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Posts posted by boabie

  1. Arsenal are a side I've always admired. Having replied to the Advocaat post I should make it clear that I don't really have anything against the Dutch. But Van Gaal is another guy I just can't stand the sight of. He has one of these faces just made for slapping. :bouncy2:

  2. " JOHN Gilligan, the Rangers director, last night stressed the Ibrox club is “striving” for a listing on the ISDX Stock Exchange and still intends to raise money at a share issue in future.


    However, Gilligan admitted their efforts had been “hamstrung” by other events in the last few months – including Charles Green’s bid to get them to pay the legal costs at his forthcoming criminal trial.


    Rangers were de-listed from the AIM Stock Exchange back in April after being unable to secure a nominated advisor to replace WH Ireland who resigned the day before the EGM the previous month.


    Dave King, the major shareholder and chairman, and Paul Murray, the director, have both been passed as “fit and proper” by the Court of Session and the SFA since then.


    And in July the Championship club appointed Peterhouse Corporate Finance in a move which was seen as significant in their goal of achieving a listing on the ISDX market.


    But Green, the English businessman who led the takeover of Rangers in 2012 and who has been charged with fraud and conspiracy, has taken legal action to compel the club to pay his costs . King has stressed the bid will be "strongly resisted".


    Gilligan, the former manager director of Tennent Caledonian Breweries, admitted the club board was facing constant unforeseen challenges in its efforts to restore off-field stability.


    Asked if the club still planned to hold a share issue at the Rangers Supporters Trust AGM at Ibrox last night, he said: “The answer in the long term is yes.


    “You know the story with the listing. Until we are listed, we can’t do the share issue. We are striving to get the listing. In the longer term that is exactly where we want to be.


    “What makes it really difficult is, because of the Police Scotland investigation, there are other things that are coming into play here which certainly I didn’t see them coming anyway.


    “Not the least of which is when you are handed a piece of paper which says the former chief executive (Green) has a contract which he says means we have to pay his legal fees. Nothing is very simple."


    Gilligan added: “But in the medium to longer term we intend to raise capital that way, there is no question about that. You are challenged all the time. We have got lots of challenges. And we take them all on. We are working hard.


    “The listing is important for us. We are still striving for it. The share issue is important to us. We are a wee bit hamstrung in the last few months on it, but we’re still working towards it. I feel confident. This club can’t survive in the next 10 years without supporters’ input.”


    Meanwhile, Gilligan has confirmed Rangers could consider renaming Murray Park – the club training ground which is currently named after former owner Sir David Murray – at some stage in the future.


    He said: There are a number of plans to look at the academy at Auchenhowie and try and get the proper message over of what it is all about.”


    Elsewhere, Gordon Dinnie, the Rangers Supporters Trust chairman, revealed that liquidators BDO had confirmed to the organisation that it would be possible to transfer the assets back into the control of the oldco in the future.


    Dinnie said: “We asked: ‘Would it be possible to resurrect oldco?’ The answer we got was: ‘Yes, it would be very difficult because there is too much going on legally elsewhere at the moment, but come back to us’. The advice we have had is it is doable.” "

  3. The 0 - 4 thrashing was a G Cup thrashing. I think it came a couple of season's after Kai's final. Lou Macari and a lot of other kids played that night. The press had stories about Stein sending out his apprentice boys to do the job.


    The 5 -1 debacle was 2 January 1966 and Davy did indeed open the scoring in the second minute. Rangers still led 0 - 1 at half-time.


    The 5-1 game is the one I was on about . Thanks mate. I got it wrong in that I thought it took place just before the Scottish cup final. Looking at the link below I see the cup final replay was played in April so maybe I wasn't so far wrong. I know that after the 5-1 game we switched Kai and Davie Provan because of the mauling Hughes had given Kai. He did the same to Provan in the 0-0 final so Kai got switched back to his normal position.

    One thing that amazes me about Kai's goal is how it is usually quoted as being anything from 25 to 35 yards out. I believed that when he scored too. However, he actually struck the ball from inside the 18 yard box.




  4. My memory is likely to be more faded than yourself boabie so I googled what you say.


    I found the Glasgow Cup wasn't competed for in the 1965/66 season, and that we lost 0-4 in the first round to them in the 1966/67 season, which means that thrashing came after Kai's Scottish Cup winner. Yes we were 2nd best for sure, but the reason I used Liverpool as an example was they won it after being fourth best in their league.


