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Everything posted by boabie

  1. " Liga MX Carlos Pena (Cruz Azul) The Mexican midfielder made his debut for Pedro Caixinha’s side yesterday as a 67th-minute substitute during their trip to Pena’s former club Chivas Guadalajara. His introduction was met by boos from the home crowd as he took the field against his former side just seven months after leaving them for Rangers, but Caixinha’s side had the last laugh with a 3-1 win, the first victory of the Portuguese’s reign.
  2. The story about Rangers players paying their own flights came from the mind of the tramp beggar liar fantasist. Not only do these retards believe the shyte he posts but also pay him to invent it. Mongos every one of them.
  3. Wars have been declared on governments who have caused less damage to populations than that particular organisation has been carrying out for hundreds of years,
  4. When Labour ran Scotland they introduced laws which made it an offence for any person to cause offence to another. The specifics of the offence caused was not defined. When the SNP came into power they tacked on things like offence being caused online. Again, nothing was given a definition. So many manks complained about us over the years that TBB became a banned song under UEFA legislation. Should any football authority contact Rangers about any singing last night then our board have a clear course of action to take - tell them to get to feck. Simple. Stupid obsessed pondlife spending their Saturday night watching Rangers play a friendly in the USA just so they can take offence should not be given any credence whatsoever.,
  5. Again - copyright Ra Sellik. The most famous co-winners ever.
  6. Morelos is worth £50 mullion. Copyright the manks if he was wearing green and grey.
  7. Scotland does not have the same government rules as the English and Welsh clubs. They introduced it first. The SPL many years later made it a condition of entry to the top tier that all seater stadia was required. It's a football thing rather than a government thing up here. Sellik will fit in 50 mullion. We'll be allowed one guy and a space for his dug in the whole Copland Road.
  8. I was hunting Youtube after umpteen crashes and got onto one where the teams were just coming out the tunnel despite having already watched around 35 minutes. I saw Wallace leading us out. Then realised it was one of those daft computer football things.
  9. Imo the first half was like watching us in seasons recently past. All the possession, some of the play looking good, but unable to do anything to finish. And just waiting for the long ball forward to sink us.
  10. The good players are only out there to get a tan mate.
  11. A youtube search brought it up straight away for me Ian. 6pm start for stream. I've actually found the game on my fire stick thingy but there's hee-haw happening. I'm assuming something will at 6 ?
  12. I'm not. I'm away next Sunday for a fortnight.
  13. My daughter tells me I can view on a tweaked firestick. She's away out though. Listen out for me blowing my telly up trying to get it to work.
  14. When did singing the song at a friendly in the USA become an offence ?
  15. He's now running a pay per view site alongside his usual rubbish. In it he's covering regurgitated copy and paste articles on Maddy McCann, Kincora Boys Home, Westminster paedo rings, etc. Those with a standing order only can read it. I doubt he's making enough to pay his oustanding debts so is becoming more and more blatant in his begging.
  16. An example of the garbage this clown spews out on the CSA forum - " Clancy is one of those referees that you know is going to be useless before the match kicks off, and I believe most of the ones in Scotland are the same, and I certainly don’t believe that’s down to an honest inability to referee at the top level, or indeed at any level.I think all Celtic Supporters know what we will get from Bobby Madden on Saturday, when we play his favourite team in the League for the fifth time in their short existence. Only in Scotland would an ex-season ticket holder of one club be allowed to officiate at their matches.Madden will most certainly favour Sevco over Celtic, and he won’t have to be bribed to do so, he will do it because of his inbred hatred of anything to do with Celtic Football Club. That clown Regan and the rest of the Brethren at the SFA should be hanging their heads in shame because of their indifference to the “BLATANT CHEATING”. I think I must have missed all those decisions Madden made in our favour during the last match against the manks.
  17. I was reading the deluded tramp beggar liar JJ's blog for today there. Apart from it being a lengthy copy and paste job from articles by Gary Ralston and Ill Phil 4 names the lies just keep spewing from the demented cretin - " Things are so tight that the players had to buy their own bucket shop economy airfare tickets to Florida as RIFC have been cut off by their appointed travel agent. I believe the agent is still awaiting payment for a number of business class trips from Johannesburg. " They are worried. All of them. King scares them and a blind man could see there's an organised campaign among the mank bloggers to drive a wedge between our board and support. Oh, and I hear the tramp beggar liar is so worried about his impending execution by loyalist terrorists that he returned back to the UK from his safe cave in Peru to visit his family in the Inverclyde area very recently. There are obviously no Prods in Greenock now.
  18. I had by days of standing, bouncing and staggering around the terracings years ago and am no longer up to it. I like my seat now. Good luck to the youngsters though and I hope they get what they want.
  19. I fight every single lie they tell mate. Dignified silence ended many years ago for me. They get called out at every opportunity. I've been banned more times than Willie Johnston.
  20. Probably the last time I saw Naismith play was when he was wearing a Scotland jersey. He looked better than most we've signed recently.
  21. The mank forums today are full of references and links to the Court of Session where apparently King is appealing the ruling on him making an offer to shareholders. Naturally the nuclear option is quoted as Dave is "pure skint". You'd think the demented beasts would be questioning why their own board have spent hee-haw despite the mullions and billions that flowed into their coffers.
  22. As I said when he arrived at Ibrox, he won't see the season out. The man is a chancer.
  23. Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention used the same imagery on their album just a few months after The Beatles.
  24. Wishing a good day out to all bears going to the match . I'll be on a train to Manchester prior to my flight to Goa.
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