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Posts posted by boabie

  1. when I was at school as a pupil any suspicion of gayness ensured a rough time. by the time I left as a teacher, openly gay pupils and cross dressers did not. Not saying it was common but not really unusual either. That was 7 years ago in a tough Glasgow Comprehensive


    The gays and cross dressers will be protected by positive discrimination.

    Wee Specky will continue to get hammered.

  2. I can remember guys who got a terrible time at school because there was just something a wee bit different about them. Isn't it better now?



    Mac, I can go back a good while to when I was at school and recall that there were always one or two guys a wee bit different and who got a hard time.

    It may have been that they were fat or wore glasses or had a lisp. Nobody protected them. It's simply something that kids do and have always done.

  3. Never ceases to amaze just how many can't see the Saltire in the Union Flag.


    Mate, take a look at the old England football matches. The 66 world cup final is a good example.

    The English didn't know they had a flag of their own. They waved the union flag.

    Me and tens of thousands of Rangers/Scotland fans who attended Wembley in 65, 67 and thereafter wouldn't have dreamed of taking a union flag with us .

    Nowadays there is an active movement in England to promote their own flag. And more power to their elbows say I.



    I think a lot of so called Rangers history is, unfortunately, purely a reaction to the plastic paddy, Irish republican, IRA supporting, Catholic, anti-British, anti monarchy of the other side of Glasgow. A lot of Rangers fans seem to define themselves by being as opposite as they can: staunch British, royalist, supporter of the Orange Order and maybe the UDA, proddy, pope hater, and unionist.



    The religious thing has always been there. The manks coming into creation started that one. But to my memory, when I was younger there were many many more saltires at Ibrox. The bother in N.Ireland seems to have changed everything and this is where we've ended up now.

    I support a football team. My politics are my own business. However there's a great percentage of our support who don't see it the same way.

  5. " Aberdeen central midfielder Kenny McLean is expected to join Rangers at the end of the season, according to the Daily Record.


    The newspaper claim that the Light Blues are set to make another move for the 25-year-old after Dons manager Derek McInnes confirmed he will be leaving the club when his contract expires.


    The Daily Record report that a deal for the central midfield dynamo is likely to be done “next summer”.


    Aberdeen held on to McLean during the last transfer window after fending off interest from rival club as McInnes set out to rebuild his squad following the departures of Jonny Hayes, Ryan Jack, Niall McGinn, Peter Pawlett and Ash Taylor.


    McLean’s contract is up next summer and he is free to sign a pre-contract with a foreign club in January. "

  6. the new Mourinho on the cheap.


    A strange turn of phrase. You mean like the Primark Pedro that the unwashed kept going on about ?


    we need to borrow 4 million to get to seasons end, that doesn’t include pedro pay-off or possible comp for another manager, like the guy said we can’t afford mcinnes,skint is the word.


    What has borrowing money got to do with a new manager ? Are you saying that because we "can't afford" McInnes we're going to bring in some other dumpling just because he's cheap ? Don't you think the board need time to reflect following the last two mistakes ?

  7. Let’s be honest this is embarrassing. If we can’t afford McInnes then we clearly can’t afford anyone better either. Why not just announce Murty is there till the end of the season, and see how he does. Rangers should never be waiting for ‘applications’ or conducting ‘interviews’ the manager should be head-hunted. If we had a chief executive who had a clue, he would have an idea who he was appointing before he sacked the previous incumbent. The board took an eternity to appoint Caixinha & he was a disaster. This board seem incapable of any action unless Dave King is in the country & it’s not good enough that he rarely is. Should be a vote of no confidence at the AGM. Maybe they’re waiting for McInnes to resign but even then it’s a complete shambles!


    Who says we can't afford McInnes ? Rangers statement says they are compiling a list and will then look at who's the best.

    I haven't seen Rangers say a word about McInnes. The media have said plenty but nothing from Rangers whatsoever.

  8. " Charlie Adam has told the Alan Brazil Sports Breakfast Show, which was broadcast on TalkSPORT on 10th November, that he’s hearing that Glasgow Rangers are struggling to agree a compensation package with Aberdeen for Derek McInnes.


    Rangers want McInnes to take over at Ibrox, as they search for Pedro Caixinha’s replacement.


    The Scottish Sun had suggested that Rangers would reach a deal with Aberdeen this week, as they were willing to pay compensation to land McInnes.


    However, Adam has said that Rangers are struggling to finance a deal for McInnes, and he has urged the board at Ibrox to take action sooner rather than later.


    “I’m hearing that McInnes is close, but compensation is an issue,” Adam said.


    “But they have to make a statement. They have the perfect time over the international break to sort it out. The more the dilly and dally over it, I’m not sure what will happen. I think it will come down to finances.


    “The board need to make an appointment. It’s getting embarrassing.”


    Another bone idle lazy bastard wakes up and has a go at Rangers.

  9. Clyde's had quite a few managers. Barry was there, jim Duffy ,John Brown, Colin Henry...even Graham Roberts

    That Broadwood's a nice wee complex. Right off the motorway, car parking, gyms, small pitches and running track

    Thanks to North Lanarkshire Council who built it

    too bad about Shawfied, but with it's shallow terracing and lamp posts for the dugs made it pish to watch football


    When I was a boy I'd a pal who was a Clyde supporter. Many a lift-over I got at Shawfield.

  10. This isn't about whether Boyd was the best striker of all time or not, it's about this belief some have that he's not qualified to comment on players playing in the same league as him, that's just bizarre. I'd have thought your opinion on some of the players you played with, and against, when in the Juniors would be better informed and accurate than your views on someone you'd never actually played against, don't you? If you were actually playing in the SPFL just now Boabie then your opinion on current SPFL players would carry more weight on here than most of the rest of us.


    As an aside I rate Boyd more for what he did in his spells with Kilmarnock (and is still doing for them) , playing with poorer players and getting far fewer chances than at Rangers.


    With most players I would agree with you Mac. But imo Boyd is simply to lazy to give his brain a shake and think about what other players are doing around him.

    If we were discussing maybe goalkeepers Boyd had played against, again I may have agreed.

    He managed a total of only 18 caps while breaking scoring records domestically . That also maybe shows his worth in the eyes of those inside the game.

  11. So the top goal scorer in the history of the SPL isn't qualified to comment on the players he's faced this season on the park? Okay... Who'd you play for again Boabie?


    I played for 2 junior and one senior team mate.

    And my wife could've scored for Rangers with the team mates Boyd had around him.

    Top scorer in the SPL or not, if you want to talk about GOOD strikers I could give you at least half a dozen who played for Rangers who were FAR better than Boyd.

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