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Posts posted by boabie


    The raison d'etre for the organisation is a noble one, and it's a real shame that individuals allow their personal prejudices to arise within such a framework. Although within Scotland, that appears to be par for the course.


    Sorry Davie but imo it's just another organisation funded by tax payers to give wages to failed sociology students.

    When we're talking about a Scottish or Irish subsidiary we move into a whole different sphere - people who'd take offence at an episode of Noddy.

  2. An apology from SRTRC but it would appear Ms Hay has other things on her mind -


    " Scottish Campaign Manager Nicola Hay shares her thoughts on the U.S election results



    “Few politicians dare tell them that increased automation may take more jobs than immigrants. You can’t deport a driverless truck.” Mark Mardell


    Many of us across the globe are still recovering from the shocking result of the U.S Presidential election. This is a difficult news story for me to write, as to a large extent, it feels like the wind has been knocked out of me and I am yet to catch my breath. Sadly, many will still be celebrating Trump’s victory.

    Similar to my reaction to Brexit, I am at a loss for words and I keep asking myself how we got here?

    Both Trump’s campaign and the ‘Leave’ campaign were based on hate, discrimination and the blaming of ‘different’ others. They both fed off of the fears and frustrations of disenfranchised people. In the U.S in particular, we watched people have their human rights stripped away based on their race, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity.

    It makes me wonder whether, as a lesbian migrant, I took for granted the human rights I have enjoyed over the last three years living in the U.K. The events over the last six months have been a painful reminder that equality is not guaranteed, and all of the hard work we have done in creating a more equal and inclusive society can be changed by thoughtless people and their policies. [MORE]



  3. " Stein moved from Hibernian in 1968 and immediately endeared himself to supporters as he netted a hat-trick in the league match with Arbroath at Gayfield.

    That was followed up with another three strikes on his Ibrox bow against Hibernian as the Gers recorded a 6-1 win.

    And just days later Stein completed a remarkable run by netting a brace in the Fairs Cup success away to Dundalk. "


    I may well be wrong here as my memory sometimes slips . But I'm certain Colin scored his "brace" in the HOME leg at Ibrox.

    I remember coming out the game and my dad saying, "a hat trick, another hat trick, and only two tonight. We'll need to get rid of this guy. His forms slipping already."



  4. All this is just another small piece in the anti-Rangers campaign that's been running against us for several years now.

    Have a look on the newsnow site today or any other day. The headlines are full of nonentities commenting on Rangers - that tells you all you need to know. These dumplings wouldn't be quoted unless some "journalist" hadn't asked the question.

    I'd hoped when King and his pals arrived we'd address it. But it looks as though all he's interested in is looking after his and his boards reputation.

    I'd just hope that whatever money Traynor is getting paid isn't coming from my season ticket cash. He's been fecking useless so far.

  5. To be fair both laura and joanne have regular meetings with the club on club1872 s behalf


    Oh, I know mate that both girls work very hard and have done for a long time.

    What I'm pointing at is, I fail to see what the manager or DOF offer towards the guys investing in the club. I'd rather L & J were meeting the secretary or directors for information on where the CLUB were heading instead of how the team are doing - which we can all see with our own eyes.

  6. Agreed, anyone who watched the England v Scotland U21 match you could see the English players were much bigger and more physical and they are current under 20 worlld champs!


    English football teams at whatever age since I started watching football in the 60's have always been bigger and stronger looking than any Scotland team they faced. It didn't stop us beating them the odd time, maybe given they have 10 times the pool to pick from gives the reason why.

    Strapon is talking shyte, Just what I expected him to do.

    Chase him and his useless partner imo.

  7. Possible future meetings with club1872 , possibly with the D of F and the manager , these have to be confirmed .


    This is something that has always bothered me, not just with this group but with groups in general - what advantage is gained by fans reps in general, apart from a jolly for them in meeting with a manager or DOF ?

    I want my reps talking with the guys who run the club not employees who could be bumped at any minute.

    I don't want to bear Pedro or DOF telling me progress is being made with the youth team. My money is being invested in the hope I'm told what the club are using it for .

  8. A lot of our” friends” from the east have made a good living out of Rangers troubles.

    The obsessed are stupid enough to keep crowdfunding them,it is the easiest con scheme ever.

    They are so blinded by hatred they cannot see it is all a big rip off.

    The one with the 3 made up Irish Gaelic names must have a comfortable lifestyle with the amount of crowdfunding he has done.


    The tramp liar JJ is even more blatant than Ill Phill - he won't even post replies from anyone who doesn't put some silver into his begging bunnet. And on a regular basis at that.

    A Rangers obsessed dosser who doesn't pay his bills commentating on others. You couldn't make these bastards up.

  9. I don't think there was systematic abuse there.....individuals yes

    however I think there was a systematic cover up.....the evidence of Hugh Birt in court points to this.....it's all documented...


