told him to bolt. The youngster I know is one of those players now currently waiting to join him at Aberdeen.
  14. ...... while at the same time spoiling the experience for those attending or viewing the match. I detest the things. They are an unnecessary distraction which go a long way to ruining games for me. Yes, I understand the money will come in handy - I just hate them.
  15. Raman is one of us Bear. I've spent a couple of evenings in his company.
  16. A guy I knew who was a heid bummer with their supporters association used to say exactly the same thing BD. Big Peter might have been a rabid mank but he supported a club and didn't spend his whole life spitting venom at another one.
  17. Nice one ! Best of luck and welcome Mark.
  18. The above is something I used to moot when Kris Boyd was the subject of discussion - aye, the guy knew how to find the back of the net. But just consider how good that man "could" have been had he applied himself 50% more. It looked to me that when he came to us he looked leaner with a better work rate. Within a month he was back to his slothful worst.
  19. I see this headcase has crawled out from under his rock again. A letter to Regan - " Mr Regan I promised myself I wouldn’t write to you again, because my time and energy are more important to me than your opinions, even if you had the guts and the courtesy to reply. But I find that your silence for several months was quite strange in as far as there were several incidents in Scottish Football which I believe merited comment from a person in your position. But you only ended your silence to make comments on the trial of Craig Whyte in the High Court. I found that strange as Mr Whyte no longer holds a position in any football team in Scotland, even one that is only five years old. I might be wrong here but I believe Mr Whyte was acquitted of all charges and free to leave the court of his own free will. But you decided that he had some case to answer by claiming that he was no longer welcome in Scottish Football, I wonder if you could enlighten me on what grounds that is the case, bearing in mind that Dave King is welcome. There has been as I said previously a couple of incidents in Scottish Football that deserved comment from the SFA Chief Executive. For whatever reason you have kept your council (sic) on these incidents, but I believe that genuine football supporters would agree with me in thinking that it is part of your remit to make comment when the situation is important enough. Let me take through a couple of those incidents, not in any particular order. First of all when my team Celtic played at Ibrox stadium on April 29th, our Club Captain Scott Brown was confronted on the field of play by a supporter of Rangers, I use the term supporter loosely. At the time of the incident the response from the Police/Security was at best lax, and at worst pathetic. I would have thought such a serious incident would have merited comment, but all we got from you was silence. At the same match there was another incident which if anything was even more serious. After Scott Sinclair scored for Celtic he was celebrating with his team mates when he was subjected to the most obscene Racist abuse, by more than one supporter of Rangers, and again I use the term supporter loosely. Again the silence from you and the rest of the SFA was deafening. During that match, and in fact at every match we have played against Rangers we have been subjected to almost non-stop Sectarian singing, and while I would not contend that our support is perfect, they are certainly not Sectarian. I have met with Police Scotland on several occasions this season, they have for the most part been very complimentary in regards to the Celtic Support and their behaviour. Another question which is being asked by football supporters of all clubs is in regards to the criteria which must be met to be awarded a European spot by the SFA for season 2017/18. Do all the clubs in Scotland which have been awarded a place meet the criteria? I also note with interest this morning in the media, your colleague (should that be Brother?) SFA President Alan McRae state that it would be a “very boring and dreary” season in Scottish Football if our Invincible Treble Winners aren’t challenged. McRae doesn’t want just any team to challenge, he just wants it to be Rangers who are doing the challenging. I’m sure his predecessor will be proud of him. This is coming from a guy who has contributed absolutely nothing to Scottish Football, except at Amateur or Highland League level, the guy like you has been an embarrassment to Scottish Football, and those in power at UEFA must wonder how you both got into your high level positions. Finally Mr Regan, I would like to ask you if you have changed your position on the questions sent to you by the group of Celtic Supporter Shareholders known as “Resolution 12”. Although I never followed the Craig Whyte trial very closely, I read enough to suggest that contrary to what you claimed, the Tax Liability had Crystallised and therefore a European Licence should not have been issued to Rangers. That means without a shadow of a doubt one or more people were telling lies, the question is Mr Regan were you one of them? I don’t expect you to answer that, but I thought I would ask the question anyway. There is also the case of the DOS/EBT with side letters schemes ran by Rangers, was the full truth put before Lord Nimmo Smith? Again were one or more people telling lies? That only leaves me to reiterate the position of the Celtic Supporters Association. After the six blind officials match at Hampden our members passed unanimously a “Vote of No Confidence” in you, I think you can safely add your colleague Mr McRae to that now. I also think it is time that you actually asked the supporters of all the member clubs in Scotland if they have any confidence in you to take Scottish Football forward. I would safely predict that UKIP would be more popular than you. For the benefit of Scottish Football please go now.” Joe O’Rourke, General Secretary, Celtic Supporters Association, Independent Shareholder in Celtic Football Club. "
  20. " Hearts have rejected an offer from Rangers for Jamie Walker. The 23-year-old attacker is contracted at Tynecastle until next summer and has turned down the offer of deal extension. Walker can sign a pre-contract agreement with another club from 1 December. The Scotland Under-21 international has made more than 180 appearances for Hearts and scored 15 goals last season, including two against Rangers. Hearts director of football Craig Levein said last month that Walker wanted to leave the club. The club subsequently stated "the player would prefer to see out the remaining year of his contract". " http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/40278553
  21. There has been online talk of that happening Stew.
  22. " Town target Joe Garner has undergone his Blues medical and the striker's £1 million move from Rangers will be confirmed either this afternoon or tomorrow. On Sunday, TWTD was first to reveal that the Blues were closing in on signing the 29-year-old. Garner is understood to have agreed a three-year deal at Portman Road with only minor details relating to the switch still to be tied up. The former Preston striker will be keen to get the move tied up as swiftly as possible as he is getting married in his native Lancashire on Friday. Garner moved to Ibrox from Preston for £1.4 million last summer, when Town we understand were also interested, signing a three-year contract. The former England U16, U17 and U19 international scored 10 goals in 22 starts and 12 sub appearances during 2016/17. " https://www.twtd.co.uk/ipswich-town-news/31764
  23. Leaves Hearts coaching job to take over in Inverness.
  24. So much for the online haters with their "exclusives" that Rangers would have no sponsor this season.
  25. " Harry Forrester has played down rumours that he has been banished from training by Rangers manager Pedro Caixinha. The Daily Record claimed on Wednesday morning that the 26-year-old has been told by his manager to stay away from the Auchenhowie complex for two weeks and there is no point in him coming back. Forrester played only seven minutes under Caixinha during the recently concluded campaign and upon the club’s early return to pre-season, the winger issued this response about his future. “Rumours and reports that I have been suspended are totally false and inaccurate,” Forrester wrote on his personal Twitter account. " https://thisisfutbol.com/2017/06/blogs/scottish-premier-league/forrester-responds-to-exile-rumours/
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