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Everything posted by boabie

  1. CQN most definitely have the ear of the Celtic board.
  2. Meanwhile the manks are working on another "exclusive nuclear revelation" --- " CELTIC PARANOIA? All in the mind? A developing story… Imagine what would be discovered if you were to pilfer through an old shipwreck of an East Coast football club that had somehow managed to make it back on to dry land? Discoloured, creased and unframed pennants of a bygone era when your beloved club was a European force… Old stained photographs of legends who would turn in their graves on account of the underhand dealings that brought their club to its knees… Frayed, unwashed, matchworn jerseys – embroidered with famous Scottish Cup final appearances under a crest that once graciously adorned the chest of 1960s icons… And piles and piles of incriminating paperwork. Well, this is Scottish football after all. In going through the remnants of a once-proud bastion of community spirit, the new captain of this vessel has unearthed damaging evidence that would “without question bring the Scottish game into disrepute.” This admission was the subject of a CQN Magazine exclusive last week, and it was our initial intention to blow the story wide open… Until the SFA got in touch and not just the once. The governing body wants to know more. And we had plenty to show them after the work done over the past few months by a senior investigator with a decade of experience at s senior level. Today, taped interviews and emails have been seized by the powers-that-be at Hampden, and a formal period of preliminary investigation is now underway. This case is now live, and, as such, we are duty-bound to refrain from providing any further details that may prove prejudicial to the ongoing SFA enquiries. What we will say at this stage, however, is that whilst five-way agreements may well prevent title-stripping, the potential outcome of these paranoia-busting revelations might leave our game’s guardians with no other option. No other option could also be read as no other alternative. And this is only the beginning of what is a developing story… " My guess is this is the same rubbish Barcabhoy has been hiding for the last 5 years. It's so "toxic" he can't be ersed saying what it is. Clowns the lot of them.
  3. My wife was heading into Glasgow to do some shopping so I headed through too. I watched the match in Auctioneers among some like minded guys. Imo we were worthy of the win but it's going to take time for the squad to gel. St Midden have serious competition - I've never seen a support so disgruntled with their lot as that mob yesterday.
  4. While saying I hope we do well I keep it in the back of my mind that we have a manager who has no record to speak of and who has done nothing since arriving at Ibrox. On paper we've a better squad than we had last year but again, they've done nothing yet. I don't count friendlies. There isn't a hope in hell we'll win the league this year. More investment may change it for next season. I'll be content at second and look forward to a proper challenge in the future. The manks aren't a great team but truth be told, despite us maybe causing the odd shock, they are too strong for us right now. I stand to be proven wrong and sincerely hope I am.
  5. Football was taking off again after the war. When my gran died we found several old football programmes in her house obviously bought by my grandad or my uncles. I got the Rangers v Moscow Dynamo, Rangers v Celtic Victory Cup Semi replay, Rangers v Hibs Victory Cup Final, and the Scotland v England Victory International game.
  6. Torry Gillick was the man who counted their team and found 12 on the park Scott.
  7. I have the match programme for the game. My dad dogged school to go and bumped into his dad amongst a huge crowd.
  8. " Even the Scottish Government has reservations about your ability to protect young players involved in football at all levels in Scotland. " Joe, maybe if your club had "protected" young players instead of allowing them to become the serial playthings of paedophiles working within Parkhead there would be no need for the Scottish Government to become involved ? But I forgot, you just don't want to talk about that.
  9. No idea mate. I was just trying to start an argument.
  10. Same as the manks last night - it looks like a double decker busload of them bothered attending. The next final they get to at Hampden they'll be moaning if they don't get 50% allocation too.
  11. The 1-4 match against Hearts summed that dumpling up. That's to say nothing of the regular rushes of blood to the head that left us at risk of playing with a man short.
  12. On STV news this evening they announced our manager as saying we have the best squad in Scotland. However, on showing his explanation of what he said the story was somewhat different. He said he ALWAYS says he has the best squad.
  13. Kiernan is no loss to us. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. Even more surprised that somebody else signed him.
  14. There's no point in me trying. I know a wee bit about Rangers but even then get things wrong. The rest, unless we are playing them hold no interest whatsoever. Thanks for the offer and the effort though mate.
  15. Have they changed the rules on shirt advertising ? Rosenberg have about 10 on their strips.
  16. A totally different game after the break. The home team have turned up.
  17. This match is the prime example of why I detest watching Euro games. I just wish the vikings would shut the feck up. Surely they have more than one song to sing ? Fecking annoying in the extreme.
  18. I saw the first 10 minutes of last nights match. A wee while ago I was flicking through the tv channels and saw the 3rd 4th playoff is on. I couldn't believe Bayern lost yesterday.
  19. Or the mank who decided to lob bottles, cans and bricks at Lafferty and his bird in Morrisons , Johnstone.
  20. Given the money spent, no matter how Dunfermline played against anybody, we shouldn't have the slightest doubt that we'll beat them. If there are any and the result doesn't go as planned then the Pedro question was answered as soon as could be expected and leaves time to be addressed. Naturally I expect Pedro to be in charge of a winning team.
  21. Windass got a game so I wouldn't read too much into it.
  22. He's playing today v East Fife.
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