    ."Jock Stein and the Celtic board covered up allegations made against Boys' Club founder Jim Torbett…… He (witness Hugh Birt) told how he took the allegations against Torbett to the Celtic board and Stein and even told the then vice-chairman, Kevin Kelly, about them at a meeting…… I was told by Jock Stein to keep the name of Celtic Football Club clean at all times." Scotland on Sunday 18/8/96


    I understand what you're saying Colin. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment. But all we'll get told is; all those concerned in the cover-up are no longer associated with the club. Title-stripping is the only option and that is simply not going to happen as no footballing advantage was gained.

    There will be much tut-tutting and the matter will get dropped.

  10. It will be painted as another so near yet so far disappointment. But the fact is, we didn't lose tonight to the team who finished top or indeed even second in our section.

    We got put out by a side who finished below that.

    Strapon has had more than enough chances. He got more than most and still failed. As far as the Scotland set-up is concerned he's a serial failure.

    And the dumpling acting as his second in commands appointment should have seen Chesney being handed his P45 straight away.

    The sight of the two of them blethering away with bemused eyes on the sidelines was sickening. A pair of clueless clowns.

  11. Yet another theory falls at the first hurdle.


    " Ex-Rangers manager Walter Smith has begun court proceedings against a financial adviser in order to recoup money spent on an investment while he was in charge of Everton. Smith is suing Neil Caisley, 69, over money put into a pension fund in the late 1990s. The case was listed at the Court of Session in Edinburgh last week. Smith is also said to be pursuing another gentleman over the investment, according to the Sunday Mail. "




    The tramp beggar liar and Ill Phil both had Smith being the guy at the receiving end of a suing.

    A quick phone call to the deluded Doleman would have cleared the whole thing up in no time.

  12. I like the "taking over" stuff. Unless I am mistaken, King owns just under 15% of the shares, so how would SDM "take over"? Oh wait, I should not start to make sense of Ill Phil's babble, might catch something along the way ...


    It's the other tramp, JJ who's spouting this garbage mate. His "sources", at least 2 of them, have told him there's an agreement for Murray to buy up the shares and take control.

    How these unemployed deadbeats manage to make friends with high-flyers is never explained.

    The next time this dumpling gets something right will be the first time.

  13. Is there any news about whether their financing the Judicial Review into the SFA/SPL actions is any further in funding?


    The other obsessive who has various online usernames all beginning with "auld" is assuring the nonces that work is progressing. They are lapping up - while continuing to send him money of course.

  14. He looks like a worm that's lost its skin.

    Just another deluded obsessive who's never done begging to make books and films about Rangers.

    I'll guarantee that manky jersey he's wearing has never seen the inside of the Paedodome unless somebody gave him a freebie.

    He's a creepy individual who's been in the background of every online site discussing Rangers.

    That fanny isn't a Celtic fan, or indeed a football fan. He's a Rangers hating bigot.

  15. I, for one say, good !


    " Newcastle United are under investigation over alleged “extensive” tax evasion on player transfers, court papers have shown.


    Details of the allegations have emerged as the club failed in a legal challenge against search warrants issued to HM Revenue and Customs during Operation Loom, which saw dawn raids by HMRC on premises including St James’ Park as part of a £5m tax investigation involving Premier League and French clubs. The papers show HMRC investigators suspect Newcastle, owned by the billionaire Sports Direct tycoon Mike Ashley, of involvement in an elaborate scheme to evade income tax, VAT and national insurance.


    The allegations relate to the club’s part in the transfers of players including Demba Ba, Moussa Sissoko, Papiss Cissé, Sylvain Marveaux and Davide Santon. HMRC said Newcastle had “systematically abused the tax system” with the use of “sham” contracts that disguised the true recipients of agents’ fees.


    Investigators seized documents, computers and mobile phones during 6am raids in April on St James’ Park, the club’s training ground Darsley Park and the home of Lee Charnley, their managing director. Charnley was arrested but later released without charge.


    HMRC cited Ba’s free transfer from West Ham United, whose London Stadium was also raided during Operation Loom, as an example of how the alleged tax scam worked. Court papers referred to a £1.9m fee paid by Newcastle to Simon Stainrod, an agent acting on behalf of the club during negotiations to sign the Senegalese player in 2011.


    The vast majority of that money was then allegedly “secretly transferred” via a law firm to companies linked to Ba and unlicensed agents. The companies named are Sarl Ba Corporation, France-based Quatorze Management, Silkee Management in Enfield, north London, and Panama-based Zumbada Ventures Corporation.


    The alleged arrangement was in breach of FA agents’ regulations and happened in the “full knowledge” of Newcastle, according to HMRC officer Lee Griffiths. He said this meant both the club and Ba evaded income tax and national insurance because the fees were not treated as “taxable benefits enjoyed by the player”. HRMC said it missed out on nearly £1.2m as a result of the labyrinthine structure. "



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