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Posts posted by boabie

  1. The point being made is that the claim he has no funds to satisfy the TOPs demands and his assurances to the Auditors in regards to future funding do not tally as they're blatant contradictions.


    That only applies if we accept that King, although saying there's money he'll provide to put into Rangers it is coming through a family trust which he does not control personally.

    The difficulty King is going to have with TOP is his previous statements which imply that the whole trust is in fact under his stewardship.

    Whatever comes out in the wash and however this ends I don't think there is any question that King has, whether intentionally or by mistake told porkies to somebody.

  2. I agree with much of that. Stein did give Torbett his p45.....it was after Stein left that Torbett was allowed back in


    The line pushed these days is that somebody told Stein and he immediately booted his arse out the door. That wasn't what happened colin.

    Stein knew about Torbett at least 18 months before Torbett got sacked. The main crime happened in the intervening period.

    The celtic board carry the vast majority of the blame but Torbett got away with what he did for so long because of an institutional cover up which included Stein.

  3. Stein was wrong but there was a different attitude about covering things up at the time

    He was an absolutely outstanding manager who achieved the holy grail......


    That he was an outstanding manager is not the point colin. What was going on at that club was as much of a crime back then as it is nowadays. Only the manner of reporting the crime has changed. All he had to do was pick up a phone or hand a guy his P45.

    Stein was part of a massive cover-up and did the same as the rest of them, nothing.

  4. Have you noticed how we're now struggling to score goals since he came back into the team ?


    Say what you like about Pedro, he had him sussed. He realised he wasn't reliable enough to get goals.


    I had him sussed several years ago mate.

    The last thing Rangers need is a headless chicken directing traffic on a football field.

  5. I don't think I know enough about whoever is quoted to understand that... :confused:


    The mank tramp JJ who kidded on that he was a Rangers fan disgusted by the behaviour of Rangers fans despite being from a well known Sellik supporting Greenock family. Since his wife left him taking the kids he's been running a blog full of lies about Rangers from a bolthole in England where he alleges the UVF and other loyalist groups are planning a hit on him. The stupid fecker says he had to move abroad so serious is the threat of assassination. Why the Scottish police force would be keeping contact with him if he's abroad isn't explained.

    He says he's got hold of the draft copy of Whytes proposed book mentioned in the title.

    Obviously not receiving enough donations from his followers to keep the leccy on he's now resorted to flogging copies of the draft to other obsessed sellik fans. As I expected from the cut of his jib, most are now complaining that despite handing over some of their dole money they've received no book. :laugh:

    Mank rips off mank.

  6. I see the tramp beggar liar is now selling copies of the draft book to the obsessed creatures who believe his garbage. Of course, actually posting out copies to the obsessed is presenting somewhat of a problem --


    " The majority of readers who have recently subscribed should have now received your premium copy. As I have clearly stated on a number of occasions all payments and donations are handled by PayPal. However a ‘payment’ by PayPal is more difficult to process than a donation. Those who have missed out should proceed directly to PayPal to make a token donation and highlight their subscription details. Some have had the audacity to claim that this is a hassle and that as it is ‘our site’ they should automatically receive their copy wrapped in a bow. I cannot deal with this indefinitely. One more day and we move on. I will not approve any comments which complain. I have waited 18 months for many of my readers to show up, so why can one not just spend a penny and be patient? Despite assertions from a fantasist who has made a career out of making things up, I do not reside in the UK. I have no need of any backbiting from a would be terrorist. After one more day I will solicit one penny donations from my less fortunate readers. Please do not jump the gun as I won’t process anything until the waged are fully satisfied. If you do your payment will be passed over. "


    To be expected I'd suppose. :laugh2:

  7. Was it not Renfrew Airport, in those days?

    Abbotsinch was further west, i I r c, and became the new Glasgow facility sometime in the mid-late '60s.


    I don't suppose the flightpaths altered much.


    I can remember a barrier used to come down and halt car traffic on Abbotsinch Road while planes crossed the road.

    When we won in Barcelona I had to fly from Prestwick as the upgrade work was going on at the now Glasgow Airport.

  8. I must admit to a small feeling of uncertainty at that forums utterings mate.

    I don't know who is behind it or what connections they have with C1872 and our board.

    My thing by signing up to c1872 was to maintain a clear space so that all of us could ask serious questions of the board if needed.

