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Posts posted by boabie

  1. Picking a local player for international friendlies being played in the provinces is a tried and tested way of generating interest and boosting the crowd dB, there maybe more than one reason why Germany do better than Scotland at international level!


    Why is it our hackles go up whenever someone makes a mild criticism of a Rangers player? Surely no one believes Boyd now has an agenda against Rangers!


    I don't know why people are so critical of Boyd, as someone who is actually playing against these guys he's better qualified to comment than pretty much every other pundit. Plus it's refreshing not to hear the usual platitudes and blandness players usually trot put on these occasions. Jack isn't good enough for international football and his record this season for red cards, whether rescinded or not is really poor. It's a fair criticism. Likewise Shinnie, Boyd's point about where will he play is bang on. One thing Scotland is blessed with currently is decent full backs, Shinnie isn't even the 5th best left back in Scotland, it's a nonsense.


    I don't think Boyd is any more qualified than I am to comment on current players Mac. In my opinion he is a lazy selfish bastard who didn't even have the sense to keep himself onside in 8 out of 10 attacks he was involved in. I doubt he has the nous to know what's going on around him during a match. He goes into a coma until the ball is 6 inches from the opposition goal line.

    Very few if any of the guys called up are worthy of a Scotland jersey but what's the alternative, keep playing old duds like Fletcher in any attempt to qualify for the next competition ?

  2. I have heard a whisper that structural engineers currently monitor differential movement at the piggery, or at least that grandstand which contains the green brigade. I think that this is the East end of the ground.

    Apparently there is evidence from tell tales that settlement/ movement is occurring and continuing.

    Quite how severe this is, I don't know, nor is it clear what extent of remedial works are likely to be required. Investigations have not, it seems, gone beyond desk studies and the current monitoring.

    It would be churlish to wish for it to be serious.

    It will be interesting, however, to find out more.


    The usual scenario with problems like that is for the place to burn down to the ground.

    They used Hampden before. Another flit there for a few years while their new cowshed gets built wouldn't surprise me.

  3. How dare BBC Scotland employ someone capable of questioning Celtc?


    " How many Irish businessmen do BBC Scotland show an interest in?

    When did the state broadcaster start to show an interest in Swiss tax matters?

    Incredibly the lead item in the 6 o’clock news on Radio Scotland was the Celtic link in the so-called Paradise Papers. The story is also the lead on the BBC Scotland football webpage.

    Dermot Desmond, the biggest individual shareholder in Celtic but certainly not the club owner, is the subject of interest for the movers and shakers at the BBC Scotland newsroom.

    There are a number of big names listed in the documents revealed by Panarama, many of whom have enjoyed lucrative payments from the BBC who are funded entirely from licence payments.

    Exactly what level of national interest there is in an Irishman who invests outwith the UK for a company registered in Switzerland is hard to fathom.

    Other than an agency report on Friday night the BBC Scotland website hasn’t mentioned the accounts of the Ibrox tribute act. "


    The cover up and calls of victimisation have started already. :flute:

  4. :laugh2:


    It would be funny if it wasn't so fecking serious.

    BBC Scotland news report there has Daly calling out Dermott Desmond after Desmond was found out [again] to be fiddling the accounts to avoid his tax liabilities .

    Daly reports that Desmond wrote to him the next day. The first line of his letter was, "Are you a Rangers supporter ?"

    So we have a serial tax cheater refusing several requests for interview by a BBC investigative journalist. When said journalist doorsteps him as he's leaving the Paedodome the first thing going through the mind of this captain of industry and billionaire is, he must be a Rangers supporter.

  5. Wikipedia doesn't have him as ever playing for Rangers -- only agreed to play, I think.


    It is thought he played in a few friendly matches. But he had decided to stay permanently in Glasgow and play for Rangers.

    His brother was also Britains first black registered dentist.

  6. I may have got the wrong documentary but one I saw noted his time at Spurs but never mentioned Rangers - real anglo bias. Still we should be proud he played for us.


    Rangers weren't mentioned mate.

  7. Don't know if any on here served in WW11 but like others our parents probably served in the forces during the war or afterwards.No doubt many scum followers had parents who done the same.

    It is a sad sad situation that brings them to disinherit what their fore-bearers fought for but at least we have total dignity and respect and long may we continue with that tradition.:uk:


    My grandad, my mothers father, had absolutely no interest in football. He refused his own fathers request that he become a freemason, losing inheritance of the family business by doing so. He married an RC and had 6 daughters , all brought up practicing RC's. I never in the whole time I knew him heard him make a religious or political remark. The only time I ever heard him say anything at all controversial was when he said that on the day WW2 was declared you couldn't get near Broomielaw for all those heading back to Ireland.

