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Everything posted by boabie

  1. The other side of the coin is though mac, we would probably have lost more goals because of a painfully slow defender falling on his erchie or playing forwards onside through his own inactivity. Towards the end McCulloch became the same as Miller is just now, great at waving his arms around "organising" others but incapable of delivering what the club pay him to do. Sorry mate.
  2. Mitchell was the fud who almost bankrupted clubs by forcing them to upgrade stadia to a 10,000 seated capacity. A situation that led to Falkirk being refused a play off match that could have seen the sheep relegated. His other "great idea" was to split the league into the top and bottom six. Having two under 21 players freezing their erses off on the bench for entire seasons was another wheeze of Mitchells. The tv rights shambles was his fault. All that and promoting the fecking Spice Girls sums this nonentity up.
  3. King has already said that if it was deemed he wasn't fit and proper he would put someone else in the position. Mitchell is a pathetic erse who is this weeks useful idiot for the haters.
  4. On this day 1964 we had a great victory away in Vienna. Unfortunately we lost Slim Jim to a broken leg at the end of the match. http://rangers.co.uk/news/rangers-tv/day-rapid-vienna-1964/?
  5. Played 17. 17 points. There's a lot of learning still to be done Lee.
  6. Is anyone willing to bet that the cost of entry for the public will be reduced to attend these training sessions ???
  7. That's one I was wondering about. I thought all football came to a halt during a world cup.
  8. Do what I do mate and make a day of it. A couple of beers pre-match then a few in the area while the crowd disperses and take a lazy trip back home for a couple at the local.
  9. Other televised matches - THE Scottish Football Association has today revealed the Scottish Cup fourth-round clashes that will be shown live on TV. The BBC will broadcast the tie of the round – Hearts v Aberdeen on Saturday, January 9 with a 5.30pm kick-off. Meanwhile, Sky Sports will show two matches the following day – Rangers v Cowdenbeath/Arbroath (kick-off 1pm) and then Stranraer v Celtic (3.15pm).
  10. "RANGERS’ Scottish Cup against either Cowdenbeath or Arbroath will be televised and therefore moved to Sunday 10 January. Sky Sports have picked the game out of the Fourth Round ties and scheduled it for 1pm that day. Gers will find out who they face on Monday evening when their potential opponents play each other in a game that was orginally postponed. "
  11. While Kings case was going through the courts in SA he was banned from being a director of any company in the UK so I would think the laws are multi national mate.
  12. Swansea are talking to Moyes.
  13. A manager in a Greggs outlet in Glasgow left this week. Our Mark to take over ?
  14. " SHAREHOLDERS opposing the current Rangers board are taking legal advice after it emerged they had been prohibited from voting over crucial decisions regarding the club. Despite the ban, the club failed to secure enough votes to launch a new share issue at last week's annual general meeting aimed at raising funds to cover the ongoing financial shortfall at the Ibrox club. " http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/14125959._Easdale_block__shareholders_in_revolt_over_Rangers_AGM_voting_ban/? Irvine crawls out from underneath his rock again.
  15. We've had some horrendous results over the years but the one game that always depresses me when I think of it is the match against Gornik Zabrze.
  16. I was a member here for a few months many years ago. I forgot my login so didn't bother until my main email address changed. Admin Frankie did me a good favour when I was here last time. I use t'internet for leisure and relaxation. If unwarranted abuse was what I was looking for I'd try some manky site.
  17. Reasoned or sometimes even unreasoned debate is one thing and I will make no comment on any particular site. But when admin start ammending comments, ban posters for winning a debate or allow certain posters to throw personal abuse without censure then it's time to get out.
  18. The abuse handed out on other sites was the main reason I gave them up. Utter fuds who you just know would never have the bottle to say the same straight to your face.
  19. Aye but......... aye but..........................but.......................but................................
  20. "These aren't fans of football – these are people so worried about the decline of their own team, they have to seek new ways to deny history and put down the only club that can knock them off their rather meaningless perch in Scotland." I would take slight issue with that. Those folk don't have a team. Most of them couldn't find Parkhead with a sat nav. They are of the same mindset as those who saw masonic conspiracies amongst referees, the press and football authorities . They have no interest in supporting football. Rangers hating is what they live for.
  21. Fagrach checks in. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/tarik-fagrach-checks-rangers-former-6935663?
  22. The problem with that particular outlet though is Pete, they simply do not engage with any sensible sounding Rangers supporter. One or two bears get on to talk for a couple of minutes. Invariably their words are twisted or simply ignored. Probably the best pointer to how that programme works is how they refuse to discuss the more lurid stories that emerge from the east end of the city. "We're only here to talk about the football" is a one way street as far as that lot are concerned while on air.
  23. Rangers hater Martin Hannan can't even tell the truth when reporting on the AGM .... " No-one at the AGM asked about the reason for the board’s late change of heart – they had steadfastly refused to repay the loan before their meeting on Thursday – or why it had not been repaid earlier, or how £5m could be raised “in an hour”, as King claimed, when the club have apparently been struggling with their finances for months. The National can reveal there has been speculation in City circles that Ashley was prepared to cite broken agreements and foreclose on the loan or even call for Rangers to go into administration once again, though there is no official statement of such intentions." http://www.thenational.scot/sport/football-king-eases-ashleys-hold-on-rangers-with-return-of-5m-loan.10530? For "Speculation in City circles" read lies made up by Ill Phil.
  24. Deny and deflect. It's good to see them return to that. Collins and his useless bastart boss will be out of a job soon. A blind man can see their squad have zero confidence in the gruesome twosome. "Judge me in a years time" was the mantra last year. The same words were uttered today.
  25. I used to spend a fair amount of time on forums debating with yahoos and straightening them out when their most extreme flights of fancy or lies were up for discussion. To me it is only fair that our side of the story is heard and it would be foolish to allow them free rein to run off at the mouth unchallenged. But I would never consider wasting time on Radio Clyde. These guys are working to a clear agenda. They don't allow free debate on a point of view that doesn't suit them. They point to a tame useful idiot to say our side is being told. It isn't.
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