  9. foggy dark winter saturday at Ibrox, Dundee skelped us 5.....1

    spurs match called off due to fog to be replayed a week later.....3...2 for Tottenham we don't get fogs like that now


    Rangers v Hearts at Ibrox. Scotsport had the highlights.

    Arthur Montford says "Over to Ibrox now. Due to technical problems we join the match at 2-0."

    The picture shows a very foggy Ibrox and what looks like the ball hitting the back of the net.

    Arthur again, "Unfortunately at that point we had some more difficulties so can't show any more. The score was 5-0."

  10. One thing is certain I was not there in 1954. I wonder if they took them away right away. If they did then I must just be going on foto's or my fathers stories. I am still sure I saw them and can remember the new lights coming on. Did they upgrade the lights in the sixties?


    I attended my first match around 1960 and don't recall seeing any pylons then.

  11. :lol::roflmao::yay:


    Time to get more proof, Pete.


    I found this after a quick search -


    " Floodlights were first erected in late 1953 and consisted of lights on the front edge of the old barrel shed roof - as well as a pylon at either end - - there were also lights on the underside of the Main Stand roof.

    When the shed roof was extended in the summer of 1954, the lights were fitted under the roof edge, same as the Main Stand and due to the number of lights and longer roof, the pylons were not needed. "

  12. That guy has obvious mental health issues & am surprised anybody is taking anything he says seriously. I severely doubt there is going to be any book!


    " Excerpts from a book claiming to be by ex-Rangers owner Craig Whyte promises to reveal corruption and scandal at the heart of football and politics in Scotland. Details of True Blue Treachery were leaked online, including a sample chapter where Whyte recalls his arrest in Mexico and a contents page promising other revealing tales. Whyte, who is reportedly trying to find a publisher for the book, has promised 70,000 words and 19 chapters. "


    Read more at: http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/teams/rangers/craig-whyte-book-to-lift-lid-on-corruption-and-scandal-in-football-1-4619956

  13. Another short example -


    " A company in which Craig had been a shareholder, not a director, went bust owing money to the tax office. In the fallout from that case, Craig was disqualified as a company director for seven years, even though he hadn’t even held the position. The debt involved in the case amounted only to around £20,000 but to fight the legal action would have cost him £100,000. "


    Hmmmmmmmmm. The only time in history that a shareholder got disqualified from serving as a director. :laugh2:

    What a load of fecking garbage.

  14. I've connections to that club and was well aware that Lispys statement was untrue.

    Also, it's a bit rich for him to be mooting a move because of cost and maintenance when it's his mob who are responsible for the upkeep.

    It only proves what we all thought - we'd get a few games/friendlies around the country before his pal Liewell got all the matches that mattered. The SFA would also probably get brand new offices in an annex of the hotel proposed at the Paedodome.

  15. I would hate to give Whyte a penny but I must admit I would like to read the book.


    Not if what follows is an example -


    " I am a wanted man.

    A warrant has been issued for my arrest – for failing to appear in court. My crime? Being the scapegoat. In the absence of any evidence, it would appear the Scottish Crown Office are operating on a policy of finding a guy they think has done something wrong and then trying to find a crime to stick on him.

    The irony is that while there are many who have the blood of Rangers on their hands following the club’s liquidation in 2012, I am not one of them. I am the only person not to take a penny out of the club during this sorry saga. Yet I’m the bad guy, apparently.

    I have never known a deal like it. Since I took over control of Rangers in May 2011 I can’t believe how many people have been out and out crooks. So many have conned me. Surreal doesn’t come close – I’m living a nightmare. And it’s only going to get worse. "

  16. Well, if you believe the tramp beggar liar JJ.


    Would you credit it ? What will be revealed is as follows -


    " The revelations in Craig’s book include:

    • What outgoing owner David Murray hid from the new investors

    • How Craig’s attempts to get the club on an even keel were thwarted

    • Who stood to gain from Rangers going into administration

    • His dismay at the antics of his footballers – on and off the field

    • How Rangers are still very much under Masonic influence

    • How Scotland’s First Minister offered to help Rangers in their £50 million tax battle with HMRC

    • How the DUP – now major players in the UK government – tried to get Craig a seat in the House of Lords

    • How one Scottish Premiership side offered to throw a match for money

    There is already huge media interest in Craig’s story. National newspaper serialisation is guaranteed. True Blue Treachery will be 75,000 words and delivered three months from signature of contract. "



    Aye right !

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