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Everything posted by boabie

  1. Ian, there are supporters, ex players and historians who will swear blind they saw the motto "Aye Ready" on both crests attached to the main stand at Ibrox.
  2. I've been a regular at matches since 1960 and didn't know that folk sang "derry boys" until I read it on here a few hours ago.
  3. The kind of pondlife who will throw a bottle onto a crowded bus were not acting on a spur. I have no doubt they will do something else and get identified.
  4. There is no need for us to consider legal challenges mate. The legislation is already in place both within criminal law and via SFA rules. The fact is, nobody is interested and nothing any Rangers fan says is going to change that.
  5. While agreeing with your first sentiment there, the Labour party is finished mate. The professional suits who'd never done a days work in their lives took over and ruined the party. A terrorist loving beard is now in charge but the grooming of his successor has already started and that will lead to another all out war in their ranks. It will be another 30 years before they sort themselves out. All in my opinion of course.
  6. Nope Bear. Nobody is allowed to die. The usual suspects would still take offence at that line. If we sang "we'll give you a kiss" they'd still be offended. The fact is, they want Rangers dead and no amount of appeasing is going to satisfy them.
  7. From the official site - http://rangers.co.uk/news/rangers-tv/video-stairway-13-documentary/?
  8. He could play the box 20 years ago mate. It's just a pity he couldn't do something else with it.
  9. Provide the funding to see us past the major criminal trial and we will be cash rich.
  10. A Happy New Year to all Rangers fans around the world. To start off the year can I point out how utter garbage the tv was last night. BBC Scotland outdid themselves with hours of dross which shows just how devoid of talent those at Pacific Quay really are. Here's to promotion.
  11. When there are complete erses like Greenslade working for the papers down there and doing their best to blacken Rangers it's easy to become angry rather than feeling despair mate.
  12. The SNP influence would not prevent the BBC or other media outlets from reporting in a fair and unbiased manner when it comes to how the manky mob behave themselves. The toytown parliament is only one layer of what has happened in this country.
  13. It is a question which will never be answered. Apart from the Rangers-hating deluded halfwits who all appear to have "well placed sources" in all the online discussions I have NEVER seen any direct quote from any law or football source stating it is banned. I have seen posts on other forums from Rangers supporters alluding to somebody with connections inside Ibrox being shown proof by the baldy ex catalogue model who previously worked for us, but none of them could back it up.
  14. No Rangers fan is singing about "black people". Do you know the definition of a ****** ? Is it any secret that the manky mob refer to themselves as ******s ? Is it right that they can call themselves by that name but choke the phone lines when Rangers fans call them that ? As far as "hun" goes, apart from one criminal case where a hoop wearing brain donor got mentioned in court when was the last or indeed any example of the Scottish football authorities taking action against their fans for referring to us as huns ?
  15. Here's what you wrote, " Some are gripped by an uncontrollable urge to mention the pope and the IRA. " So what if they do ? I don't do it myself but am still saying that anything our fans say, sing or do will still cause offence to the usual suspects - even where there is nothing to get bothered about . If it annoys the other side then more power to our fans who do it.
  16. Oooooooooops !! Yeh, some of us just couldn't take to that guy.
  17. Rangers fined Lafferty. The SFA then made him the first player to get banned for simulation. He was banned for two months.
  18. RS it makes no difference what we sing. Just a few weeks ago Gillivan and the others had us singing The Famine Song and were questioning why the police had not made mass arrests . When it was pointed out to them we were actually singing a song about the lads who formed our club there was not even a hint of an apology. They hear what they want to hear and would continue to be offended even if we stopped singing altogether. It has nothing to do with songs. These people want nothing short of Rangers being erased from history.
  19. Spiers likes to think he is of some consequence , the truth being he is merely a useful idiot for nutters like Gillivan and Muirhead. Your observation comes as no surprise to me mate and is one of the reasons I reserve the right to sing what I want at a match. Give us a level field and I'll consider taking notice of what a cabal of Rangers-hating headcases think.
  20. The first time I ever heard that song was a few years ago in the Bluebell Bar, Tenerife. Our host for the night, a Hogmanay party in June, sang it. Within a year the song had really taken off amongst our support.
  21. That just isn't going to happen Mac. Songs in praise of terrorism are sung every single match the clatties are involved in and there doesn't seem to be any rush to make mention of it by any section of our press.
  22. I can only ever remember Ronnie making a couple of mistakes in all the time I watched him. The cup final when the clatties scored with 2 penalties being one of course.
  23. As a side note to the debate I remember a discussion with a fellow bear many years ago about Ronnie McKinnon who he described as a " no nonsense centre half who always simply booted the ball up the park." He changed his mind when I showed him a recording of England v Scotland 1967 at Wembley. Ronnie was always much more than a hoofer.
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