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Posts posted by boabie

  1. I'll remind you of the penalty we got against the filth. The one that mob said he wasn't even facing yet media pictures proved he saw.

    That WAS definite contact.

    It led to a campaign against - A RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION TEACHER AT A ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL which is still ongoing.

    Had a Rangers player gained a penalty in the same circumstances as Sinclair did the other night there would be a full scale enquiry into the SFA. the SPFL, the Scottish government, UEFA and the RSPCA.


  2. Can we now close the book or have they still to write the final chapter.


    I suspect Rangers have been working in the background stating they will not stand for yet another enquiry into Rangers by Rangers-haters.

    My suspicion is that a look at what ALL clubs have been doing and what punishments were meted out to said clubs would be the least that would satisfy our guys.

  3. By the way, both goals were great finishes. Let's not forget that. The BT commentators didn't give Morelos nearly enough credit for his goal - it was an excellent strike.


    I spent last night on the first of 15 nights dog-sitting. The house has Sky so no joy there. It also has a wee gizmo which shows 650 tv channels but I couldn't get it to work. I ended up listening to the match on BBC radio.

    The bias was absolutely incredible. Worse than I imagined it could ever be. The excitement when Thistle were moving forward was palpable with those bastards.

    Both our goals sounded crackers although I've still to view.

  4. I disagree. Then we'll end up with reality TV on every terrestrial channel. That's why the BBC is useful because it DOESN'T have to answer to sponsors. But who it is answerable to needs to be reviewed because some of the blatant agendas going on are not what the license is paid to cover.


    Have you had a look at what the BBC are currently passing off as entertainment mate ?

    One of their best selling shows was a load of nonentities cooking.

    Maybe twice a year we'll get a drama, usually involving the same half dozen performers they use every year - all vastly overpaid , simply because they are "recognised" [from the previous years garbage].

    Imo they are a waste of time and public money.

  5. Don't see that ever happening and certainly not at the behest of the Scottish backwater. And as many have said they do provide quality services for a lot less than the likes of sky do and I don't see anyone changing that because they have a rogue element in BBC Scotland sports department.


    A better avenue to go down may be to raise questions abut their neutrality. Make complaints to Ofcom.


    That has been tried over many years. Many times by many people.

    A waste of ink, stamp, electricity mate.

  6. Marsh spat at twice, punched and kicked Kai - and wasn't even booked.

    I was at that match.

    Many years later I was able to tell Marsh his actions that day were a disgrace to football.

    He looked to his pal before indulging in a bit of "hawd me back" nonsense.

  7. ah right........I was thinking it was the usual advert for the one in Las Americas


    Thank God the owners sorted that place out a few years ago and it's now bear friendly.

    The previous crowd were simply kidding on they were a Rangers pub. Fact was they'd have sold pints to PIRA. It was infested with sheep and other undesirables for years before changing hands.

    If I'm ever back there that'll be my local.

  8. " The EFL has successfully concluded negotiations with Sky Sports for live domestic broadcasting rights in a deal that will run for a further five seasons from 2019/20.


    The new agreement, worth £600m, represents a 36% year-on-year increase on the current arrangement and will continue to see Sky Sports exclusively broadcast the Sky Bet EFL, Carabao Cup, Checkatrade Trophy and Sky Bet Play-Offs live through until May 2024.


    This arrangement has been finalised following an open tender process that was designed to maximise both the financial return and exposure for all 72 member Clubs, the EFL and its competitions.


    Under the new agreement, Sky Sports in each season from 2019/20 will broadcast:


    · A maximum of 150 exclusive Sky Bet EFL League matches, which include:

    · 16 Sky Bet Championship games on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings;

    · A minimum of 20 Sky Bet League One and League Two matches;

    · The 15 Sky Bet EFL Play-Off matches including all three Finals;

    · 15 matches from the Carabao Cup including the Final;

    · The Semi-Final and Final of the Checkatrade Trophy.


    In addition, and in what is another first for English football, the EFL will be offering its Clubs the opportunity to live-stream in the UK and Ireland any league match via their respective iFollow (or equivalent) service that takes place outside the blocked hours of 14.45-17.15 on Saturday afternoons and that is not broadcast live on Sky Sports. Sky Sports will have the right to stream the same Championship fixtures to subscribers across their interactive and digital services.


    Games in the Checkatrade Trophy will also be available for live-streaming in the UK and Ireland via iFollow (or equivalent service). iFollow was launched earlier this year and gives supporters overseas the ability to watch their team on match days alongside providing thousands of fans based in the UK the opportunity to listen to audio commentary.


    EFL Chief Executive Shaun Harvey said: “Sky Sports has for many years been a hugely important and valued partner of the EFL and we are delighted to extend our relationship by a further five years. I would like to thank all those who submitted bids and we now look forward to working with the Sky Sports team as they cement their position as the broadcast home of live EFL matches.


    “These negotiations came at what was an incredibly challenging period in the sale and acquisition of sports rights in the UK and, having fully tested the market, we believe that not only has a significant increase in value for our Clubs been achieved, but also the very best deal, with the best partner has been delivered.


    “In agreeing a deal over five seasons, it delivers a guaranteed increase in the level of income distributed to EFL Clubs from 2019/20 and long-term financial certainty was an absolute priority throughout this process. It is a partnership that as well as having mutual tangible benefits, allows the EFL to maximise reach and exposure for its competitions, alongside providing further opportunities for Clubs to generate additional incremental revenues through iFollow.


    “The new opportunity for EFL Clubs to live-stream their matches through a direct to consumer service in the UK is a revolutionary and exciting step forward for football broadcasting rights in the UK and we will monitor its progress closely to determine how this model can be considered for future EFL rights cycles. "




    Maybe Doncaster and Regan will announce similar tomorrow ?

  9. Kerrydale Meltdown‏*



    Hibernian as a club have deserted their Irish routes. Expected better and I hope Celtic consider removing the Harp from their badge.



    "Roots", surely ?

    This from supporters of a club who stole all Hibs players and put them out of business too.

  10. Meanwhile over on Kiddyfiddler Street one brain donor has figured it all out --


    " People on here need to make a distinction between the people who own/ run football clubs and their supporters!

    The money behind Hibs, Farts and the Dons, all owe huge debts to the same money people in Edinburgh that backed Minty.

    That is a much bigger story than the football. That's why they are shampoo scared of anything that remotely resembles any sort of scrutiny!

    Minty was a nobody till he was given the money to buy the deid Huns. He was not the only one who benefited from the Edinburgh based banks' largesse :angry:

    Farmer, Kennedy, Grossart and no doubt Budge were all small time players until the Edinburgh based banks threw money at them.

    Politically, people like Salmond and Brown were all involved in that circle of influence. That's the big story that they are afraid of, the football is only the most visible aspect of a national scandal! "



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