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Posts posted by boabie

  1. " King was a major shareholder in Old Co, David Murray was not. Murray had ample opportunity to take legal action against Whyte in regards to the intiall Share Purchase Agreement long before we entered administration but chose not to. "

    That couldn't be more correct. It was specifically stated in the contract between Murray and Whyte that the company could be retaken by Murray if Whyte failed to stick to the terms of the contract.

    But what also seems to be misunderstood by some when it comes to discussions surrounding events is, Murray was just about the only person NOT the subject of alleged frauds. He got his money. In my opinion if anybody is going to bring oldco back to life it certainly will not be Murray.

  2. The Poland squad we were up against has players from the Bundesliga, La Liga, Serie A and Le Ligue 1. We are largely comprised of second rate championship, bottom end Premiership and a few mediocre SPL players.


    Ireland have a pretty poor squad compared to what they used to have but in their last game 9 players were from the Premiership, with two from Derby who are an upper end Championship team.


    In Scotland's last game we had three players from the Premiership.


    Absolutely correct SBS but the question leading from that is, WHY ?? Despite all the previous crisis committees and reports over the years how did it come to a situation where we field a team comprising so many second rate players ? Why is it that the stream of Scots heading south to play for , or indeed captain top flight teams has dried up ? If that can't be answered then it proves the SFA are to blame as they are the body in charge of all football played here, from schools upwards.

  3. This is the clause which I said normally exists in contracts in another post.

    Insurance companies will also never pay out if forms have been fraudulently filled in.


    I'm not in the know but would suspect that not only insurance companies but company law in protecting shareholders interests would also ban a situation where the persons at the top of the tree can indemnify themselves against the costs of defending alleged criminal behaviour . Like other folk have said here , I would prefer to believe that the Scottish legal system has more sense than to allow Greens claim to stand. There may be 2 days set aside for a hearing but I suspect the law lords will be setting down a marker to state to anybody else in the future that nonsense like this will not be tolerated and to stop wasting their time.

  4. I found this advice for company directors interesting ; " Can the company indemnify or insure me against claims?


    A company may (but is not obliged to) indemnify you in respect of certain proceedings brought against you by third

    parties. An indemnity can potentially cover both the cost of the claim itself and the costs involved in defending it but

    never the following:

    „ the unsuccessful defence of or fines imposed in criminal proceedings; or

    „ penalties imposed by regulatory bodies.

    It is common for a company to take out directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance on behalf of its directors. Policy cover

    and terms vary from company to company and insurer to insurer but typically deal with directors’ liabilities arising

    from claims of negligence, breach of duty or other default. Standard policy exclusions include fraud, dishonesty

    and criminal behaviour but the directors should ensure they understand any limitations on cover and that insurance

    policies are kept under regular review. "

  5. That is not entirely Strachan's fault. I believe that can be laid at the feet of the SFA board, and the cull should start with them and go all the way down, just as Rangers did.

    Why reward mediocrity? Nothing is improving - not the National team, the youth teams, amateur football nor grassroots activities.

    The culture and philosophy emanating from Hampden is pervasive and requires to be replaced.

    Even the fans, 12,000 of whom cheered the failures after the Gibraltar victory, need a reset.


    The SFA in my opinion have been totally responsible for the decline in Scottish football at all levels. Unfortunately though there is no way we are or ever were going to be able to remove them. Since I became aware of just how incompetent they really were back in the seventies I've been calling for them to be cleared out, starting at the very top. Strapon has failed. Despite the blue skies a few games ago, to finish 4th in that group is a disgrace and a failure. What is really getting my goat is that whether he stays or leaves will be entirely his decision . True to their own abilities the SFA will stand back and wait to see what he decides instead of handing him his P45.


    I would guess that whoever signed the contract on the clubs behalf did so under duress or some similar issue.


    Or is another person tied up in some way in the alleged frauds. Either by turning his eyes the other way or receiving a separate benefit for allowing certain transactions to take place. I think this is the line Rangers will be using.

  7. Right on track Henry McLeish appears on tv waffling about forming yet another committee to yet again sort out the future of Scottish football. The same rubbish has been spouted since the 70's. Our game continues to decline. To the subject at hand, Strapon failed. He should go. Who should replace him ? No idea, the SFA don't pay me hundreds of thousands of pounds to decide that.

  8. Thats my point boabie if these players are getting crucified by half the fans for not making green and his pals more money why the hatred towards them?


    Certainly in at least two cases it was due to them making remarks about us being a new club. Those two are the ones who generally stir up the most criticism when their names come up in relation to our club. There seems to be a kind of memory fog surrounding our situation at that time. There were no guarantees that we would actually gain a licence to play, Green was ignoring the squad and then tried to reintroduce slavery. I for one never liked Green. I didn't buy into his rubbish so maybe I'm just being petty and looking back at the situation from a prejudiced viewpoint.

  9. Only in hindsight. They had no idea what Green was like. The honourable thing to do for the club would have been to sign on again.


    The story from some who knew what was happening at the time is, the players were left totally out in the cold by Green. Nobody could contact him to find out his plans. Then Green hit the papers saying the players belonged to him and were going nowhere. That was when the union got involved. Apparently even Wishart had a hard task trying to contact Green.