    It is perfectly viable that my own memory is at fault here bear but my memory tells me we lost 5-1, I think Davy Wilson scored for us, maybe even the first goal in the match. It was a very dark misty, foggy evening. Maybe a week later we drew with them in the Scottish cup final and the replay followed with Kai scoring the winner. Honestly I wouldn't know how to search for those games and the only alternative I could put forward is the 5-1 was a league match. Maybe it is senility setting in mate but my memory also has Willie Henderson narating that timeline in his Playing For Rangers book many moons ago.

    Meanwhile I'm away to change my adult pampers.

  5. Liverpool proved not winning the league doesn't mean you can't win big ears.


    Unfortunately bear, back in those days being discussed only the league winners qualified for the Euro cup. I attended the game mentioned earlier when Kai scored the winner. It came in a replay following a draw and a very short while after we had taken a thrashing in the Glasgow cup final. We had a very good team but were second best. That is why we celebrated Kai's winner so much.

  6. In my opinion it will only happen when the tv money going to English football sinks to the level up here, and I just don't see that happening. Then there is the additional obstacle of getting past needing the SFA's permission to have English clubs playing in Scotland on a Saturday when Scottish league matches are taking place. It certainly won't happen in my lifetime.

  7. As I stated in the article I do have a degree of sympathy for the current incumbents as it is they who have to effectively carry the can but in saying that two of them were on the Board when I was raising the point on the lack of suitable facilities at the AGM's back in the David Murray era.


    Yes mate. I remember the subject being brought up at AGMs. On a side note I also remember the "Oh FFS!!! " that used to be murmered around me when the enquiries were made. There is no way the issue can be skirted around now and I certainly hope our new crew attend to it soon.

  8. As I said on the previous page come what may it'll be the fans who pay for the improvements either directly or indirectly.


    We've had two share issues since these regulations were announced and not a penny went to addressing the problem.





    They have already failed us, UEFA sounded the klaxon on this in 2011.


    Euro 2016 will be the first UEFA tournament that complies, 5 years is ample warning.


    To be fair FS, the current board are hardly in the door two minutes. The previous scoundrels and wastrels were hardly likely to spend any money on maintaining standards within the stadium.

  9. What if it isn't done in time for the new UEFA regulations and we cant play in Europe ?


    As the poster after you says craig, that is a matter for the club to take care of. If it comes to a straight choice of either the fans pay for the work to be done or we do not get to play in Europe then I would suggest we have the wrong board in place. As previously said I do not object to paying extra on my season ticket costs but will certainly baulk if I am told that either I and the rest of the support pay for it or there will be no European football at Ibrox.

  10. At the risk of criticism being a newbie, no. Not just yet. The club will see various folk who had previous connections being dragged through a criminal court and no doubt the subject of subsequent civil actions too. Until most of those are over and we know for definite exactly what position we are in I would say hang on. Currently struggling to support and manouver around town a family member who is temporarily disabled I can fully understand why some fans would want the matter addressed urgently. But not right now. Should the club wish to add a few quid onto the cost of my season ticket in the future I would be only to happy to pay.

  11. I don't see how we couldnt have coped without these guys to be honest


    I would tend to agree with you but suspect that given all the hoo-hah following the St Johnstone game with doomsayers appearing all over the place our manager has decided it is probably easier for everybodys blood pressure to leave nothing to chance. I'm against Friday matches but would far rather have that than a Tuesday .

  12. I thought it was very good . I was never lucky enough to see him play. I bet he'd have been great to have a drink or three with , loved his cheeky wee " getting drunk was my hobby" .


    Having been of an age where I could watch Jim playing for Rangers I was also old enough later to pop into his pub at Paisley Rd Toll. Even earlier I was introduced to him in the old Ibrox Bar next to the stadium. I wish I could say we explored the meaning of life with Jim having all the answers. But to tell the truth I was starstruck and probably sounded like a bit of a fud to him. :seal:

  13. I may be cynical, but this looks like part of a plan to whip up as much public controversy as possible in the hope that they can claim that the case has been predjuduced.


    This is my first post so please be gentle guys. Having read the club statement earlier today it crossed my mind that what we are seeing is possibly mischief making by the BBC. Green is reported to be looking for his legal bills to be paid. Apart from the errant nonsense in that idea I would've thought his first port of call would be to contact our club rather than talking to the BBC. The club say they have had no contact.

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