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Everything posted by boabie

  1. http://nesn.com/2015/11/soccer-player-scores-wind-assisted-own-goal-during-storm-barney-video/?
  2. McGhee is one of those men involved in football who should be permanently ignored. He also has the type of face I wouldn't get tired of slapping.
  3. " Rangers won titles using a scheme not open to other clubs " What did Celtic call Juninho's scheme ? Oh, that's right. They didn't call it anything. They covered it up to the football authorities until they got found out.
  4. I see now that Law Financial, the firm of nuisance value ambulance-chasers he'd employed have dumped the case so Whyte is trying another route. I really do hope that all this is seen as yet another attempt at fraud and is taken into account at the trial. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/craig-whyte-launches-bid-pocket-6859271?
  5. This is simply yet another fairy story headlined to sell papers. Whyte is facing a lengthy jail sentence on charges of fraud and there is not a chance in hell that he, any company he was involved in or any associate of his will gain one brown cent if he's found guilty.
  6. Pete, I would like to think I am neither. Not only have I not done it, I have never tried it. To be honest the opportunity just didn't ever rear its head. As said earlier I earned a wage and the government took what was theirs and what I was due got handed to me in a pay poke.
  7. No. I think the new legislation only applies from this year onwards.
  8. I did a little hunting around Ian and it would appear the chap is not a bear. He penned "The witch-hunt that shamed Scotland" article for the Rangers Standard a while ago. http://www.therangersstandard.co.uk/index.php/articles/current-affairs/196-the-witch-hunt-that-shamed-scotland
  9. One of the widest quoted when it came to defending tax avoidance. A very good one too imo. The introduction of GAAR earlier this year sees that statement redundant.
  10. From the day I started working until the day I retired I never claimed any annual allowance mate. My employer paid me a salary. The government took their cut . I got what was left.
  11. I couldn't agree more buddy. Apart from those who's single reason for existing is that they hate Rangers, I think everybody wants to move on. If the end game is that Murray made a monumental erse of things and owes HMRC a wad of cash then fair enough. But no sporting advantage was gained and that should be the end of the matter as far as the football authorities are concerned. Therefore the matter is over. I apologise. I was trying to point out that in answering MY point you were answering a Rangers fan. I have no idea what fit the author kicks with.
  12. You are not being asked to "take moral lessons of any Scottish fan,media,club or the cabal running our game into the ground". You are answering a point made by a fellow Rangers fan.
  13. You are correct. The scheme was legal. But not the way we administered it involving side letters promising bonuses. Had the whole thing worked in the way an ISA or pension fund does do you think for one second that Murray would have offered to pay umpteen millions to settle ? I did no say the club should apologise for a moral issue. I stated that in my opinion EBTs are morally wrong. I do not earn enough to employ an army of lawyers and accountants to find ways of avoiding paying my taxes. I don't think it's right that those who earn the most have that option. Many years ago as a struggling apprentice I was shocked to find out that Lord Vestey had paid half a pence tax for the year . That's just not right mate.
  14. We would not be getting dragged through a series of court cases if we were " using a perfectly legal tax avoidance scheme ". That one remains to be seen. However, an ISA or a pension fund it definitely was not. As for the actions of the football authorities, that goes without saying.
  15. I think the author means EBTs were MORALLY indefensible. I would agree with him. That is not to say though that I believe we did anything illegal.
  16. From the opening post it would appear that it already has happened mate. edit - I misread your post as "do not want it to happen". Please accept my apologies.
  17. The guy has the experience to be used to come on as a late sub and no more. If our manager thinks we have the money to pay him a wage for that rather than using the money to pay somebody with prospects then who am I to argue with him ? Whatever pot of money Warburton has to spend next season has just been reduced. I hope he's got it right with this one.
  18. Or as Frank Zappa would have put it "Zoot Allures".
  19. Yep. I suffered plenty myself watching them mate.
  20. What they seem to be saying is they were due 35 days holiday per year. In the year up to the end of their contracts they had not received any holidays so feel they're due those days in pay.
  21. It would appear then that once again Ill Phil was talking to imaginary "well placed sources". Not that long ago he had Park refusing to answer the phone to Rangers directors .
  22. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/celtic-avoid-ebt-probe-because-1323456 "THE SPL have revealed they decided not to investigate Celtic’s EBT payment to Juninho because the Brazilian didn’t receive his cash until AFTER he’d left Glasgow. While an independent commission has been set up to study Rangers’ EBT payments, the SPL itself ruled that the Parkhead club ‘had no case to answer’ regarding Juninho’s contract in 2004.nd Record Sport can reveal the SPL believe it’s the fact Juninho wasn’t paid until after his Celtic exit – while Gers stars picked up EBTs while playing at Ibrox – that is the key difference in the cases. An SPL source said: “It’s a simple process of matching it up to our rule book. “In the case of Celtic’s EBT for Juninho he wasn’t paid while he was kicking a ball for Celtic. He received payment after he’d finished playing for the club.” Record Sport understands the reason Rangers have a case to answer is that their players were being paid via EBTs while they were still playing in the SPL. The inquiry set up by the SPL into the EBT schemes used by Rangers between 2001 and 2010 is headed by Lord Nimmo Smith.has set a hearing date of November 13 with an outcome expected by November 21. If found guilty of breaching SPL rules the Ibrox club could be stripped of league titles. New Rangers owner Charles Green has refused to take any part in the inquiry and called it a “Mickey Mouse event”. He insists all Rangers’ EBTs were disclosed in the oldco club’s annual accounts. Gers fans were outraged on Wednesday when the SPL said Celtic were in the clear over Juninho while the Ibrox club were still in the dock. Juninho received his EBT payment in 2005 and the money was declared in the club’s annual accounts – but not to the SFA or SPL. In 2008, after becoming aware there was a potential tax liability related to EBTs, Celtic reached an agreement to pay a sum to HMRC. " The SPL didn't even hold an enquiry into Juninho's contract. Maybe they figured that Celtic just decided to hand him a bundle of money via an EBT out of the goodness of their hearts ?
  23. I wish I shared your confidence mate. Changing the rules will not stop them from going all out to take away our honours. If there is no appeal or we lose the final round of the BTC I for one am in no doubt they WILL strip us of leagues and cups.
  24. I think I'm correct in saying that if they were deducted 3 points for each match Juninho played in Abersheep would've won the league.
  25. They also used EBT's. However, unlike Rangers they didn't declare that fact to the football authorities. It only came to light 3 years later.
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