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Everything posted by boabie

  1. Being of a certain age, unless he murdered a gay, a female, a Jew or one of our African brethren I have no problem with what he said in Emails. The fact he was shite as a player and has nothing to recommend him to be a Rangers manager is the only thing I'd be looking at.
  2. I seen St Brendan the tranny shagger was saying the sellik fans have a part to play in the match against Bayern. I'd suppose if several invaded the park and began booting the jerry players they might just come out of it with a draw. Oh, and another fine of a few grand.
  3. I don't think anyone outside the top immediate circle within Ibrox has any clue. The press and internet is full of guesswork and nothing more imo.
  4. They used to sell raffle/lottery tickets to raise money to renovate Hampden. They cost either 50p or £1 each which was quite a sum at that time.
  5. I like the look of the boy too and suspect a bright future ahead.
  6. RS - " imagine how silly it would be making the two largest travelling supports in the country go to Stirling for a cup final." Many fans of those two teams pass by Stirling on their way to Glasgow. Stirling wasn't my choice of location btw.
  7. I remember Mo blessing himself after getting sent off while playing against Rangers. He didn't do it because he was particularly religious. He did it because he was a scumbag. Yes I celebrated when he scored for us. I did it wearing the same scarf I'd worn for years too. But it didn't stop me regarding him as a scumbag. Lennon takes scumbagedness to a whole deeper level. That is one maggot I'd give football up for good if he was ever even seriously linked with us.
  8. I have to disagree there Cal, Old Hampden had a rich history. The new one neither resembles the old not has any of its former atmosphere. In short, the renovations destroyed that stadium. I lived in that area and said at the time we should have built a new stadium somewhere with decent transport links.
  9. Being honest I don't think we'll go for McInnes. He's signed a new contract and I can't see us wasting money of whatever amount to tie up a guy with no record of success. King and Co are wise enough to use that cash to get somebody with proven ability. That contract would probably be heavily weighted towards large bonuses for trophies or euro runs. Don't ask who that person would be as I don't have a clue. But one and a half million as reported in places for McInnes is money poured down the sink as far as I'm concerned.
  10. Another guy who wanders around from club to club earning a wage while taking responsibility for nothing. In the media he'd be called a hack.
  11. " Rangers do not intend to speak to Michel Preud'homme about the Ibrox managerial vacancy, Sky Sports News understands. Reports in the Sunday Mail suggested that the Belgian had already spoken with the Scottish Premiership side, looking for a long-term replacement for Pedro Caixinha after he was sacked last week. But Sky Sports News understands Rangers are targeting a manager who has a firm knowledge of British football, with their ideal candidate having experience in Scotland. Preud'homme's agent Ugi Canturk was quoted as saying: "We've had a nice conversation with Rangers and everything is open. "Michel has been offered a job at Mechelen but that is on hold. We have said that as long as there is no decision yet from Rangers, we don't want to block ourselves. "Michel is honoured that Rangers would consider him because he sees them as a huge club. They have been down for a few years, but in Europe Rangers are still a big club. So we'll wait to see what they decide. "
  12. What I caught on Sky tv coverage was somebody , a co commentator saying our players have to be strong. To stand up to the tackles and strongarm tactics. To adapt. I would agree. But only if there was a level playing field. Our guys are getting booted all over the place yet still receive yellow and red cards for nothing. What happened to the days when dirty teams end up with 6 yellow and 2 red cards ? Nowadays we see one side get 2 yellows before the referee balances up things by handing one of our players a yellow because the ball was upside down at a throw in.
  13. If Murrayfield isn't used, and I don't think for one second the lease on Hampden will get renewed, it will be a licence for the manks to print money. There may be the odd minor match played around Scotland but all finals and all the important national games will be played at the Paedodome.
  14. What I noticed today that had been missing in previous matches was a sense of urgency from our players. Too often this season we've laid off teams. At Murrayfield we had players running 30 yards to close the ball down or attempt a tackle. I don't buy into Hearts not playing well - they played as well as we allowed them.
  15. Somebody should have a word with Morelos. Given the scumbag in charge today I'd put money on a red card if our guy continues.
  16. Pedro should have been handed his P45 after our exit from Europe. Imo, too much time was given after that despite the obvious division that must have been in place.
  17. The guy who gave Pedro the job should be following him out the door. A club the size of Rangers appointing a manager with no record of achievement is unbelievable.
  18. Alves appeal turned down. Gets a 2 match ban.
  19. Hardly any Rangers fan apart from me has a decent word to say about Wallace. As for Miller - he's great if you want somebody directing traffic while nobody's looking at him. Pedro put a team out tonight against the side at the bottom of the league AT HOME. Other clubs seem to find 17/18 or 19 year olds who play out of their skins when facing Rangers. The match should have been over with 20 minutes played. The fact it wasn't when we'd one man up front says all I need to know about our tactics.
  20. Saw this after posting in the match thread. I apologise. Get rid of him asap.
  21. Being honest here - I gave up on the text updates at 1-0. I'd lost total interest by that point. I've no idea how the game went after that. All I see is the result. A reaction viewpoint - I couldn't give a monkeys what happened. Pedro is a personable guy. There's no harm in him. But he simply isn't what we need right now. Who should replace him I don't know.But for the money that joker has cost he has to go as soon as possible. A draw against the bottom placed team isn't on.
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