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Everything posted by boabie

  1. Their heads are so fecked up that I have absolutely no doubt that were we to be stripped of titles they'd immediately start pestering the whole wide world until a decision was made to award the titles to FC Shame.
  2. Murray used a LEGAL tax avoidance scheme. How the scheme was applied was what got us into bother. Nobody EVER mentioned tax evasion. Had an ILLEGAL scheme been used Murray would have been facing criminal charges.
  3. Phantom Fundraiser‏ @Phantomco5088 2h2 hours ago More Phantom Fundraiser Retweeted Only £30 raised so far, I called the QC to tell him we'd raised that much and he charged me £50 for the call https://twitter.com/RangerTaxCase/status/890520880694087680 …
  4. I saw mention of the SFSA somewhere. Not sure whether it was here or sent on to me by a mate. For anyone in any doubt what this lot are about, here's their latest outpouring --- " Time To Unite Around One Banner On Wednesday what we all suspected would happen, happened. Although we fans knew it was coming it did not lower the frustration we feel. The clubs via the SPFL decided to brush the biggest sporting scandal to hit UK sport under the carpet. The days of fans being taken for mugs ends now ! It is time for all groups of supporters and individuals to rally around one organisation. After many meetings and conversations with fan groups we have decided that there is only one viable long-term option. The Scottish Football Supporters Association have the organisation and resources to bring real change to every level of our game. The SFSA are an independent fans organisation. They already represent over 68,000 Scottish football supporters who have joined. Many of the members are players, managers (current and former), and even referees. They have a strong board in place and have access to legal professionals along with experts on greater fan involvement from across Europe. We have had extensive talks with their representatives and are wholeheartedly convinced that they not only share our goals but are ultimately the best body to bring about lasting and positive change to how our game is governed and evolves in the future. The SFSA have a wide manifesto, they are not a single issue group like Strip The Titles. What happened during the Dos/EBT years must be addressed and fans must be satisfied and confident that it can’t be repeated. However we believe the best way to address that issue is by tackling the most important governance issues first. On Monday we held a meeting to plan the way forward for Strip The Titles. We have a company on stand by to print large and small banners. We also have plans in place to have 100,000 leaflets printed at short notice and decided to open a discussion forum to allow debate and take instructions from our members on various types of action. We are confident that we can get these titles stripped by the end of this season. The main problem for us was that when the titles were stripped from RCF(IL) the same people would still be in charge of the SFA, SPFL, and the clubs. That is not good enough therefore we have come to the following decision. “Strip The Titles” campaign will be mothballed after today but can be restarted with current plans ready to be put into action if the need arises. At present we don’t anticipate having to restart. We thank all of you for your support. In three weeks we have shown that fans from all clubs are ready and willing to work together for the common good. This should be celebrated, we were never a ‘mob’ or ‘online fundamentalists’, we are honest supporters who want our game back. We ask three things from you all: That you all follow and engage with @scottishfsa on Twitter and Facebook. If you have not already done so please join SFSA . Please take time to fill in the survey. We appreciate that some of you will be disappointed but unity at this time will be better for our game in the long run and that is the most important thing. Look out for your chance to fund a Judicial Review coming shortly. Thank you all, together we can do this. " THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS ASSOCIATION - except if you support Rangers.
  5. " Rangers Tax-Caseþ @rangerstaxcase 24 seconds ago Keep your money ready. A group is in daily discussions with lawyers mapping out the strategy. Once ready- you will know. Rangers Tax-Caseþ @rangerstaxcase 3 minutes ago I know it is frustrating when we all want to do something now, but hold your fire. The groundwork must be done for this to succeed. 2/2 Rangers Tax-Caseþ @rangerstaxcase 4m minutes ago Selecting the right group to spearhead a Judicial Review is critical to the chances of success. Lawyers are being consulted. 1/2 " I hope they put Hoopyghirl in charge of the money collected again. :devil:
  6. Then as you said, Green is a moron. But that doesn't change why he did what he did or why the players, having received advice from the players union and no word from Green apart from his claiming they were his slaves, decided to go.
  7. It's never going to go away Pete. They will not be satisfied until they force someone to strip titles from us. Even if it takes rule changes to make it happen they're going to do their damnest to ensure it does happen.
  8. We only "knew" about it when the papers challenged Greens assertion that the players belonged to him. The players union soon set him straight leading to his frantic attempts to get hold of someone actually inside Ibrox at the time. No mistake mate, he wanted to keep then sell those guys. Rock bottom prices allowing him to pay the bills would have been more than enough.
  9. He didn't speak to them simply because he felt there was need to. He'd been assured they were his property there to be sold at the first instance. That was his master plan. Had he succeeded he would not have had to have Ashley so involved.
