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Posts posted by boabie

  1. 1 minute ago, craig said:

    When a 5-0 doing could have been 10 you didn't just beat yourselves. You have to accept that the opponents beat you too.

    Keeping the game at 0-0 for an amount of time while doing the basics of football = passing, beating a man, tackling, Christ, even throwing a ball to one of your team mates all goes towards giving you a chance.

    Once you lose that goal you are always chasing the game.

    Given our lots habit of hurtling forward it is only natural that our keeper is left exposed.

    Lose another goal, even if you are playing well puts you in trouble.

    Had our guys done what they are paid handsomely to do we would not have lost 5 goals.

  2. Souness had the advantage of the English clubs being banned from Europe so could sign their best players financed by the rat who sold off the family silver to pay for it all. Smith, good man manager that he was benefited from that same advantage. All that happened while the biscuit tin mentality was going on in the other side of the city.

    The whole point is, if Gerard, a man with no record in management does not work out, what then ? Booting erses only has a short time effect. Unless there is something to fund the pay off for failures and to pay for replacements the whole experiment goes down.

    I wish Gerard well in his future if he comes. I'd damn the board to hell if it doesn't.

    I know what my money is on.

  3. Firstly can I apologise that the next bit came from an email sent to me earlier so I can't provide a link to who said it, but I was told it was a "reliable" source.  ---

    From studying the club accounts and bits and pieces of info picked up in my travels I expect (although I could be wrong) the forthcoming share issue and conversation of loans to bring in anywhere between £15m and £20m depending on the exact structure of the issue  "


    Is this supposed to be taken seriously ?  Aye, that amount of shares may get converted or whatever but what does it mean to any transfer budget or anything else ? 

    Not being a money guy I maybe don't understand these things but "bring in" to me says money to be spent not money to pay off loans or whatever. 

  4. I've yet to see a player in Scotland worth £5 million to ANY Scottish club.

    An English team paying, possibly. But any £5 million player and that includes the dozens of £20 million valued ones at the home of the Rhats is moving south, not coming to or between clubs in Scotland.

  5. 2 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    Methinks I read something that the funds need to be released in the RSA and will be around  in early May. Obviously, the "Panel" has to apply the 28 day rule etc.pp. ... probably a technicality. All nice and tidy ahead of an Old Firm game.

    Not according to the bheasts. The court set a date and King has refused to comply. According to them that's the reason King wasn't at the semi-final.                        9_9

  6. 3 hours ago, 26th of foot said:



    Is Shagger still with the same bird, she into holistic medicine, crystal gazing, and pastel shaded tracksuits? She was entertaining.

    She sat directly behind me in the main stand. A fecking nuisance who never shut up every match wittering on to her pal about dresses and shoes.

  7. 1 hour ago, Darthter said:

    playing devils advocate (somewhat here...)


    The original Hibs statement reads "A decision will be made on splitting the South Stand for the Kilmarnock and Rangers game based on demand and sales in the coming week.".  Therefore it is not a given that the allocation will actually be cut.

    Based on normal travelling support, you would assume that there would be plenty of demand to fill the entire ground, never mind just one stand - and I'm sure Hibs well know this!!!  Nothing more than a wee poke at the Bear....


    IF the allocation is reduced, we simply reduce their allocation accordingly.....but still have them sitting in the same number of seats so that their support looks tiny ;)

    I'll go along with your thoughts there mate.

    But what Hibs are playing at is -  if our support don't want enough tickets we'll sell them to you.

    Feckem !   Rangers should tell them we won't be taking ANY tickets whether the allocation is cut or not. And we won't be taking any next season too.

    Stop garbage like this before it grows arms and legs and our support end up missing out in a future REALLY important match.

    This game against Hibs means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Darthter said:

    Exactly....the DoF oversees the leg work in scouting players to meet the managers requirements, discusses the options with the manager, who then says "I want X, Y,Z" & the DoF tries to make it happen.

    Means the manager is not concerning himself about contract negotiations etc and can focus on the playing side of things.

    Darther, are you saying Murty will be in charge next season ?

  9. 22 minutes ago, buster. said:

    It reads to me as what they themselves know will largely be a hollow effort to appease supporter unhappiness with the Hibs decision.

    The only real matter for concern is the safety aspect and there it should have stopped.


    Considering what happened on the last matchday of both 2014/15 at Motherwell and 2015/16 at Hampden, I'd think this should be uppermost in the thoughts of the clubs. Obviously not Hibs, as the Rod Petrie decision and his 'exuberent support' should have the finger and spotlight pointed at them in the lead-up to the game because dependent on circumstances, it definately has the ingredients for trouble.



    Unfortunately buster we all know from past experience that only one set of supporters will be blamed if there is trouble at Easter Road. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    From FF ...


    Arfield 3 year deal with additional option year and McGregor on 2yr deal - both being close to completion.
    ITK posters know who the manager and number 2 will be but are unprepared to say. Number 2 is a surprise name.

    Smells like Traynor.

    As said, there are season tickets to be sold.

    I await another FF exclusive saying Messi is on his way.

  11. Many names seem to be on an imaginary shopping list.

    I don't give a monkeys if we have a D.O.F. but nobody is on any list unless we have a manager.

    And if Murty is in charge next season the directors will be paying for everything as season ticket sales will be halved.

    We have no manager = there is no shopping list, no matter how "inside" those blogging think they are.

  12. When we went down to the lowest division I made a resolution  that I would never again fund any other club involved in that decision.  Hence why I don't go to away league matches or Scottish Cup games.

    C1872 should be at the forefront in announcing that Rangers fans will not be going to Easter Road next season. No tickets, NONE.

    It worked with Dundee United - look where they are now.

    Any Rangers fan funding Hibs should stop and take a good look at themselves.

    Oh, and this "support the team" shyte got exhausted years ago. If we as a club can't put a side on the field capable of beating minors like Hibs then closer inspection of who is responsible for that state of affairs should begin as a matter of urgency. We are far bigger than those maggots.

  13.  James also announced he was exasperated by his experience of social media and was considering withdrawing from the medium. "


    He actually had withdrawn. He said nothing for a few days and then popped up with the obviously fake , in my opinion made up by one of his pals, SAFD post.

    The guy is  pondlife.


    As for history - STV had a piece in a programme last night where the talents of some Indian guy who played for them were praised to the heavens. The repeated lie that he played without boots was also retold. He didn't, he wasn't allowed to play without boots although he train without them.

    He was such a talent he played only twice for them too.  Guys such as Messi, Pele, etc seem to play a few more games to enhance their careers.

  14. 24 minutes ago, compo said:

    I don't think we will be spending five million on a player in  the foreseeable future .

    ................. although I fully expect Traynor to be feeding the press over the next couple of months that we will be . There are season tickets to be shifted after all.

  15. 1 hour ago, RANGERRAB said:

    First half today was awful but I felt we were vastly improved second half.


    We could and should have scored a lot more than two but again showed our vulnerability at the back conceding a header from a freekick although not sure it should have counted as Naismith was offside when the kick was taken.


    We remain top scorers in the league which some may find surprising

    Imo the first half was awful because there was only one team out to play the game of football. Ok we didn't create too many chances but that was because Hearts packed their half of the park. Yes we didn't appear to have the nous to break that down but that's happened many times in the past few years.

    A 4 or 5 goal win would not have flattered us today in my honest opinion.

    The sheep will be taken apart by us simply because they think they are much better than they actually are and will go for the win. We'll get them that way.

    Hibs will play like Hearts only in their case I'll predict a compliant referee like todays will give them two penalties and a sending off to level the field.

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