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Everything posted by boabie

  1. Well done Scotia. The adventure continues allowing me another day on Sunday to get pished.
  2. Pete said, " Unfortunately I don't know if all Scottish clubs could afford it. " All it takes is for the number of staff within the SFA, SPFL, etc to get reduced, cheaper tailors for the blazers to be used, and a cutback on jollies , class of airfare and hotels for all those sooking money out of football and we'd be able to afford it.
  3. ML, that photo of Cumbrae House brings back memories for me. My mate and I were heading home in the wee small hours from a night out and saw a rat going into the entrance of that place which was some kind of store [furniture ?] at that time. We both charged up towards it shouting and bawling only for a young cop to turn the corner. I've no doubt we were getting lifted if he hadn't been sent to a more serious incident. The things you do when young and daft. :devil:
  4. An interesting headline which might cause you to buy The Herald standing in a paper shop seeing the banner head [and if you were a daftie unaware of that rags previous ] ---- " Rangers unhappy at Carlos Pena trial by TV case after Mexican is cleared after by SFA Compliance Officer." Here's the article --- " RANGERS midfielder Carlos Pena will face no punishment for his clash with Greg Docherty during the win over Hamilton on Friday night. But the Light Blues are furious that the incident was highlighted by BT Sport and BBC Scotland before Scottish FA Compliance Officer Tony McGlennan ruled that no further action would be taken. Pena was booked by referee Andrew Dallas for a challenge on Dougie Imrie during the first half of the 4-1 win for Pedro Caixinha’s side. And he avoided another caution in the second period after diverting the ball into the net with his hand as Rangers recorded a crucial Premiership victory. But it was the coming together with midfielder Docherty that could have cost the 27-year-old dear if it was ruled that he had a case to answer after appearing to catch the Hamilton midfielder in the face. McGlennan had until 3pm on Tuesday afternoon to raise a Notice of Complaint against Pena over the flashpoint at the SuperSeal Stadium. But the Mexican won’t face a disciplinary charge and a possible suspension that could have left him on the sidelines when Rangers return to action after the international break. Rangers are thought to be unhappy that the Pena event was pored over on television, whilst other recent incidents involving high-profile players haven’t been. But the midfielder, who has scored two goals in seven appearances this term, won’t face any further action after his trial by TV case was dismissed on Tuesday evening. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/15573735.Rangers_unhappy_at_Carlos_Pena_trial_by_TV_case_after_Mexican_is_cleared_after_by_SFA_Compliance_Officer/ Can anyone see anything in that article which supports the headline ?
  5. Yes mate. I corrected that. However Findlay was the one who went on radio and refused to apologise for the sellik support singing in praise of the IRA or even to condemn the IRA for their actions, declaring they were "fighting for 100 years to get rid of oppression". Both are repulsive individuals and unfortunately there are so many of these scumbag mouthpieces it becomes difficult to differentiate these days.
  6. And isn't it just amazing how 10 years can change the oulook of a government when scumbags like her come along ? From 2007 ---- " A Scottish government spokeswoman said of Ms Findlay's comments: "Her repugnant views have no place in a modern, forward-thinking Scotland. The people of Scotland have had enough of bigotry." http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/celtic/7104362.stm Ten years later and holding the same views she is called on to address a government enquiry.
  7. Cardonald College graduate. It's either an HNC or HND. Certainly not any degree involved. EDIT - It's the younger female bigot I'm thinking of. Findlay lectures on economics and has a degree.
  8. Strangely, the Record now report --- " The Eusebio Cup organisers who blamed Rangers fans for the match being scrapped have now backtracked. Pedro Caixinha’s side were due to take on Benfica in a glamour friendly on Friday in Hamilton, Canada – only for the game to be called off last weekend. Elite Soccer Entertainment CEO Fernando Pacheco had pointed the finger at Rangers supporters for a lack of ticket take-up in an interview with Canadian paper the Hamilton Spectator. But in a statement ESE have now distanced themselves from the earlier, bizarre quotes attributed to their chief executive. The statement read: "Elite Soccer Entertainment would like to apologise to the fans, SL Benfica & Rangers Football Club for the match cancellation of the 2017 Eusébio Cup edition, which was scheduled to be played on the 6th of October in Hamilton, Canada. "Due to unforeseen reasons and poor ticket sales it was not possible for ESE to meet the commitments acquired towards Sport Lisboa e Benfica and Glasgow Rangers under the terms and conditions that were agreed upon. "This situation goes beyond the control or responsibility of any of the clubs above mentioned. "
  9. A senior lecturer despite only having an HNC ? I take it she's lecturing on the potato famine, how to make potin, or RUC brutality during the 70's ?
  10. Oh, I understand that Walters. My point is, let's not get all misty eyed about Ferguson here. He was a very talented player for Rangers and Scottish football during his early period. He had more skill than anybody we have now. But it should not be forgotten that he was absolutely rotten for long periods. Him and guys like Boyd were later responsible for us not getting more success than we should have got. Jim Baxter was my hero. He left Rangers for more money. But he never ever gave less than all he had while wearing our jersey. That is why until this day he deserves every bit of respect from every Rangers fan. There were many like him before Ferguson came along.
