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Everything posted by boabie

  1. The campaign by all the usual suspects to have the SFA take retrospective action has already started again. They won't be happy until Rangers are absolutely hammered. There was always more to the chair shuffling at Hampden while we were out of the system than simply making sure that those of a sellik persuasion had an unfair representation. There will be more to come I'll predict.
  2. This link takes us directly to the announcement; http://www.scotland-judiciary.org.uk/9/1514/Advocate-General-for-Scotland-v-Murray-Group-Holdings-and-others
  3. No doubt it is having an impact B. My depression comes from Ashley still managing to shift £8 millions worth. The figure should stand at zero.
  4. " Sports Direct run Rangers’ official shops and have sold £8million of merchandise in the last two years. " This is probably the most depressing thing I have read for many years.
  5. Alexander Fleming mate. Also two connected to our club. http://www.loudounvalley.co.uk/famous-football-players/4564308364
  6. I was at that match. If I remember right it was Colin Steins 3rd game after signing for us. He only scored 2 after successive hat-tricks in his first two matches. The wags were saying he was "finished".
  7. The court would maybe use the proceeds of crime legislation and set a gang of forensic accountants on the case. If they haven't been set to work on that already.
  8. The mortgage company took it over a good while ago mate. Yet another crowd who didn't get paid.
  9. I was with the SOS march too. There were other protests where fans were moved on. But you misunderstand what I was on about. Partisan board or not I am almost certain there will be clauses in the retail contract allowing penalties against the club if they were seen to be acting against the interest of retail sales. Permitting a blockage of a retail outlet would seem to me to be doing exactly that.
  10. The store stands on land owned by the club. There have been previous instances of police and stewards on instruction of the club being used to move fans out of the area on to public land.
  11. As a further update, the RST have been given a right of reply in the paper following McDiddys right of reply which true to form was another load of lies and bile.
  12. In fairness to King he obviously knows that the fans are expecting clarity. He's gagged from commenting on the contract details so, in my opinion is obliquely letting us know that matters are being looked at, that SD aren't playing ball, are farting around saying give us our 5 million now and we'll keep our retail cut as well, but King is hinting that these guys may well be held to account in the future. It isn't much but is better than radio silence.
  13. The various fan groups have all done their best in their own way, sometimes as we know causing disagreement between themselves. In my opinion right now is the time for one powerful body to act on behalf of all our support. Unfortunately that is going to be easier said than done. Past experience proves that distributing chairs around the top table will bring its own problems. But it has to be done. I'd go further and propose that no Rangers directors should be at that table. Yes they should be available to meet our reps on a regular basis but it should be made clear that the new body is acting on behalf of the fans who want to support the club and not as a group to be towed around in whatever direction the clubs board think they should be pulled. "Accountability from the club" should be the premier demand of the fans group. If that happens I have no doubt ordinary fans will continue to dig deep.
  14. We had the team I grew up with as a kid and Dundee had an excellent side too. I think I recall our 2nd or 3rd goal being scored from more or less the bye line.
  15. I found this elsewhere ; " DAVE King and the majority shareholders at Rangers have agreed on a plan to pay for Charles Green’s legal costs - should they be ordered to do so by the court. The former chief executive is facing charges of fraud from his time at the Glasgow giants. He will stand accused with five others, including ex-owner Craig Whyte. Green’s legal team will argue the club are liable for the costs, thought to be around £1.5million, at a two day hearing beginning on November 12. "
  16. For a few seasons back in the sixties every time you saw a photo of a Celtic goalkeeper Jim Forrest was standing in front of him with his arms raised and the ball in the back of the net.
  17. " It’s actually gone all a little too quiet because there are some hugely significant questions - most of them money related - which remain unanswered and King’s low profile, long distance leadership has, in fact, created an information vacuum. And into this vacuum all manner of malicious and ill informed gossip is slowly being poured. " Yes Keith. That's correct. It would seem that you yourself are more than happy to add to that gossip. You also did yourself no favours by addressing and answering your own questions. The club are in capable hands and the directors will ensure there is ten pence for the meter. The board will not be raising extra funds until the high court circus is over. Which begs the question, why bother Keith ? Why add more wind to the sails of Phil Whatshisname and the bile he spews ? A complete waste of ink.
  18. 1963 Scottish cup final.
  19. Completely correct Colin. I watched and played in the 60's. The game has been totally transformed since those days - imo for the worse. I see players now who on a regular basis should be carrying Equity cards. So many rules have been introduced banning physical contact that it has become so easy for cheats to gain advantages. I am not proposing going back to the "mans game" we used to have, I'm saying that if the authorities want to ruin a physical sport by bringing in rules against foul play they should robustly enforce those laws and also retrospectively punish those who cheat by diving. Players who raise their arms to claim corners or throw-ins when a blind man could see they are attempting to gain an advantage by cheating should also be punished. It's nothing more than sleekit behaviour and I can't stand that.
  20. Unfortunately Colin most teams now seem content to sit with 10 men across their own goal. Finding the space to thread a ball through is becoming more difficult for our players.
  21. I don't have any confidence at all in Bell. For his performance at the end of last season alone I don't think he deserves another match. The least said about Templeton the better imo.
  22. A player like Weiss would go a long way to unlocking teams imo.
  23. I see the Belfast Telegraph have paid him for a right of reply article.
  24. Another example of a deluded halfwit who feeds on rumour and conjecture from other doppelgangers who have no real interest in football. Not one of them could find a stadium using a sat-nav. It is hatred, pure and simple. You would think that after Phil Whatshisnametoday made his monumental mistakes they would learn. I have a feeling they won't.
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