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Everything posted by boabie

  1. If you are willing to accept 3rd hand evidence there is. My son in laws cousin came across the guy around 3 times a week for business reasons. Forrester is a young guy who thought the world was his oyster and he had it made. He completely forgot what he was employed to do - last on the training field and first off it. In days of yore we'd simply have chased him.
  2. Now 2-0 Scotland. Armstrong and Robertson.
  3. McArthur is truly awful. He's wasted umpteen passes so early in the match.
  4. I've no idea where this guy will end up or the stats behind it, but - " Dodoo scored five goals in 15 appearances for Rangers last season " is probably as good an onfield return as any other player at our club. Should we keep him ? Imo, no. If you're not good enough to start then there's no place for you in any Rangers squad. Somebody obviously saw some ability and then decided they were wrong.
  5. Sun report that Bates will be allowed to go out on loan if somebody wants him.
  6. They look like strips for babies to me which probably means they are fakes. As far as I was aware they are not allowed to put alcohol or betting sponsorships on childrens clothing.
  7. We'd have a squad of 200 if every guy in the know on FF was to be believed. The strange thing is, many of them are manks. File under rubbish.
  8. He got tickets for a game against the manks at the paedodome for a friend of mine which were passed on to one of my close relatives. The guy who asked him for the tickets gained a lot of business from MOH. Naturally he was thankful of the custom and for the favour. But, good bluenose that he was, having listened to hours of drivel from him he was never more thankful to see the back of a complete waste of space who should never have been offered the chance to wear a blue jersey. That waster will hit the headlines in the future. Don't bet on him scoring any goals in a couple of seasons. Maybe sooner.
  9. boabie


    A former mates daughter was in the original movie. She played the girl married to the wee guy with the face scars and who the English lord was to shag following the wedding.
  10. boabie


