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Everything posted by boabie

  1. The compliant officer, currently working from an office next door to Liewell at the Staad De Gadd will pick it up later Stevie.
  2. This one has been running for over a week if the mank forums are to be believed. It was alleged that Miller was openly critical of Pedros training regime, staff handling and team tactics. I preferred to believe it was shyt stirring. Apparently I was wrong.
  3. Stepek took over 3 companies that my dad worked for over the years. My dad did his best to ensure that Jan died a poor man,
  4. Great read 26th. However you missed out the town having one of the best ever motorbike shops. I'd family moved to Hamilton back in the late 70's - Orchard Ave or similar rings a bell. I don't think I've ever had an issue with that club. Adrian Sproat aside.
  5. " A small group of Celtic fans have been involved in a street skirmish in Brussels that was captured on camera ahead of the big match tonight. Around 3000 supporters spent the day drinking in the Belgian capital before heading to the stadium to watch the Champions League clash against Anderlecht. The vast bulk of the travelling support were good natured as they soaked up the bevvy and the atmosphere, but some fans ended up in scuffles in the city centre. Pictures from the scene show a melee amongst fans who had been boozing in the street but it is not clear if they clashed with rival fans or were fighting amongst themselves. One picture shows Belgian police officers tending to an injured Hoops fan, while in the background officers have huckled another man. Earlier in the day Hoops fans had been partying with Anderlecht punters, with many posing for pictures. But they were warned by Belgian police not to travel to the Constant Stock Stadium unless they have a ticket. " A small goup. Vast majority were good natured. Maybe fighting amongst themselves. You get the picture. TOTALLY different from the Rangers fans in Manchester.
  6. Not according to the Rhecord - http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/scuffles-brussels-celtic-fans-involved-11248082
  7. I got offered jobs in the US. Not because I'm Scots but because the Americans make such shyte engineers unless they have a Korean or Jap telling them what to do.
  8. He's in England. If he's not at the same address it will be because he failed to pay his rent - same as he failed to pay his cars road tax. The guy is a serial fantasist. As if any terrorist group is going to take any notice of the garbage he peddles.
  9. " Defensive duo Bruno Alves and Declan John have given Rangers a massive double boost ahead of their Scottish Premiership trip to Hamilton on Friday night. Left-back John revealed at a media conference on Wednesday that he has returned to training and “hopeful” of being passed fit for the short journey to the Accies. " Good news if true.
  10. If the deluded tramp beggar liar, currently hiding from UDA/UVF hit squads is to be believed Pena is spending his time touring west end boozers having at least 10 drinks a night. How he knows this despite having had to move abroad on "personal safety grounds " isn't explained in the slightest.
  11. Why then did he wait until Alves was injured to play the boy ? It sounds more of a 'part of the plan ' comment rather than 'I'd no other choice' excuse. Had the boy fecked up I've no doubt the second option would have been wheeled out.
  12. There's more Stu --- " Former referee Dermot Gallagher says it was actually Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos who fouled Celtic defender Jozo Simunovic . " https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/1611054/former-referee-rangers-alfredo-morelos-celtic-jozo-simunovic-penalty-incident/ He's from Eire so to be expected I suppose.
  13. This is the bit that caught my attention -- " the centre-ref gave the right call by not getting tricked into believing the Colombian was rightly brought down. " "RIGHTLY brought down" ?? How does that one work ?
  14. Feck me. Talk about rewriting history -- " Rangers lost 2-nil to Celtic at Ibrox on Saturday, but a lot of their fans believe the hosts should have won a penalty after Colombian striker Alfredo Morelos appeared to had been tripped by Jozo Simunovic. The referee waved play on, as the Rangers man actually went over the visitors’ defender to feign a foul. Former English Premier League top referee Dermot Gallagher was on Sky Sports Scotland’s Ref Watch to weigh in his thoughts on the officiating between the bitter rivals. According to the ex-whistleman, Morelos “made” the foul, and the centre-ref gave the right call by not getting tricked into believing the Colombian was rightly brought down. Given the incident happened 12 minutes into the game, a spotkick and a resultant goal off it could have turned the game on its head. " http://futnsoccer.com/2017/09/25/rangers-man-has-his-morals-questioned-by-ex-referee-following-old-firm-incident/
  15. " Celtic skipper Scott Brown will face no action over his clash with Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos. Gers' boss Pedro Caixinha was left seething after his side's 2-0 Old Firm defeat on Saturday as he accused the Hoops midfielder of aiming an elbow at the forward. The pair even ended up nose-to-nose as the teams made their way down the tunnel at half-time. " Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4918124/Celtic-skipper-Scott-Brown-avoids-Scottish-FA-action.html#ixzz4thh33MyV Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  16. Brown does very little so causes no damage. There is no way any Rangers player will be able to "sort out" anybody. Not with cheats like todays referee in charge.
  17. We were always going to be a couple of injured players away from being distinctly average - especially in defence which had to be completely rebuilt after the shambles Warburton left us. The luxury of players being lazy on the field is something Pedro should be addressing too. I'd rather play a 16 year old than have somebody not giving 100%.
  18. Apart from Morelos playing as a Celtic sweeper we're doing ok. The referee is doing exactly what we thought he would. For too long we as a club have said too little about cheats like him.
  19. It's to lessen the crowds chance of drinking pre-match and for no other reason Coop. All the cops working at the game will have been drawn from offices, etc. No cop will receive any extra pay. That went out the window several years ago when the clubs squealed about the cost of policing and stewards got employed in their place. I agree though - I absolutely detest a game being played other than 3pm on a Saturday. A few pints in Lodge Neptune is an essential for me to enjoy a match.
  20. Fully fit he still doesn't merit a jersey imo. Quite simply he's not good enough.
  21. I'm dug-sitting at a relatives house for another week. Plenty of booze but on my own so no danger.
  22. Facebook page of Orange Halls -- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Orange-Halls-In-Castle-Street/119444528134305 The Tea Gardens are on Causeyside St on the left just past Gordon St traffic lights.
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