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Posts posted by boabie

  1. Well done Rangers. Another impressive score and long may it continue.

    BBC radio was indulging in more mental athletics pre-match. In perfect seriousness they were blaming Rangers for unsettling McInnes and affecting Aberdeens recent performances. They implied that Rangers are doing this deliberately as we'd 2 matches to play against them. They said that Rangers should come out and state flat out that we are either hunting McInnes or we are not. :laugh2:

  2. " Derek McInnes is the massive odds-on favourite to become the next permanent Rangers manager following a shift in the bookmakers’ prices.


    SkyBet priced McInnes as the huge frontrunner at 1/8 on Saturday afternoon as he soared ahead of other candidates in the betting race to take over the Ibrox dugout.


    Former Middlesbrough boss Aitor Karanka (7/1) is now the second favourite to replace Pedro Caixinha, followed by current caretaker Graeme Murty (9/1) and ex-Ibrox manager Alex McLeish (12/1). "

  3. For all those who don't fancy McInnes,...... name a viable candidate with extensive knowledge of the British/Scottish game that you would prefer.


    I think you've kind of mixed up 2 different arguments there buster.

    " with extensive knowledge of the British/Scottish game " only applies if we are going with what King said.

    I'm certain there are good managers out there without that quality who could do a great job at Ibrox. Who they are I don't know as I don't follow football outside Rangers.

    McInnes if he arrived would imo get two years before the support had us back where we are right now.

    Regular rogerings by the manks, which he seems to have got used to wouldn't be tolerated by our guys.

    If he does arrive he'll certainly have my support. But to me it'll speak volumes about our board.

  4. " Rangers shareholders have backed a special resolution that will allow Dave King's board to convert loans into larger stakes in the club.


    Gers chairman King and fellow investors have contributed around £16m to the club in interest-free loans.


    They are now able to swap a large chunk of that debt for shares, after a vote at Thursday's annual general meeting.


    The board no longer needs to involve the rest of Rangers' shareholders when offering shares to investors.


    King has promised to invest another £7m in the club over the next 18 months.


    The chairman and his board had twice previously attempted to pass the so-called "Resolution 11" at their last two AGMs but were thwarted by a bloc that included Mike Ashley and the Easdale brothers, ex-chairman Sandy, and former director James.


    However, King has now been able to pass the motion after Sports Direct tycoon Ashley sold off his nine per cent stake to Rangers fan group Club 1872 and businessman Julian Wolhardt earlier this year."



  5. The tramp beggar liar provides expert analysis of the match ---


    " I opine that the sinister forces at play in Scottish referees, as referred to by Craig Whyte, were once more evident at Ibrox last night. The third goal was scored from an offside position. This was not flagged by the bent assistant who was in line with play. The opening penalty was as poor an excuse for cheating as one will see all season. Holt dropped like he had been hit by a sniper as the Aberdeen defender ‘aired’ a clearance that he planned to put in row Z. The second goal was also suspect. Andrew Dallas proved that rotten fruit does not fall far from the same tree. His father was and is a bigot. His son has evidently been inculcated in the dark arts. Should Celtic’s unbeaten record come to a halt, look no further than Muir, Madden and Dallas whom if they were not officiating would be wading in Fenian blood in The Copland Road Stand. Aberdeen, pardon the pun, were sheep to the slaughter. As a third offer was tabled to McInnes’ agent last night, will the Aberdeen coach succumb or will he realise that it’s fool’s gold? "


    I absolutely LOVE their pain. :flute:

  6. You've all got it wrong. The worlds first surviving brain donor from one of the mank sites has the reason for last nights result --


    " If he [MCINNES] has decided to take the job then it is verging on cheating to set up your team to play your new lot twice in a row.

    By all accounts his team selection last night left them wide open "



  7. I read earlier that we should go for a "successful manager". What does that mean ? Success in junior football ? the Scottish leagues ? Down south ? Europe? World football ?

    Success at the moment ? Last year ? 5 years ago ?

    Or maybe somebody who was a one season wonder after spending 300 million ?

    Somebody who worked with another coaches squad, won a cup or league but then got sacked ?

    I'd take somebody top of the German, French, Italian, English league right now ------ but that's just not going to happen, is it ?

  8. Right appointment and more importantly right signings. That means not wasting £3m on unfit Mexicans


    This all starts at the top Rab.

    Our board went with the experiment of Warburton. Quite rightly they bagged him when he began making overtures to an English club. Had it been up to me I'd have sacked him for performances and results alone.

    What did our masters do then ? They employed the guy in charge of the 5th ranked team in the Quatari league and handed him a bag of money.

    The question about that appointment has to be, how many bought with that cash have turned out to be a success ?

    I'll be blunt here, the board are to blame for the state Rangers are in right now.

    I don't blame our last manager. He worked to his abilities and I forecast shortly after his arrival that he'd be gone before Christmas. He did his best and exactly as I thought he'd do.

    At this moment imo Rangers need decent jobbing players from the SPL if that's as far as the money goes these days. With the correct manager we'd still get to second best easily next season. Who that manager is I've no idea but really do despair at some of the names doing the rounds - most of them are fantasy as they aren't going to work for the budget they'll be allowed. Others have had their chance elsewhere are don't fill me with any hope.

    McInnes would probably get us to second. But no further and euro income would be limited to one or two home gates.

    Sad times.

  9. The stretch of motorway between Hillington and Arkleston turn off were designed in a straight line just in case we needed another runway in the event of any cold war problems. The lighting along the central reservation would have been chopped down allowing heavier planes to land and take off there.

  10. It doesn't as the TOP order is for King not NOAL to make the offer, the TOP's view appears to be that King and NOAL are for all intents and purposes one and the same and having read the report it's not hard to see why they formed that view.


    King cannot claim he can't make an offer while simultaneously guaranteeing future funding.


    Which is exactly what I said mate. TOPS have obviously seen that King is in fact NOAL.

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