  10. I don't think so Gaffer - from Kiddyfiddler St forum - " GreenWhite67 26 Jul 2017, 12:30 PM The HuddleBoard have already started a thread asking who is willing to donate towards a challenge for a Judicial Review, started by a poster who knows his stuff called Darkfish. I'm sure once a link is up to a donation page it'll be on here. "
  11. Not quite GS. Green regarded all the players as his property. His plan was to take over everything without promising the players anything . That's why the players union got involved. Green failed to make any contact whatsoever with anybody inside Ibrox. The players didn't know whether they'd be getting paid that month. Greens statement to the media that he'd sue any player refusing to TUPE didn't help either. His time was spent trying to raise finance and hawking any player worth money to any team willing to listen. I was being told hour by hour what was happening and truth be told, couldn't really believe it. Had those players remained they would have been sold - with absolutely NO benefit to Rangers or the fans.
  12. I think we may get that. But only during interview AFTER we signed him. The boy isn't stupid. He'll know fine well that sections of our support wouldn't accept him unless he made a full and frank statement explaining what he meant when he said what he said. For my own part, I know a little from the inside about what went on with Naismith and the others and I don't blame them for walking to the door. That doesn't mean though that I agree with what they said at the time.
  13. You don't reach my age without knowing "some" Celtic fans. Yes, I know many. Some are members of my family too. It's funny though that your concern is with the actions of Rangers fans. I've seen you say umpteen times on this thread that you don't want to talk about Celtic, yet someone pointing out the widespread support over there for the IRA hence terrorism has you take up that debate. I'll repeat - away over to Kiddyfiddler Street or the tramp beggar John James blog. He's another one in your image.
  14. Therein is the rub - the only folk I ever hear say that the club is so heavily associated with the . are those who only visit Ibrox when the paedos are playing an away match there. Some Rangers fans have an Orange bent. Many sellik fans support the IRA. Where in your blog is there any reference to Celtic being primarily in support of terrorism ?
  15. I skirted over this thread a few days ago and didn't pay it any attention. Then I saw it went on for a few pages so realised there must be more to it. I found the link in the o.p. Just a couple of points - I've followed Rangers for around 60 years. I'm not and never have been Orange. Why does the poster take all that time and trouble to talk about Rangers and the . ? Why is it so important to him ? When the o.p. talks about " the bigots who control the image of the club, and the ordinary, diverse fans you speak of, who I know exist (because of course they do) deserve to be better represented " maybe he should take a look across the other side of the city because no matter what the media say, that is where the REAL bigots, and at a fairy high level amongst their supporter reps too are based. Believing in a culture is one thing. Openly supporting religious terrorists is another. In short, o.p. I don't believe you. Kiddyfiddler Street is only a Google search away.
  16. Sorry Mack but Boyd had absolutely NO talent apart from that of a poacher. A lazy one at that too. Jim Forrest was the gauge to grade Boyd by and he is is judged by me as wanting in every single department of his performance. When Ally brought Boyd back that lazy bastard would still have found a way to get caught offside if he had the worlds best midfield and forward line on the park to support him. Ally should not have brought him back. Rangers should never have signed that waste of space in the first place.
  17. Wavetower, Law Financial and others are companies set up by Whyte. They had no assets - nothing apart from what they claimed on paper. Whyte sold Law Financial to Worthington so they could try to claim they were owed money. They got the bums rush before going out of business. Whyte is in the background of this action. No doubt. He'll get the bums rush again.
  18. The park between Turnberry and Girvan mate. I think what used to be the Roxy is now called Flynns Boatyard. I'd a couple of pints in the Harbour midweek. Unfortunately due to my wifes work we're heading home tomorrow. I'll be back down in a few days to carry out repairs and redecorating in the van .
  19. I'm down at the caravan at Turnberry guys and had no computer until this evening. Very poor internet access and heard rumours of more signings. Could one of you be so kind as to let me know who we've captured since last Sunday ? Thanks lads [and lassies].
  20. The wife and I are at least communicating again. My move to Murcia fell through. She's paying for the anniversary trip to Goa. But most of all she wants to berate the arseholes who let me get so drunk while suffering from serious lower limb injuries. Buyer beware !!
  21. Hector Nicol played there a few times as did a couple of my relatives who were under the name of the Goldie Sisters. £1.25 for a King Edward cigar in there at one time. I bought the odd one until I was able to get a box of 50 for £5 in the merchant navy.
  22. I haven't been behind the wheel of a car for 10 years mate. A small medical condition means insurance is beyond my finances these days. A taxi number and/or the loan of a mates phone to call my daughters prevents me being housebound and allows trips to my local. My over 60 bus pass comes in handy too. Must admit I don't miss driving.
  23. I drove Glasgow to Devonport, dropped my brother off and went straight back to Glasgow. Mind you, I was much younger then.
  24. Any Rangers fan who hasn't been aware of the Record agenda must either have been living on Mars or have hatched out of an egg a fortnight ago. All that has happened lately is the reports have become even more skewed.
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