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Everything posted by boabie

  1. I'm told it is illegal and was the single reason McInnes isn't managing down south right now.
  2. Rangers will receive money for McKay. I've posted earlier my thoughts on a player, no matter how gifted, who has no actual end result. Take the money and let him go.
  3. Money changed hands between McInnes and agents. Contracts were written on fag packets ensuring he could have these young players when they were free from their current clubs. The phone calls were reminding him of that.
  4. If you waste the time to read the mank forums as I do you'll very quickly gain the realisation that something is worrying them. Their "not enough money to keep the lights on until the end of the season" point is obviously gone. The "who'd take over as manager with no budget" point argument is redundant . The "no money being invested" line has been shown to be untrue. Every single thing they had looked forward to based on the lies spouted by professional beggars like the tarred one and the tramp liar JJ has turned out to be garbage. They are reduced to searching Google for translated stats about the players we've signed. Naturally that isn't enough for the fuckwits so the "soft loans" / FFP shyte is what they are starting to dribble at. In short, they aren't interested in whether their squad is actually better than ours and good enough to win the league - they just want to find a reason to continue hating Rangers. Most of them don't support Celtic. They've probably never been to Parkhead. Somewhere bigotry makes an appearance.
  5. The youngster I'm talking about will be joining the sheep shortly. It would appear that his social media history from a few years ago has hit the sheep supporter message boards - numerous references to huns, zombies and the 66. I hope the wee bastard gets his leg snapped during the first day of training.
  6. None of them are good enough so won't be missed.
  7. I'm not a lover of it either mate. But when we have everybody who ever had an auntie who visited Ireland, played for the Glitters, or once listened to a Dubliners record commenting in great detail about what a good mate with connections to the Ibrox boardroom told them suddenly appearing as an expert on all things Rangers, to say nothing about Mutton, Hartson, Griffiths or dozens of similar dumplings spewing shyte about our club then King should imo be cut some slack. I'd rather he just came out and said they were an IRA loving shower of paedophile sheltering bastards to be honest.
  8. Tim is currently reading blogs by the tarred one, the beggar liar oaf known as JJ, or posting on the busiest thread EVER on Kiddyfiddler Street talking about Rangers. These guys know fine well that their count in the current rush towards "10 in a row" will be viewed by historians as containing 5 asterisks. Believe me mate - if the Glitters signed Messi tomorrow their main subject would still be the worlds most successful club. "If you know their history" indeed. It was only 2 seasons ago that despite offering 2 for 1 tickets they had to close whole stands in their cardboard box of a stadium simply because Rangers weren't involved. "To the car park Declan", much like the paedophile ring operating there [only as far as we've been told] for over 30 years has been swept under their bulging carpet. Tim doesn't want to talk about these things of course. Tim, having spent the last fortnight furiously converting Spanish and other languages to English via Google will however know more about the statistics of and have read more opinions on every single one of our new signings than you will ever learn. Tim is a fud. Just like the rest of them. Tim also hasn't ever actually attended a match involving Celtic.
  9. " Rangers end interest in Rashid Sumaila over 'unexpected complications' " http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-end-interest-rashid-sumaila-10680477
  10. Playing against our last years defence he may have done. This years ? we'll just have to wait and see.
  11. C1872 will have members at Ibrox prior to the match on Thursday actively seeking to recruit more guys.
  12. The total bill will a lot. " A Rangers statement read: "We are pleased to advise that the appeal by Charles Green against the decision of the Lord Ordinary to dismiss his application to have Rangers International Football Club PLC meet the expenses of the criminal proceedings brought against him has been refused. ``Lady Dorrian, Lord Bracadale and Lord Malcolm sitting in the Inner House of the Court of Session unanimously reached this decision.'' Rangers chairman Dave King added: "We are unsurprised but delighted that this latest court success brings to an end the unjustifiable claims by Charles Green. "He is now totally responsible for the cost of defending himself in the criminal case brought against him for his dealings with the club. "Furthermore, we will vigorously pursue Charles Green for recovery of the legal costs that we incurred including the £50,000 lodged with the court as a caution."
  13. They'll hold some provo-loving bigotfest on the Falls Road. And spend the evening talking about Rangers.
  14. " Following security concerns raised by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), Celtic has taken part in discussions with Linfield and the PSNI over recent days. " In other words - the Celtic board knew their fans couldn't be trusted to behave like human beings.
  15. I'd think that if Ashleys shares were for sale and C1872 didn't have enough money "somebody" would make sure it reached them.
  16. Does Jackson not remain banned from Ibrox ? It all sounds like weasel words to me.
  17. #RangersFC can tonight confirm that Carlos Pena has joined the club on a three-year deal: http://rng.rs/2rWdS57 #WelcomeCarlos #RangersFC can also confirm that Eduardo Herrera has joined the club on a three year deal: http://rng.rs/2suN1fg #WelcomeEduardo
  18. We haven't got a single extra penny guys. We're still broke. I just got it from a sellik blog. Yet another from the planet timothy who has "a guy on the inside". His pal works for Puma and assures him that Puma and SD threatened to sue Rangers. There are warehouses full of unsold Rangers jerseys which Puma were going to court to get paid for. Our board panicked and cobbled a deal. He ends his blog by saying "this is all rumour and not fact".
  19. https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/search-judgments/judgment?id=6eaf36a7-8980-69d2-b500-ff0000d74aa7 and https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/search-judgments/judgment?id=74af36a7-8980-69d2-b500-ff0000d74aa7 Get it upye.
  20. I'm aware of that mate. My comment was aimed at the theory that they couldn't stop the engines.
  21. I wouldn't bet on it mate. We've been here before.
  22. The steam to turbine engines can be vented before it ever reaches the engines Pete. There is also the option to put the engines into neutral. I'm not sure about weakened metal but the boiler stuff isn't true mate.
  23. Meanwhile the beggar tramp fantasist has his own take on how things really are - " Charles Green pointed out that the deal he signed in 2012 was for a period of five years. As much as this will be spun as a victory for the concert party carpetbagger, career criminal Dave King, the deal had run its course. It comes at a good time for Mike Ashley who will be delighted that his next acquisition – Rangers Lite – will continue to have a formal relationship with his retail empire. If the Chinese consortium can arrive at a deal to buy Ashley’s majority interest in Newcastle United FC, the retail magnate will have no impediment to using Lite as a conduit to improved market share in Europe. He has two years to forge deals prior to Brexit kicking in. Ashley could have had King’s thick **** head on a cocktail stick, but he has his eyes firmly on the big picture. "
  24. Meanwhile another obsessive who knows nothing has his say - " David Low is suggesting that all may not be too positive for Scotland's 3rd force and that there's a 'big development looming'. "
  25. " A superb further caveat of this deal is all existing shirts will be recycled to next season giving fans full volition to purchase, but crucially they will do so at half the normal price for a new home shirt, retailing on the Rangers Megastore at a very handsome £20. " http://www.ibroxnoise.co.uk/2017/06/new-deal-all-rangers-shirts-for-new.html
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