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Posts posted by boabie

  1. I remember another record from the early 60's, the tune of which I've totally lost. But 2 or 3 times during the song there is commentary from a Rangers match, maybe the cup final against Dundee ?? where you hear goals being scored.

    A mates dad had it on tape recorder and we spent months without success searching the record shops for it.

  2. That banner alone should have seen them receive punishment.

    They turned the whole thing into a political issue to get the law brought in at the start. What upset them was and what they didn't see coming was, the new law applied to everyone. Nobody was going to turn a blind eye to the scummy behaviour going on at every one of their matches.

    I don't shout offensive remarks at games. Keep the law.

  3. The game against Nice mentioned in the programme above - I recall seeing a photograph from that match. It showed the keeper on the ground with the ball behind him in the net. There was a Rangers fan, scarf aloft in front of him. It looked as if the fan had scored the goal.

  4. Pena reminds me of Mark Hately when he was at AC Milan. He looks so void of confidence he falls over his own feet. I remember Hately was a joke with AC at times.


    Denis McQuade of Pertick Thistle springs to mind. I once saw him trip over the ball and fall to the ground while warming up on his own at the half time interval. The same guy scored a cup final goal.

  5. I don't disagree with you about concert party thing but it's the only one than has a burden of proof, and as such the most defendible.


    About the rules, the EBTs were within the rules, but the courts chose "common sense" (although ignored the common sense of what could be interpreted as "entrapment" and also the statute of limitations)...


    I do think though that in this case he's embarrassing himself, the club and fans with the defences of being skint, not know the rules and not controlling his company/trust.


    When he decided to go to court, I actually thought he had some good legal reasons or at least just exposing the ludicrousness of the decision.


    I'll disagree slightly mate. EBT's properly applied were at the time legal although HMRC as with most of those schemes said they reserved the right to address them at some point in the future. What cooked Rangers was the side letters which were not legal.

    The common sense bit came at the hearing in Scotland. Like the Heidi Poon decision at the FTT the law was not being applied properly - probably because she is not a tax expert.

    King imo is fecked. I thought that before he went to court. Rabbiting on about throwing 50 or 60 million at Rangers only to turn around at court claiming to be skint smacks of the actions of a fool or a liar.

    I don't want either in a position of power at Ibrox. There's been too many of them recently.

  6. I was probably the last to visit, earlier today. To be honest I'm not in the slightest interested in anybody heres profile and any time I ended up in one it's because I wasn't concentrating and ended up there by mistake while looking at a thread.

  7. By playing Burke for the first games Strachan tried to invent the wheel and it failed miserably. Whether we like it or not Griffiths is the best striker Scotland has and should have been in from the start. What anyone sees in Darren Fletcher I will never know but hopefully he goes with Strachan.


    McCoist fell out with Charlie Adam yesterday by saying Fletcher isn't good enough.

    I find it strange though that he waited this long to say it. I saw he was shyte the first time he pulled on a Scotland jersey.

  8. Cal - " For me his main arguments should be about whether or not he was in a concert party due to the circumstances at the time, and the futility of the offer. "


    I think only a blind man couldn't see that King was working with the others. They were never out the media being photographed together. I'd say you're right. He's at it.

    As for the futility of the offer - again I agree. But them's the rules. I'd assume his lawyer is due a boot in the baws for this one.

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