  11. Spending just 5 seconds searching online, apart from my and my mates thoughts at that time ---- " Rangers media , seen a couple of mentions of him telling the crowd to shut up? if that is the case, he can fuck off and take his fat boyfriends boyd and big lee with him, scoring 1 goal against hearts at home doesn't negate his poor performances for the last two years nor his negative influence on the club as a whole. just the same as pushing neil lennon didn't fool us that he hadn't bottled it against brown and caldwell (not the first time he hasn't stood up and been counted against celtic in the last couple of seasons). the guy is now a fraud and he must go. go fuck yourslf Barry. Strip captaincy and fine'd arsehole. These guys pay hundred maybe thousands of pounds to watch the they love and you get paid in excess of £20,000. Fuck yoiu Barry Ferguson. Fuck yourslef He put his hands to his ears and then made a "be quiet" gesture to the crowd. He has a bloody cheek. He can start doing that once he stops leading his team to Cup Final defeats and dropping points at home. Obviously thought he was being a smart arse today and it came back to haunt him. Wonder if he made those same gestures at the end. Captain courageous indeed Ferguson you're a disgrace! Fucking win the league then make your 'stop your moaning' gestures ya dick. Definatly dont start making them cus your beating hearts! at half time AT HOME ya thick retard He is an absolute disgrace of a captain and has been nothing but a liability us the whole season, If wally smith wasn't such a spineless shitbag he would have been dropped the game after he returned. What a fucking piece of dirty shite,honestly raging at this,didn't notice it at the game but that's a fucking disgrace can't believe the cheek of him,iv'e lost any respect iv'e ever had for him ,fucking knobend bastard so he is! he is also a wee ned compare any other rangers captains talking to the media.. like wee asbo boy, grieg,gough,sounness,ammo..he is a wee, useless,big headed, illiterate thug. who has fooled alot of you with his puffed out chest. true...Barry Ferguson is an embarassment of a captain...Id never thought that I would say something like that when he came back from Blackburn but FFS just because you get a goal doesnt mean you have proven yourself again...GTF Barry and Smith your time of ruining our club is up. "
  12. Or have money to burn. Those prices are a disgrace.
  13. Oh, and around 1979 I'd an interview with a company in Hamilton Ontario. The job was mine until I'd a look around the place. It looked like Motherwell after an atomic strike.
  14. I got it on Newsnow from the Football Insider blog. Who were indeed quoting from the Record.
  15. The vast majority of our support were devastated at his performances when he returned from Blackburn mate. That's when his problems began as far as I'm concerned.
  16. Is this how bad our country has come to be ? I just finished watching BBC Scotland lunchtime news programme where a baw-face you wouldn't get tired of slapping was addressing a Holyrood enquiry. It transpires our parliamentarians were listening to this fanny -- " A HIGH-PROFILE campaigner opposed to the contentious Offensive Behaviour at Football laws is to appear in court over allegations he breached the act. Paul Quigley, spokesman for the Fans Against Criminalisation (FAC) group, is accused of carrying a banner containing a profanity and criticising Police Scotland at a match at Celtic Park on February 20. He will face charges at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Friday, on the eve of the first Old Firm league clash in several years. Mr Quigley, a 25-year-old university masters student, was issued with a summary complaint and told last week to appear in court. He is expected to deny the charge. The alleged offence occurred just weeks after Mr Quigley and Jeanette Findlay, a university lecturer and only other FAC member to make public their identity, criticised the Act at their first appearance at Holyrood committee of MSPs. They appeared again a week after the alleged breach. The alleged offence occurred just weeks after Mr Quigley and Jeanette Findlay, a university lecturer and only other FAC member to make public their identity, criticised the Act at their first appearance at Holyrood committee of MSPs. They appeared again a week after the alleged breach. The Offensive Behaviour at Football act was introduced in 2012 in an attempt to crack down on sectarianism and other football-related offences, but critics say there is already sufficient legislation in place to deal with such crimes. A regular critic of the Act in the media, Mr Quigley was also one of the organisers of the recent Palestinian flags protest staged by controversial fan group the Green Brigade during the Champions League qualifier against Israeli side Hapoel Be'er Sheva. It is alleged the offending banner was "likely or would be likely to incite public disorder". "
  17. " Organisers of the cancelled Eusebio Cup in Canada have laid the blame with Rangers fans – claiming supporters have’t bought enough tickets for the clash with Benfica. The Gers were due to face the Portuguese giants on Friday in Hamilton, Ontario but were told Benfica had pulled out without explanation over the weekend. Benfical then pointed the finger at organisers Elite Soccer Entertainment of Brampton, Ontario, accusing them of a “breach of contract.” “Portuguese fans had been responding to the visit, Rangers fans had not,” Elite Soccer Entertainment’s CEO Fernando Pachecho said, as quoted by the Daily Record website. “Twenty seven per cent of Hamilton has a Scottish background. “After what they’ve been through the past few years and fought back, there should be support. But they were not buying tickets.” The sides were due to meet at the 24,000-seat Tim Horton’s Field however, there had been complaints on social media over ticket prices for the game. Prices ranging from $50 (£30) for standing room to $350 (£210) for the best available, fans weren’t too happy with the prices set by Elite Sports Entertainment. "
  18. Barry on one of his great days, I'll agree. The Barry we saw far too often wouldn't have changed a single thing . On one of those days he'd have taken more throw-ins, corners and free kicks than any other player on either side and wouldn't have affected the end result.
  19. A great player "on his day" indeed Walters. Unfortunately Barry began to believe his own press and wanted to take charge of everything. At the end, a "team player" he wasn't imo. Passing the ball sideways after demanding the ball just didn't do it for me.
  20. Mac, we don't have to look to wasters like McCoist or Warburton to prove that point - "geniuses" like Advocaat were doing the same when 95% of the Rangers support were screaming for changes to be made during matches.
  21. We are just the mugs who continue to enable yet another lot of blazers to do what they want at Ibrox mate. The club will never question anything unless the remarks are aimed at one of them directly in person. Sadly, given the last couple of months I feel I've been let down once more.
  22. As posted here previous - is this how far our ambition reaches ? He should have been chased years ago.
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