  10. I said at the time that unless DK had more meat to put on the bones (or was publicly able to), I couldn't really see the reason for bringing the subject up at that time. On reflection I have to say that there is so much most of us don't know about the current state of relevant political play allied to technicalities & uncertain outcomes on the legal side that for us to speculate or try to judge if to say something was right or wrong would currently be a fools game.


    It's just another known unknown that may or may not influence future events.


    I spent quite a while working on what could possibly have been behind Kings oldco remarks and could only come up with one answer ; somewhere between Murray selling to Whyte, an alleged fraudulent transaction and Green taking over, another alleged fraud having been committed, the true ownership of Rangers both oldco and newco has disappeared into the atmosphere. This raises the question of who exactly carries the authorisation to take civil action to seek recompense against those considered to have been feeding on the corpse post Murray on behalf of those who lost out ? I think King is looking way into the future .

  11. " Charles Green's bid to have Rangers cover his legal bills will be heard in court on the same day as the first installment of his fraud trial.


    The former chief executive of the Ibrox club, who faces four charges relating to the alleged fraudulent purchase of assets in 2012, claims a severance agreement signed a year later entitles him to have his costs paid by his former employers.


    The bid to have his costs paid will be heard at the Court of Session in Edinburgh on Friday, October 16 in front of Lord Tyre.


    At the same time, the first public hearing of his case will take place at Glasgow's High Court.


    Rangers have previously stated they will contest the action by Green to have his bills covered.


    "Charles Green approached the club prior to his arrest and demanded that we pay his legal costs in respect of his co-operation with Police Scotland in its criminal investigation into his time as an officer of the club," their chairman, Dave King, said in September.


    "I advised him that we would not do so. He was subsequently arrested and has now approached the court to compel the club to pay the legal costs of his defence to the criminal charges.


    "This application will be strongly resisted."


    Green faces charges including involvement in organised crime, conspiracy, fraud and also under the Companies Act 2006.


    He is due to appear at the High Court in Glasgow with six others to face the charges.


    Former Rangers oldco owner Craig Whyte, former commercial director Imran Ahmad, oldco joint administrators David Whitehouse and Paul Clark, Gary Withey and David Grier were also charged. "

  12. I think we have the right board in place, proper fan representation excepted but understandable right now. I believe when they gained power they were being honest with assurances and promises made at that time. Although they knew like the rest of us financial jiggery-pokery had been taking place I also think like the rest of us they didn't fully know how deep it all ran and one or two pieces surrounding latter crown office actions tend to point to that. The board will know that until and unless certain players in this farce end up in jail and alleged criminal activity clears up who has claim to what, everything is still up in air. They are obviously talented and wealthy businessmen who don't throw good money after bad so here is my amateur take on what will happen with the club in the near future ; soft loans if necessary and funding via the fans will keep the club ticking along. An announcement will be made at some point saying legal actions have clouded the future plan but there is money waiting to be invested. We will gain promotion , a handful of players will come in before next season and that will be it. I don't blame the board if that is all we see. My short term satisfaction will come from seeing those who inflicted this misery on our support being led away in handcuffs post trial.


    Why should a club that is on TV twice a season get as much as a club that generates viewing audiences and is on every second week?



    This is something I've often considered. There can't be any doubt that a match being on tv must affect gate money. Therefore the club hosting tv companies for live coverage must be losing the most through the gate.

  14. "17:27Tuesday 06 October 2015


    Falkirk assistant manager Alan Maybury has been suspended for one game by the SFA – but Peter Houston has yet to respond to the charge from the association after the refereeing fall-out at Ibrox.


    Boss Houston blasted match ref John McKendrick in the aftermath of the 3-1 defeat to the league leaders, saying the whistler “one hundred per cent” cost Falkirk a draw.


    That has seen the SFA complaince officer respond with the offer of a one match suspension to Maybury for offensive, abusing and insulting language which the player-coach has accepted.


    Houston has been cited for comments made on the club’s in-house TV station Falkirk TV where he ‘criticised the decisions and performance of the Match Officials in such a way as to indicate bias and incompetence on their part, and which also impinged upon their character.’


    He is scheduled to appear at Hampden on Thursday, October 29 for a hearing, but has until next Tuesday to respond. "

  15. This tie-in to a question I was going to ask about our finances. There seems to be a growing amount of "noise" online from people about just how precarious our finances are. Even when you have to consider that much of it is guesswork, is there still a cashflow problem at the club or is it just wishful thinking from our enemies?


    The board have already stated that there is enough cash to see the club through to the end of the season. That has not stopped the usual claims of impending bankruptcy from those who have even less of a clue about our finances than we do. I think you got it right mate. It is simply wishful thinking.

  16. Having seen it again, it was a foul so don't really know what Houston's beef is.


    The ref was hopeless though.


    Houston has previous when it comes to refereeing decisions at Ibrox. He was in the papers whining for a week when he was Dundee Utd manager too. I watched the tackle on tv last night and thought exactly as I did when I saw it at the match. It was a free kick.

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