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Everything posted by boabie

  1. We certainly require more players to rotate the squad. This boy shows a bit of promise but is not what we need right now. I always get the impression he is working at quarter pace.
  2. I know many Rangers fans who are good blokes. None of them try to pass themselves off as comedians though.
  3. “In addition, a Buckfast bottle was hurled into the Morton section which missed a young Morton fan by inches. That was a sad end to an exciting match.” A young boy ? What, no women or disabled people nearby ? I smell garbage.
  4. boabie

    Merry Xmas

    Seasons greetings and all the best for the New Year to all Rangers fans.
  5. Kennys workrate certainly seems to have improved - he is waving his arms around and shaking his head even more than ever.
  6. " Rangers managing director Stewart Robertson failed in his quest to gain election to the influential SPFL board in the last vote, but is likely to try again in future as the Ibrox club seek to make themselves heard once more. " I fail to see what that line has to do with the subject under discussion.
  7. From what I've been reading it makes no odds which section of which act Green is depending on to pay his lawyer. If he is found guilty at the criminal trial all bets are off and he quite simply can whistle for any claim.
  8. http://www.unlockthelaw.co.uk/News/will-rangers-need-to-pay-charles-greens-legal-fees/1667570745.html " Why Should the Club Pay Green's Legal Fees? Green claims that Rangers are liable for his legal fees on the ground of a contract made whilst he was still with them. Mr Green has stated that his contract of employment entitles him to legal cover both during his time at the club as well as after he had stepped down. Dave King on the other hand has stated that Green approached the club following his arrest in connection with the Sevco acquisition of club assets in 2012 and demanded that the club meet the bill for his legal costs. Green claimed that this was "in respect of his co-operation with Police Scotland in its criminal investigation into his time as an officer of the club". King claims that he has told Mr Green the club will not be paying his legal costs, and that Greens claim will be "strongly resisted". Mr Green has now approached the court to compel the club to pay up for his legal costs- expected to be more than £500,000. It is difficult to say how the court is likely to respond to Mr Green's claim. On the one hand, if legal fees in relation to any legal issue arising in connection with his duties whilst at the club, formed part of his contract of employment, the court may decide to compel the club to pay Green's legal fees. However, this will depend on the terms of this agreement and also whether Green is convicted of being involved in criminal activity. Any contract which promises to cover expenses of criminal activity will be void and unenforceable, meaning that he will not be able to rely on the clause to claim his legal fees from the club. Furthermore, certain action such as leaving the club may also make the contract unenforceable - the decision will very much turn on the courts reading of the contract, and the detailed facts of the case. "
  9. I was at our last game that season against the sheep. That one was a real shock. I am almost certain that the mankies last match was played a few days later and we were in with a chance of the league if Dunfermline beat them 15-0 or similar.
  10. The way goal difference was worked out then we effectively won 2-0 or similar.
  11. http://www.girlings.com/latest/beware-dealing-individual-directors http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/46/section/41
  12. I was at that game. I remember post match we discussed how the 2 goals lost could end up costing us due to the way they worked out goal difference back in those days.
  13. That clause will most certainly be referred to during the criminal trial. The companies act will be the least of his worries I would guess.
  14. Another village missing an idiot ?
  15. Washed to take off blood stains. Hit with a bottle 0-1 cup final against the smellies, Lynch with a penalty and a burst nose against the sheep at the sheep pen, either 0-0 or 1-1 around 1975.
  16. We may only have one hand Frankie, but a hand has two sides to it. I feel that sometimes we will need to turn it over and show the other side. In no way am I advocating a return to hoofing the ball 40 yards up the park. But 40 passes ending up in the same place as that passage began is something the opposition appear to be getting wise to. Time for the manager to bring in a few new faces will solve a sticky patch we are in now.
  17. I've worn my scarf at matches since 1964. It's had a few soakings and seen the inside of the washing machine a couple of times too.
  18. Their own team yet again got humped out of Europe last night and they spend every waking hour looking into Rangers affairs. It would be good to know when any of those deluded feckers last attended a football match.
  19. The common understanding was that the loan was interest free with no time limit mate.
  20. http://uk.promopro.com/merchant-Savile-Rogue-vouchers-deals-976.html?promoid=1876798
  21. No such connection needed Mac. His own reasons are openly declared. This is an example of the cut of his jib ; " I expressed my own view on the Rangers saga in 2012 in both press and media. As a Celtic fan, I enjoyed immensely the demise of that club, and concluded, also publicly, that I felt that my club had clearly emerged victorious from a 120 year struggle for supremacy in Scotland. The immigrant club had won, the institutional club lay dead, in this case carried away in a liquidator’s coffin. My schadenfreude was intense. God, I’m a normal fan. "
  22. I'm sorry Rab but I couldn't give a monkeys what the rest of Scottish football needs. They are all struggling right now. We on the other hand are doing rather well when it comes to finance through attendances. In my opinion this latest charade has nothing to do with improving the football on offer or the lot of Scottish clubs as a whole. Strings are being pulled to ensure that if that shower of shyte from the north east go down a safety net will be there to catch them.
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