    Yes I know that many from Eire fought beside our boys. A good friend of mine served alongside some of them. But it's the plastic paddys I simply cannot stand. They live here while loving the ouwld country but feck off over the water the first time they are asked to justify their existence.

  8. The tramp beggar liar JJ had another "friend" advising him in his latest blog. This mate is a renowned accountant, whatever the feck that's supposed to be.

    The main thrust is, going by past sales Ashley received all he would have earned from Rangers over the length of the contract so King and the rest got stiffed.

    What the stupid bastard seems to overlook is, half of nothing is nothing. Just the same as 6 times nothing is nothing. The fact that retail is now totally in the hands of Rangers means that sales will go through the roof so Ashley took the money and ran. Rangers will profit greatly from now on.

    You have to wonder why these halfwits even bother.

  9. The minutes silence isn't about politics, it's not a stance taken by some party in disagreement with another. It's a custom the country and many others have followed for over 100 years.


    In saying that we all know this freak is a simple minded bigoted nutcase out of step with not just this nation but all the other European nations and even further afield in the US where they too remember their war dead. The Irish war dead are being remembered for crying out loud.


    We should welcome his stupidity as it highlights to the entire country that this club and it's followers carries with it an openly expressed element as venomous and anti British as we could imagine in Britain.


    When I was in the merchant navy we ended up in a place called Le Verdon in France. Myself and 2 other Scots wandered into the town to find the place totally deserted. Then we heard music and saw a procession heading to the local cenotaph. The majority of the town must have been taking part. It clicked with us that it was Armistice Day which they seemed to treat like New Year. The locals really went out of their way for us and wouldn't let us pay for anything the whole time we were there.

    Here we'd probably get some wee bawbag in green and grey ruining the entire thing.

  10. Its shameful that celtc players arent allowed a poppy on there shirts if they want.


    Celtic as a club make a direct donation to Poppy Scotland so that there are no poppy sellers around their stadium. Too much risk of them being assaulted.

    " once again the trap has been set, " Aye, a trap which only one club seem to fall into. I wonder why that is.

    " It looks like this situation in November is never going to change. " Yes you are correct Joe. The rest of the civilised world respect the sacrifice our forebears made so that plankton like you can criticise in safety from the shelter of whatever hovel you live in. I know little about you but can practically guarantee that your own family were among those rioting at the Broomielaw trying to get on board the first ferry back to the owld country.

  11. For those who maybe haven't seen the programmes or are unaware they are being repeated, the documentaries,Walters War and Walter Tull; The Forgotten Hero are being repeated on the Yesterday Channel beginning at 9 pm tonight.

    Walter was the first black officer in the British army and Rangers first black player.

    Well worth a viewing imo.

  12. Why you changing the subject from king a convicted felon to things that don’t concern us.


    He broke City/business rules, maybe you think that is ok and the City should be unregulated,only this isn’t SA as king is going to find that out very shortly.


    Beats me how anyone can mount any defence of the G&S one that we as a club are tainted by.


    There are pure mullions who defended, denied and deflected the cover up of child sex abuse. In fact they're still at it to this day.

    I know which class of director I'd rather have at the club I support.

  13. He is a Rangers supporting heavyweight politician.


    So heavyweight he lost the leadership election for the Conservative Party to a lassie who'd only joined the party a few months before. :razz:

    But at least he's one of the very few willing to say he supports us.

  14. " The fees these law firms get is totally crazy. "

    The whole financial thing baffles me mate. Look at interest rates going up today - because of inflation we're told.

    With nobody receiving wage rises, what the feck has caused inflation ?

    Rising petrol, energy and food prices, that's fecking what. higher mortgages next month will cause inflation to go up again. Just wait and see.

    So because of greedy bastards controlling everything we consume receiving low returns on their personal investments the rest of us have to pay.

  15. Good to see we gave Auchenhowie over to Bayern this morning too.


    " Bayern Munich appear to have enjoyed their trip to Glasgow so much they've stuck around for an extra training session.


    The Bundesliga champions battled to a 2-1 victory over Celtic at Parkhead last night to secure their place in the Champions League last 16.


    And instead of heading straight back to Germany, Jupp Heynckes side were put through their paces at Rangers ' training base just hours after their triumph over the Hoops. "



  16. Were you on the English FA disciplinary panel Boabie?


    As I said, of a certain age.

    I don't believe in all this fake offendedness going on nowadays. Especially when it is 2 guys holding a private conversation via text message. Had he came out and said what he thought in front of an audience that's different.

    "Having assessed the evidence, and in light of the finding that the communications were sent with a legitimate expectation of privacy, The FA will not be taking disciplinary action" is what the FA decided.

    He's still a prick though.

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