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Everything posted by boabie

  1. Just received and I don't know if I'm allowed to post this. Feel free to delete. Holts goal - https://twitter.com/Zlatan7979/status/923271399422283782/video/1
  2. We should never be playing with only one upfront against 2nd bottom of the league.
  3. King still being in Glasgow and at the match tonight suggests Pedros coat is on a shaky nail to me.
  4. Dorans the victim of yet another unpunished tackle.
  5. Dorrans off. Hererra coming on as a replacement.
  6. I've another match looking at text updates online. Hopefully my diy will be done in another couple of weeks and I can get back to going to games.
  7. From official site - "PEDRO CAIXINHA has made three changes to his Rangers side to face Kilmarnock at Ibrox tonight. Ross McCrorie comes in at the centre of defence to replace the injured Fabio Cardoso after he had his nose broken by Ryan Bowman in the League Cup semi final. Wes Foderingham comes back in to the starting eleven following the League Cup campaign to replace Jak Alnwick, who also picked up a slight knock in the match on Sunday at Hampden. Carlos Pena also misses out having also picked up a knock which Caixinha wasn’t prepared to risk, with his places taken by Jason Holt. Outwith those enforced changes, Caixinha has kept the same team that played against the Steelmen on Sunday, with Bruno Alves, James Tavernier and Declan John completing the back five. In front of them in the Gers engine room is Graham Dorrans, Ryan Jack and Jason Holt with Josh Windass and Daniel Candeias on either flank. Alfredo Morelos is at centre forward. "
  8. You're missing what I'm trying to say here John -I'm not interested in decisions made in games not involving Rangers. I'm complaining about the treatment and punishments being meted out to Rangers players and staff. This has been going on for ages and nobody apart from Rangers fans seems to or wants to notice it is going on. Our players are being booted up and down the park without anything happening. On the rare occasion it is punished it is only too obvious the referee can't wait to redress the balance by taking action against one of our guys. The whole compliance officer thing is simply downright corrupt. When other clubs start struggling financially maybe those holding the power will ensure we see some fairness in the game.
  9. John Mc - " We need to be careful here. It's not Hearts, or St Johnstone's or Ross County's fault that Scottish referees are poor and quite how boycotting their grounds improves that situation is currently lost on me. " A couple of questions; when these constantly poor decisions are made against Rangers who is it that benefits ? Certainly not Rangers. Who is it outside Ibrox who benefits from the Blue Pound ? Do you forget that it was Celtic who brought about the referees strike ? Could you point me in ANY contentious decision that has gone AGAINST Celtic since the referees took action ? My point is, we as Rangers fans have very few options left to us apart from causing harm to the rest of our league. Our board released a statement. Our fans reps have done nothing that I've seen. So what other action can we take ?
  10. Mate, if we were trying to save Scottish football because somebody somewhere was attempting to shut it down I doubt if any supporters from any other club would lend us a hand. The hatred runs deep with these people. The media are only interested in reporting on us if there is scandal involved or hinted at or our manager is talking like a clueless clown. Anything else gets twisted or lost.; We'll get no help from that shower.
  11. The Hootsmon report Kenny Miller is favourite to take over as manager from Pedro. Aye, that one will work. FFS !
  12. The only problem with that one darth is, the manks had the media sewn up with dozens of their own to lead the chorus. Nobody gives a shyte about our complaints.
  13. I've always taken the view that at least I'm doing my bit. If other Rangers fans want to continue giving financial support to a load of scumbags who would gladly see us out of business then that's up to them. More fools them I'd say, but it's their decision. I will NEVER be back in any ground outside Ibrox, European games excepted. I sleep contentedly at night knowing no club in Scotland is earning anything from me. Cup games where the attendance money is split 50/50 included.
  14. It's an excellent statement. It should have been issued years ago though.
  15. We couldn't have joined the FA unless the SFA gave us permission to play home games at Ibrox. I've heard folk say we could have taken it to court had the SFA refused us in that case - I'd say the FA would have withdrawn any invitation at that point. It's a non starter imo.
  16. Once again it just goes to prove the agenda at work. Anybody giving a penny to other clubs in this country needs their bumps read.
  17. I thought we played quite well in the first half. No idea why we lost our rhythm from the kick off after half time. The referee yet again was a disgrace. The second goal was offside. Getting blootered post match probably saved my sanity.
  18. " Hibs' failure to sell 10,000 tickets for their Betfred Cup semi-final has cost Celtic, Rangers and Motherwell up to £62,500 each. The Easter Road club left the Parkhead club seething after it emerged the Leith outfit had only sold around half their 20,000 allocation for today's Hampden clash. "
  19. Agreed. Though they fairly kick the erse out of handling and postage charges.
  20. Months ago I made the same enquiry of admin here as I'd formed the same opinion. Whoever it is they certainly don't like our manager.
  21. I refused to wear anything green when I was a kid. Somebody bought me socks that colour and my mother got rid of them because she knew fine well I wouldn't wear them. Ever since I can remember I've wished nothing but ill on that club.
  22. My wife knits Arran cardigans. She'd be dead if she tried using metal needles. Plastic Loyal.
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