    A script written by an American who has an extremely fertile imagination also helps.
  11. Scottish law was based on common law - if the people of the country considered an action was criminal then it became a crime and was treated at court as such. Everything worked fine for hundreds of years until politicians became involved and began making their own parliamentary laws [statutes] which required clear definitions. This led to many many folk walking free from courts because the definitions weren't clear enough and loopholes were left. So the politicians and law lords began tying themselves in knots trying to plug those gaps. They did it so efficiently that not even the lawyers on both sides could agree what the statute was actually trying to say. The Labour lot in their haste to prevent anybody becoming "offended" brought in a statute that more or less said, if any one person is offended then a crime has been committed and the police should act. That led to folk getting dragged off to police stations and sometimes courts when by every precedent of Scottish law such a charge or action could not be supported. The SNP lot then totally fecked everything up with the OBFA when they failed to give clear guidance on what was "offensive". It was a statute passed with absolutely no definitions. Sectarian potatoes, grass cut like a sash, green pepperami's or online comments and other such nonsense have never caused harm to anybody anywhere. But thanks to tree-hugging behaviour by some and outright bigotry by others, our MSP's have passed laws which now say that "outrage and offence" was caused to thousands, crimes have been committed and allow whole debates on why the police have not taken action. They have not only ruined football, they have changed the lives of every single person residing in this country. Banter and humour have became crimes. It tickles me that most of those shouting loudest online don't actually live here too.
  12. The amount of crosses he made which actually reached a Rangers player will tell all we need to know about McKay. Some anorak will be able to dig that up. The boy has talent to control a ball and even go past defenders - so why did I groan when the ball reached him ? The ability to be a Rangers player was there. Unfortunately, imo, for his own reasons he chose not to show us it in a measure which made it financially worth paying him a wage. Like others have said here, the guy chucked it 9 months ago. His loss.
  13. Well done Mears Group. Scumbags like him don't deserve oxygen never mind employment. The rest of us will probably now have to pay that maggot benefits like the majority of their support receive.
  14. There's one small thing missing from your analysis there Dave --- he would be wearing a Rangers jersey. It must be approaching a hundred guys I've seen who we said the same about. Colin Stein was my prime example when it comes to physical players showing up well and later signing for us. Knobbled doesn't come into it.
  15. " Leeds United have confirmed that Rangers’ reported target Souleymane Doukara has secured a deal with the Elland Road club to leave, and manager Thomas Christiansen hopes to have a replacement for the Senegalese forward in by the weekend. The 25-year old ex-Catania forward was omitted for the EFL Cup clash with Newport amidst doubts about his future, and following the heavy speculation linking him with Rangers their manager has now confirmed the attacker is set to leave imminently. "
  16. The club have not only been paying lip service but also telling downright lies to supporters reps for years. Vendors opposite the stadium were selling No Surrender, 1690, etc scarves and flags which were confiscated by the police when fans tried to gain entry with them. It took yon former cop Anderson to let the cat out the bag and say that police were using Rangers conditions of entry regulations to allow them to act in that manner. All that despite repeated statements from the club that it had nothing to do with them.
  17. My understanding is that if the COS makes a ruling then King will be committing a CRIMINAL offence if he does not offer to buy the shares. Certainly that's the way the mank "experts" have been slabbering for the past few months.
  18. Sorry mate but the biggest problem our manager faces right now is winning ANY match. Nothing I've seen so far fills me with any confidence that he has the ability to do that. Despite plenty of soundbites pre-match some of his in play decisions don't make sense to me. Sorry guys but imo he'll be gone by Christmas. I sincerely hope I'm wrong though.
  19. It didn't take them long to rewrite history ----- " The upheld appeals of Esmael Goncalves and Ryan Jack from this past weekend further underlined the generosity of the Scottish FA panel when it comes to judging red cards. In both of those cases, especially Ryan Jack’s, TV evidence seemed to suggest the referee wasn’t wrong with his punishment. Jack thrusted his head toward Anthony Stokes, and regardless of whether the Hibs striker also deserved a red card for instigating the clash, whistler John Beaton was within his right to issue a red card. Some will argue there wasn’t enough in the incident to merit a red card, as under the rules violent conduct doesn’t necessarily have to be punished with an ordering off if the contact is “negligible”. But that’s part of the problem. So much of the football rule book is down to interpretation. Some referees will look at such decisions and believe a yellow card was a fitting punishment. Others, like Beaton, would disagree. Neither of them are “wrong” but that’s what this leniency is painting them out to be. " http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/competitions/premiership/10-times-the-scottish-fa-appeals-panel-was-surprisingly-lenient-1-4536059
  20. The criteria Colin seems to be - free on a Saturday.
  21. From the official site -- https://rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/its-unbelievable-to-be-back/
  22. I thought he was going to be a great for us. From memory his career was held back by serious knee problems which restricted his games for us.
  23. Sad news. I know Jim personally having played for the same teams and being schoolfriends. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/former-aberdeen-boss-jimmy-calderwood-10996933
  24. My mate was one of Allys officers in our local Boys Brigade.
  25. "HUGH BURNS has branded Hibs boss Neil Lennon a DISGRACE after his behaviour at Ibrox last Saturday. Former Rangers star Burns says Lennon’s actions could have sparked a riot — even though he’s been cleared by cops. " Gers supporters bombarded social media with complaints about Lennon’s conduct in his side’s 3-2 Ibrox triumph. They claimed Lennon’s gestures towards fans after Simon Murray’s equaliser were provocative. Lennon is waiting to see if the SFA will take any action against him. Burns said: “I thought the way Neil Lennon behaved was disgraceful. I was in the TV gantry, and I was both angry and disgusted with what I saw. “The gesture he made was clearly an ‘up yours’ one. It wasn’t only provocative, it showed a real lack of class. “What Lennon did was terrible, especially given that there’s already bad blood between the fans of the two clubs after last year’s Scottish Cup Final. “It’s all very well celebrating, and everyone knows Lennon’s an emotional guy. But the way he behaved beggared belief. “When it happened I looked at the fans around me and I saw anger and hatred on their faces. It could easily have sparked a riot. All it needed was one guy who had a drink too many to react and it would all have kicked off. “It would have been like the time Lennon got attacked on the track at Tynecastle when he was Celtic boss. “I’m surprised the police didn’t investigate what went on, even just to warn him. It’s as if he thinks he’s above the law. “I’m not representing Rangers when I say this, but I want to defend my club and its fans because I’m one of them. “What’s gone on in the past has been well-documented, with his confrontation with Ally McCoist, and him being sent bullets in the post. “You you can’t condone that kind of stuff. It’s undeserved, but he does bring a hell of a lot of attention on himself.” Burns claims the Hibees hierarchy are likely to be unhappy at their gaffer’s conduct. Burns added: “I doubt if Rod Petrie and Leeann Dempster will be pleased at what happened. “Their team had a brilliant result last weekend, but all the stuff since has been about Lennon’s behaviour. “Celebrating with your team’s fans is one thing. Gesturing at the opposition’s is another, and he had no reason to do that.” https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/1425747/hugh-burns-neil-lennon-rangers-hibs-riot-disgrace/
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